Sunday, May 5, 2024


 I bet some of you thought I was talking about the dog, whom we have decided to call by his old original name.  He responds to it and seems more comfortable.  But....Floppy?  Stupid unsuitable name.  There is only one thing on him that is floppy, an unmentionable.  But Floppy it is.

But no. He is not the new boss.  My new boss is on my arm.  I did the research and bought the top rated smart watch.  And it wasn't an Apple Watch or one of those 300 dollar specials.  It was a forty dollar humble not that pretty watch.

This sucker does everything except make me coffee.  It does your sleep patterns, oxygen levels, blood pressure, heart rate and......pedometer.  And it's the pedometer that is screaming at me.  I guess fifty steps a day isn't good?  Sigh.  (shovel list)

Yesterday I was into Walmart not once, but twice!  And a Walmart trip entails a LOT of walking so I was happy to go.  I ran around that store fifty times and it is massive.  I was feeling pretty happy with my unusual amount of activity.  So as I settled in for the night I checked my awesome stat...I didn't even hit 2,000!!!  How can that be!!!!  Grrrrrr.....  Dam dam dam!! 

 Well Floppy is pretty much at the stage where I will be able to safely walk him. I don't want him escaping again and disappearing down the block and gone from sight.  Thank god for decent people who found him and brought him back to us.  Embarrassing.  But it is time to walk him.  He will be pretty easy unless he spots a cat, or a dog, or a human, or a squirrel, or a moving blade of grass.

I have a lot of things coming up.  Tomorrow I sit down with new insurance people.  I am moving my insurance to a local place.

Remember the water damage and mould fiasco a couple months back?  Well it was cheaper for me to fix whatever it would be than try to find out definitively what the cause was.  It has completely stopped anyway.  I cancelled the whole thing.  But as I was forming the email doing just that, my agent got hold of me and said because of the unfinished 'claim' they would not renew me.  Have said before that I hate insurance companies, all of them, and I hold them all responsible for anything and everything that can go wrong with anything that goes wrong in the world.

So new place and I have a book of questions and requests.  I am sure the last customer they wanna see walk through their door is a customer that has a 1.2 million dollar fire under their belt.  Oh well!!!

I am going to Nanaimo on the 8th.  Our van is coming home!!!  The kids are bringing it home and we are meeting them at the ferry to pick it up.  Thank goodness.  No Floppy in the car!!!  He is as hairy as they come!

On Mother's Day Monte is taking me out to the Starboard Grill for a Mother's Day Brunch.  They put on a delicious spread.  It isn't a huge one, just absolutely delicious.  I don't know how they do it but the salmon is juicy!!!!

Then on the 16th Floppy is scheduled for a spa day, way out in the boonies in a kind of dog patchy area.  Either I am taking him or Monte is.  If it's me I am taking Ange with me for protection.  I have seen that lady in action.  She could beat down a bad guy way better than I ever could!!!  I asked her and she kindly said yes!

Okay I am worn out just typing all that and thinking about all those days I have to get dressed.  (shovel list). So I am putting a comma in it here as me Ma used to say.  Stay happy people!!!  TTYL

'When the fun goes out of getting dressed, you might as well be dead.'  Iris Appel...who is this broad?  What the hell does she know, I ask?  Clearly she didn't get educated by the pandemic.  Hmmmph!!!!

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