Thursday, September 4, 2014


Its been a long long day.  I am finding Spod fluctuating between faint hope and total acceptance.  One minute he is feeling like something is going to come along and help him enough to come home for at least a while and then he plummets down to acceptance that this is the end.  And truthfully, until we hear it definitively from the oncologist's mouth, whom we still have yet to see, there is a glimmer of hope.

But this is what we do know.  It isn't curable.  It has spread.  He needs saline intravenous to keep him hydrated.  He is getting morphine and diladid (sp?) for the pain.  He is now getting insulin injections for his diabetes.  He can't eat and can barely drink.  So obviously they will have to do something drastic to him so he can come home again.  Lets just say I bought the week long parking pass instead of the hourly ones today.

He phoned me tonight after I got home.  He sounded excited.  The GI doctor was in to see him and they are going to do a biopsy by colonoscopy tomorrow morning.  He said the doctor sounded positive, but he did think it was an oncologist.  The nurse came on and set me straight.  So that is good news.  I just hope it doesn't take a frigging week to get the results.  I have a feeling the oncologist isn't going to tell us what we need to know until the results are in.

Aryn arrived tonight, complete with file folders and a printer.  She HAS to keep working whether she is here or not, whether her step dad is sick or not.  I am so happy she is here.  The house feels very different tonight with her and Granddog here.  Parker is still behaving crazy.  He is asleep under my chair as we speak, not on the couch where he always sleeps.

I think Monte is arriving tomorrow and on Friday April and Myles.  The more people around the better it is!  As long as they can all open a fridge we should all be fine.  One good thing….there is a piano at the end of Spod's hallway!  He LOVES hearing us play so I shall check with the nurses and then we will all take our turn and play for him.  He will love it.  

Not much else to report unfortunately.  I am just super glad the hospital is so easy to get to.  And I am grateful that the nurses just love Spod.  He teases them.  I swear he is having a pretty good time in there.  High on drugs, taken care of at every turn, pretty ladies to tease…all new to him and he is enjoying it!  Bless him.  TTYL

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