Monday, September 29, 2014


Yesterday was one tough day.  It seems that it really sunk in for Spod yesterday.  I went in and saw him earlier in the day.  I can't even remember who was in to see him.  Maybe all the kids.  I remember…Monte.  He played our fave pieces on the piano while Spod and I sat cuddled up on the couch.  And then we both started crying and poor Monte finishes one of our favourite pieces, turns around and there we are blubbering like babies.  It discombobulated him to say the least!

  Then later,Myles, April, Aryn and I all piled into Monte's brand new (to him) crazy nice Jeep and went down town to Pags for a delicious Italian dinner.  We had lots to drink too!

On the way home, around seven thirty, we stopped off at the hospital and sat out in the elevator/piano area and had a raucous laughing good time.  Spod was thrilled.  About nine I put him to bed then we all went home.  I wasn't home but a minute when he phoned me.  He started crying :(  My heart broke and I dashed out the door, into the car and tore over there.  Poor guy was so lonely and scared.  So I just sat with him until he fell asleep.

Today he was moved to a new room by himself.  Heaven!!!!  Stan, Shannon, Myles, April and myself could all visit him at once and not be stepping on each others feet with nowhere to sit.  It was awesome.  He is so happy with his room.  Tomorrow we are snagging a wheelchair for his personal use…permanently..

Tonight Monte, Stan and I went down to the 'checkered flag' for dinner. MMMM it was so good.  After dinner I visited a while with Stan and then I went back to the hospital to put Spod to sleep.  Easier said than done I might add.  He simply does not sleep during the night.  We had a much better night tonight.  

Okay I have to quit here.  I can't even see straight and my head is beyond bobbin…TTYL


  1. I am so glad you got the private room! That has to be so much more comfortable. I hope you get some good sleep tonight. Sure sounds like you need it.

  2. My heart feels, lump in throat and tears in eyes. Thank u for sharing such beautiful stuff. I love you all. Please hug each other for me. Xo.
