There isn't much different today. He isn't as able to get down to the cafeteria any more. Slowly but surely he is wasting away. But…he sure still has his sense of humour! Out of the blue he will make a funny crack about something! He talked to Jen's boys tonight and he told Rowan (mid teens) not to get married, that all a wife does is nag and his mother is already nagging and he doesn't need two going at him! JEEZ!!
I went over this morning near lunch. He was sound asleep and had been all morning. I woke him up (accidentally, his stupid foot was super pointing up, at the foot of the bed and I whacked it as I tried to wiggle by to the chair, and whacking a diabetic's foot is never good). He jolted awake and sat up. Kathy and Kerry phoned and I said we would meet them in the cafeteria. So after a half hour (or so it seemed) bathroom break we headed down. He barely made it. Poor Spod. As he sat at the table with us his eyes kept rolling up in his head and he would fall asleep. He finally asked to be taken back to his room.
After dropping him off Kathy and Kerry came back here for coffee. We sat out on the deck and I can see those days are maybe coming to an end as its getting chilly, even in the middle of the day. But for today it was lovely. Soon they were on their way, and they are heading home in the morning. I loved having them here.
Spod phoned me at six to say Mandy was there. So I headed over and it was obvious Mandy and Spod had had a great time together. He needed a sleep so Mandy and I went down the hall and visited until Monte arrived. She will be back tomorrow…such an amazing person she is. Her visit totally perked him right up. So many memories to remember!
Monte, Aryn and I had a fun time in purple room tonight. Kathy suggested I go have a look at the hospice and even talk to them about everything. So after the appliances arrive tomorrow Aryn and I just may do that. We also need to go pick out the arborite for the kitchen countertops. That place just happens to be on the way back from the hospice. Then it will be off to see Spod again. I quite like going in there. This hospital is homey, smells good (it always smells like Sunday dinner) and the staff are beyond amazing.
So as you can see its same old same old. Still no diagnosis but I am now sure we have been pushed to the bottom of the list to make room for younger, more helpable people. Thats okay. We don't really care anymore.
So there goes my head again. I should just leave the goofy stuff my hands type when I nod off. So silly. TTYT
We had fun but I think you had more fun....throwing jellybeans!