Saturday, May 11, 2024


 I am very grateful for you constant readers.  My posts are anything but scintillating yet you stick with it.  I thank you.

Well the van is back in stellar amazing shape.  Those two tarted that thing up as the British say!  And now Floppy won't ruin the back seat of Smudge.  There is already plenty of hair there from the two times he was back there.

The trip to Nanaimo went by so quickly.  At first it seemed a long way to go for toilet paper.  We got to the predesignated pub and waited for the kids to show up.  I was so excited to see them.  It has been so long since I laid eyes on those two.

They showed up with arms full of flowers, olive oil, a cute wee jar of something special I will mention in the next paragraph!  And they were so happy and smiley and it was just plain joyous to see both of them.

We ordered food and talked and talked.  We all had stories to tell!  Aryn and I went over a few wedding details.  Aryn is the maid of honour and Bradley the best man. Bradley and Aryn are connected to the venue.  Bradley deejays there sometimes and has become friends with the owner and staff.  What a godsend it was to find that place.  It was cheaper than any other place by two thirds and April is totally determined to do this wedding on an extreme budget.  It is going to be a DIY wedding.  Thank goodness she is creative!  Anyway it was fantastic to spend at least a little time with them.

Hunnie.  Honey made from fallen apples by a company called Mindful Füd.  I got a random marketing email outlining their company and their product, Vegan Hunnie.  The gal part of the duo used to have a food delivery service, healthy being the main intent of her food.  But her business location burnt to the ground which totally ended the delivery service business.

So she pivoted and developed the hunnie. They have done an amazing job of marketing as you can buy the hunnie all over BC everywhere.  It's amazing!  Then I noticed the address of the Mindful.  It is on Lynn Valley Road in North Vancouver!!!  Right near our old place.

I drop shipped from Amazon a bottle of apple honey to each one of my kids to try.  I thought it would especially be of interest to the vegan kids in Penticton. 

 Then I was on the phone to April, gushing about this little successful company, telling her about the jar of hunnie coming her way, when she says, "They are friends of mine!!!  I have that hunnie and I promote it everywhere I can and I take pictures of me using it and post them on instagram."  Well jeez....I couldn't believe it!!!  I want to meet them!!!  And I want that hunnie stocked in our town! And I forgot to order one for me!  Jeez!!

Well down in that bag that Aryn and Bradley brought  with them was the cutest little jar that Aryn had filled with some of that amazing apple hunnie and I gotta tell ya it is beyond delicious.  I like it better than real honey and it costs way less!!!!  You can't beat that.

I hope you were one of the thousands that saw the Northern Lights last night.  They were insane!!!!  April got some amazing pics and so did Monte.  I will try to put some below.  Gotta bounce...have a great day!  TTYL

'It takes a bee ten thousand trips to collect enough nectar to make one pound of honey'. Sue Monk Kidd

bees make honey to feed themselves.  we take it away from them.  bees die.  another really good reason to get this less expensive, better tasting product!



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