Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Well now let's see…where did I leave off.  I think we had done the banana bread trail.

But first:  52 challenge weekly update:  Laugh.  Yup!  She wants you to laugh more.  She goes into a lot of detail about laughing and how it makes a difference in your life.  So, there you go peeps!  Start right now as you are reading this and start laughing!  Try to get others to laugh with you (but they might be laughing AT you..oh well)

On Sunday we did nothing.  And I mean nothing.  The kids went out all day.  Cookie and I washed our hair (shovel list), I trimmed Cookie's hair, it was really really windy, a giant vase blew over and smashed to pieces on the lanai, Spod did an awful job of cleaning it, it took two others to actually get all the glass up (Myles even vacuumed  the grass), I cooked onion soup in the crockpot with ox tails, and we talked and talked and gossiped and talked some more.  Like you wanted to know all that.

Yesterday we left around two and we took them up to the golf course by the plantation.  Frank Lloyd Wright built it back in the twenties, a tribute to Marilyn Munro.  So beautiful.  We then went to the plantation and it was truly beautiful and Cook and I bought some jewelry.  We found a fantastic little store with a jeweller that reminded me of Ted from Bamfield.  We had such an enjoyable time up there.

From there we went home and duded up for our dinner at Mamma's Fish House.  Off we went and the evening was truly magical!  There was an almost full moon in the sparkly sky and the wind was whipping the scuddy clouds and palm fronds. The tiki torches were blowing…truly beautiful.  And of course dinner was astounding and we all waddled out of there, doggie bags under our arms.

Today is the kids last full day.  They are heading over to the beach (if they ever get going lol!!) and at three we are all going up to Lahaina.  We shall do Front street one more time, hit a pupu lounge somewhere there and come back and have a dance party.  Gotta wear off some of those calories.  TTYL

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