Monday, July 8, 2024


 Today is housecleaning day.  Caroline is due to show up here in about ten minutes.  I pay her either fifty bucks for an hour and a half or 70 for two hours.  Like I have said before she is the sweetest girl but she doesn't dust, empty the waste baskets or do the microwave.  Which is no big deal 35 bucks a short hour you would think that would be part of it.  I have been spoiled by Milly and Alice before her.

I clean the house of all things that don't belong and clean the kitchen and bathroom every time before she comes.  Sometimes it takes me a couple of days...I have to sit down about every fifteen minutes to unpain my back and hip.  Thank Om (not using God any more...too many connotations) the pain DOES go away.

Now that we have Floppy I also have to do a cursory vacuum.  If she came every week I probably wouldn't have to but over two weeks?  Hokey Dinah!!!  There is a thick layer of dog hair all over the stairs and floors.  So I have hauled my vacuum up and I do a cursory vacuum as well.  And I let Ange have all my swifter stuff which I can borrow back now and then.  Over the three days I got a pretty good workout so I do believe I will be letting Caroline go and taking over my own housekeeping.  And to be honest, I will not feel lazy and guilty anymore.  I have to admit that at the moment I am sitting in a very clean house waiting for a housekeeper.  Seems awfully silly and indulgent.

I am trying to add three hundred dollars to my monthly income.  So firing her will add 100.  As soon as I empty out the storage unit in Kamloops that will be another 100.  And a call to Telus and a rearranging of all that will add at least another hundred.  Then I will start selling stuff.  I have some pretty good stuff...a four year old stove, a beautiful buffet with glass doors, a 130 dollar Roku still in the box never opened, two seven foot beautiful benches, and so on.  

To tell you the truth budgeting like this makes me more comfortable than not budgeting.  Over the past few years I have been uneasy being able to pretty much acquire what I want and need.  Not anymore.  Not cooking for three every night has certainly helped.  I miss the cooking though!  I also raised both their rents.  That really helps!

At the moment I am holed up in my room and I am cooking!!!  It is 36 today and MUGGY!!!!  And for some reason there isn't a register in my room.  Why I ask????  So it doesn't cool off like the rest of the house.  It is a lovely 69 F out there in the rest of the house but in here it is 34C.  That is getting close to 100 F!!!.  I gotta stay here til she leaves.  If this post doesn't get to you it's cuz I died.  Please tell someone to come look for me if you don't get it!

Well tomorrow is laundry day. (shovel list). I hate doing laundry.  I have to pack.  I leave next Monday, a week from today for Vancouver.  On the next Monday after that I go to Kamloops and then the Monday after that I head back to Vancouver.  Certain things need to be done before I leave.

And the two most important are...1.  car insurance, due by next Tuesday and 2...Monte has lost the keys to the van.  We cannot find them anywhere whatsoever.  We know they came into the house but they are gone.  We all have turned the place upside down and he needs keys if he wants wheels whilst I am gone for two or three weeks.  I even asked Caroline to keep an eye out for them while she cleans.  Not that she moves anything around at all.

Thats it for today folks.  I can't breathe anymore so I am going to just lay my head down for a while and hope I wake up in a while!  TTYL

'When I feel the heat, I see the light.'  Everett Dickson.   well holy hell, I am blinded by the heat!

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