Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Tomorrow we head to Nanaimo to pick up Graeme.  He is here for only a couple of days, actually only one full day.  I love having him visit.  I have a big container of chilli in the fridge I made yesterday.  He seems to like chilli.  I shall get some Texas garlic toast to go with it and some kind of yummy dessert.

And tomorrow the Mars Bomber, the massive fire bomber does its final flight tomorrow, accompanied by the Snow Birds.  So somewhere along the way we shall pause our day and watch the flyover.  They are taking a coastal route, taking time to fly over coastal municipalities for us to see.  We will be tracking it so we will know when and where to go to watch it go over.

I was telling Graeme, who is very keen to see this event, that I did the same thing one time years ago when we were told that in our hemisphere at two in the morning we could see the space shuttle fly over way up high, returning from outer space.  No one else in our house was interested but I wrapped up in a blanket and went out and sat shivering in the cold, waiting with bated breath.  And then suddenly there it was as it slowly moved across the whole north sky.  I almost fainted I was so excited!!!!

I think I have also mentioned here that when I was five, Oct. 4th 1957 I was lying in bed staring out the window when I saw a star MOVING!!!!  Stars didn't ever move like that.  So I risked death (absolutely not allowed to get out of bed after we were in it!!!)  and went out to Mom and Dad and told them.  They went out and sure enough...they knew what it was from hearing it on the CBC radio news.  They quickly told people that lived on the farm (by crank phone) and we all stood outside in awe and watched it very slowly cross the sky.  And then many many years later I stood in the Smithsonian in Washington DC and saw part of Sputnik on display.  I still can't wrap my brain around that one.  No words.

So whilst purchasing turlett paper and dog food and Graeme dessert



at Costco we shall keep an eye on the sky!!!  We have driven out to the airport and Sproat Lake her in Port to see it in it's home spots.  And we have seen it fly occasionally but this is the last.  It is on its way to the aviation museum in Victoria.  Biggest skimmer in the world!

So that is our exciting information for today.  I will see it I can get a pic of it going over.  I think I am more excited to see the Snow Birds!!!  Have a great day TTYL

I tried and tried to find a quote about Sputnik but everything I found was all about the Americans and what they thought....nothing from Canada or even Russia for heaven's sake.  Frankly I don't give a hoot what the US felt about it...I wanted to write a quote from either a Canadian or Russian.  So no quote today.

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