Monday, December 21, 2015


Okay, I just read Shannon's comment and questions about the blinking eye thing.  Jeez!  Way to complicate simple communication!!!  This coming from someone who plays bird videos for their cat?  Hmmmmm....That cat is very fortunate to have you for a mummy!!!!

The other day I went downstairs to turn the gas corner stove on.  It heats the whole house and will cut down on how often the furnace goes on.  And that just might help with the allergies.

The knob would NOT turn.  No matter what I did it just wouldn't turn.  So I phone the right peeps and right at 8 this morning he showed up, all Mr. cheerful.  So down he goes and bam! the freaking knob turns and the fire starts up.  And he couldn't tell my why it wouldn't turn for me.  So if it happens again I shall be shutting the whole thing down and not using it.  Its like sick kids, the minute you get them to the doctor they perk up and get better.

I am sick, genuinely sick.  And I am pissed off.  I did not get any wrapping done last night.  I am not getting any cleaning done.  I am not getting the food shopping lists done.  Monte is still sick too.  This just could not be happening at a worse time.  Well all I know is  I have a twenty pound turkey showing up in my life on Thursday!  I know April and Myles will be a huge help.  Thanks to people bringing stuff, my part in Friday dinner is not huge.  Stuffing, potatoes, candied yams and gravy. And I can do that blindfolded!  Thats my favourite part of making a turkey dinner.  Others are doing the dessert and vegetables and cranberry sauce.  The finicky stuff.

And this year I just may not wrap all the presents. I have a zillion plastic bags.  I can just put stuff in them.  I always threaten to do this but never have. Unwrapping is a lot of fun xmas morning.  I love it.  I just don't like the wrapping part.

Jesus I feel right shitty.  I am going to shut this down and see if I can sleep a while.  I didn't sleep much last nite....thanks to STUPID coughing.  (shovel list)

Before I go though...I don't write about celebrities or things that happen in Hollywood...mainly because its seems uninteresting to most.  But...I am going to express here how bad I feel for Steve Harvey.  He is one of the people in Hollywood I truly like.  I think he is funny and honest and has integrity.  And his mistake last night in the Miss whatever pageant was so awful.  I feel really bad for him.  I hope people go easy on him.  There.  Thats all I am going to say and for some of you who maybe don't know who Steve Harvey is...well it just aint that important!!!  TTYL


  1. Well these are important questions. We need to build in a contingency plan, incase your coughing-stoke causes endless eye twitching! I promise though, if you do turn into a blinking vegetable, I will play bird videos for you too. Maybe the eye twitching will make them seem 3-D!

  2. Haha! Shannon, you are hilarious!

  3. I cannot imagine how bad he feels....awful situation. But there are thousands of PERFECT people out there who will lambast him for it, right?

    I am so damn sorry you are sick. That sucks at this time of year. I know how much you look forward to the holidays. I hope you feel better soon!
