Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 I am at April and Myles's place granddog sitting.  They don't have air conditioning.  I do have air conditioning at home and keep the house at a cool 69 F or 19 C all the time.  But....they have a tall floor fan and I have it blowing right smack on me at full blast and there are times I actually get chilly!!!  And it gets super hot in here.  I must remember this!!

I had a great trip over on the ferry.  Just before the little street to the ferry terminal, there is a gas station with a poke place attached to it.  I whipped in there and got a Hawaiian Tuna poke bowl and ate it whilst sitting on the tarmac in the line up for the ferry.  Thank goodness I got a reservation.  There was a two ferry wait!  And I was an hour and a half early.

So there was absolutely no need to get out of the car on the ferry.  I read my awesome Jodi Picoult novel and people watched and relaxed.  It couldn't have been better.

So now here I am.  The kids left at 5:30 am the next morning.  And I purposely didn't get Myles to show me how to turn on and use the tv or rabbit ears or the Roku.  I am told I am too addicted to t.v. which may be but....I grew up without tv due to being way up north and also the cult we belonged to didn't believe in tv or movies or music or reading any book other than the bible and dancing and alcohol (I was okay with that one)or playing cards or smoking.  Also women couldn't cut their hair, wear makeup or pants of any sort.  Men could do anything they wanted and as we have just found out (us kids, especially us girls knew already) included sexual abuse.  It was rampant amongst the workers (our male and female preachers).  So when tv became a standard in our life I glomped on with the vengeance of crazy glue.  And all the years I did live alone, tv was like having another person in the house.  I just liked the noise.

So no tv and I choose no music.  It is just too emotional.  Either I am hating it or crying.  I have zero control to my reactions to music.  I am sitting here listening to the washer going, the birds outside singing, kids playing, planes flying over and blogging.  I just finished making a huge pot of dahl...the worst one I have ever made.  I put salt in from a salt shaker I am not used to, so it is too salty.  So I added sugar to help bring down the saltiness, which worked but now it doesn't taste like my dahl usually does.  It will be really good served over rice.  (hopefully...shovel list)

As I mentioned before, Graeme is riding up to Kamloops with me!  I am so happy.  We have decided to go through the canyon.  I haven't been that way in years.  It will be pretty nostalgic, so many memories.

  When I first went over it in the fifties there were long parts not even paved yet.  The tunnels all were blasted rock and no lighting.  It was pretty exciting.  I think we are going to just take our time and stop whenever and where ever we want to.  We will stop first along the way to load up on drinks and road snacks!  Maybe at the Flying J, my fave truck stop just before Hope.  Also for the first time in ages I won't have a dog to think about!

Well I am too hot to keep writing.  I am tired tonight.  I made a massive batch of dahl today and I have bagged it and put it in their freezer.  I am also hungry but too tired to make anything.  I have a whack of raw cheap ass wieners in the fridge.  I think I will cut some of them up and put them with cut up tomatoes and my home made thousand islands.  My fave lazy dinner.  TTYL




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