Thursday, July 11, 2024


 I am so freaking fed up.  I can never find anything in this stupid house.  And I have been trying to figure out if it's because my memory is going or if there is NOWHERE TO PUT ANYTHING.

If stuff had a home then fine, I would know where it is.  But if there is nowhere to make it a home, then thats like thousands of things to remember where you put it.

For example I put two tacks up on the wall on each side of the sink.  On the one side are the kitchen scissors.  On the other side are the oven mitts.  I always know where they are and I always get them hands on in seconds.

But half the groceries I just had delivered?  Even the ones going into the fridge I can't find one day later.  As for croutons, and taco shells, and baking powder etc...forget it.  I could spend three hours emptying the cupboards and after not finding it, putting everything back.  

I have had it with my clothes in my bedroom.  I have one drawer, so full I can hardly shut it, and two shelves, not big ones and a stuffed closet.  And today?  Three giant garbage bags.  One for clothes I am keeping.  One for clothes that are a maybe. And one for garbage or the diabetes pick up.  

I know this feeling.  It happens when I get too disorganized.  I am clearing out this house.  I am done.  Shits going.  I am going to start filling every box that comes into this house until there is barely anything left.  Purge time.  I want my house to echo.  I am going to pretend I am Steve Jobs.  It's all going.  And from now til I am dead I do not want birthday presents or xmas presents.  At least not tangible ones.

Sorry for the rant.  TTYL

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