Sunday, December 21, 2014


Another very mundane day except for one thing…and that one was NOT cool.  I shall get to that in a moment.  This is going to be a short post.  Nothing much to report other than the NOT cool thing.

This morning I spent some serious time making a long list.  Superstore list, Canadian Tire list, Costco list and Millstream Market and Stokes.  And as you have probably already picked up on….shopping, especially multiple stops shopping, is very near the top of my shovel list.  Its a true procrastinator's nightmare.  

So I had a brilliant idea.  Send Monte!!!  He loves going all over creation and shopping and getting things and checking out stuff.  And thats exactly what happened.  He left around noon and got home around four!  And to top it off, it was a butt ugly day out there…wind, rain, PEOPLE…(shovel list).  And he got everything!  Exactly what I wrote down.  I was really happy!

Tonight, and this is the NOT cool part, I heard a noise down beside my chair, the shelf side.  Then I noticed Molly booking it out of my room here, with purpose.  This kind of caught my attention.  What the hell could she have found this time…she is such a grotty little dog.  So I looked and looked and couldn't figure out anything, I just cleaned down there yesterday.  But I did remember that when I dug out a pen from the back of the middle shelf, something fell.  Not a big something so I wasn't too concerned.  I couldn't immediately see anything down there.  But now I am wondering.  What could have fallen because whatever it was, she had it.  I just knew it.

I hoisted out of my chair, surreptitiously snuck over to where she was hunkered down licking and mouthing something.  Finally I simply went over and booted her aside and guess what fell out of her mouth?  My bottom plate (teeth).  I remembered putting them on the shelf because they were hurting my gums.  Its not something I ever do so I didn't immediately think 'teeth' when something fell and there she is, the grotty little cow, chewing on MY teeth!  Fortunately she didn't have them long enough to do damage.

Many years ago, Princess, our first little Pomeranian, did exactly the same thing.  What the hell!!!!  Stupid dogs.  TTYL

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