Thursday, September 11, 2014


I just reread last night's post!  Hahaha!  I didn't even finish the dog story.  I think I was past thinking straight.  I will try to do better with this post! I will keep it really short!

Spod is finally ready and receiving a full colonoscopy and biopsy tomorrow!  The GI doc came up this afternoon to talk to us.  And he told us that they will be able to tell almost right away what kind of cancer it no waiting around by the sounds of it.  (although I have heard this before).  And I don't really know what happens after that.  I am not sure if he goes straight down to the cancer place or if he comes home to wait until they phone.  Probably the latter.  Poor Spod.

I had to take Monte in to emergency this afternoon.  He is truly suicidal, unwillingly, but a chemically imbalanced brain knows not what it does.  They told him to go down to the old hospital, royal jubilee, which serves as both a cancer clinic and a mental hospital, by either ambulance or me driving him.  We came home to see how it went and Emily came out to talk with him.  The two of them are very close and I trust her judgement implicitly.  It was decided he needed to go.  So Emily, bless her heart, stepped up to the plate in a BIG way and is driving him down.  I hope they keep him in for a while, for my peace of mind if not a cure for him.  Poor Monte.  This has been a long long battle.

Jim, Jan, Frank and Joan came to visit Spod today.  He enjoyed it so much, as did I.  It was so good to see them.  Its been a while so we had lots of new to catch up on.  Somewhere along the visit Monte brought Parker to the hospital and we all sat outside.  Once Parker settled a little, he sat beside Spod's wheelchair.  And tonight he is much calmer and laying out in the  living room, not right under my chair.  It was a really good day other than poor Monte.

Now its time to do some laundry and watering of plants and unloading dishwasher.  It will help with the waiting to hear about Monte.  Plus at midnight tonight, my awesome nephew David told me that due to huge sun flare day before yesterday we are going to get northern lights so strong they could reach down here!  And where we live its mighty dark out so….here's hoping!!!!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for just one comment, I just finished reading both of the last two posts so I think I am caught up now! What a lot you have on your plate with your boys these days. I will add Monte to my daily positive thinking for Bill. I hope tomorrow's events bring some clarity to the situation and that Bill does not have to wait too long to begin treatment. We think of you alot and hope for the best for all of you.
