Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 The other day I made a huge pot of chilli.  It was delicious.  As Graeme was coming the next day I stuck the massive amount of leftovers into the fridge.  Graeme likes chilli.

I also made a Walmart delivery for the next morning which included Texas toast garlic bread.  I had an idea.

Yesterday the boys went to Bamfield so I planned the chilli dinner for last night after they got home.  Now for my idea.

I decided to make grilled cheese sandwiches out of the garlic Texas toast I had ordered to go with the chilli....but....before they left for their outing we were having coffee.  I described to them how I had bought sliced cheddar cheese and jalapeño havarti cheese to make grilled cheese sammiches, using the Texas toast, to go with the chilli.  Monte asked if I had tomato soup...which I did.  And they wanted the sammiches AND the tomato soup for breakfast!  Or early lunch!

So that is what I did.  I layered the cheese on the very buttery garlicky thick pieces of bread.  I warmed up my electric grill and plopped them down on the hot surface.  I heated up the soup and flipped the sandwiches back and forth until they were crispy and the cheese all melty.  I gave them each a mug of hot soup and a couple of those sandwiches.

Now I wish I had taken a bite of one of them.  I can't report first hand how good they were but according to the boys they were amazing!!!!  The soup maybe not so much....it was a blue can Campbells, less calories, less yumminess.  But they were happy!  I made plain garlic Texas toast for supper with the chilli.

One other exciting thing that is happening is the fence we ordered for outside.  Yesterday for the first time in forever, literally, I decided to actually lay down on my bed and have a nap.  I was so tired.  And I fell absolutely sound asleep.  Dead to the world. 

 I think it was about an hour later my phone started buzzing.  I had put it under my pillow.  I grabbed it and answered but my brain and my left eye were still asleep.  Jeepers!!!!  I couldn't figure out what was being said to me and my left eye was totally crossed and wouldn't uncross!!  I had to keep shaking my head violently to shake it back into place!

It turned out to be Monte's friend who is doing our new fence addition.  He would be here to start it in fifteen minutes!!!

So I leapt out of bed, yanked my poof into place, donned my shoes and got ready to greet him at the door and to show him where the fence needed to go.  I am so excited!!!!  It's going to make it a lot easier for Ange.  She is the one that lets him out four or five times a day and watches that no deliveries are coming while he is out and then feeds him.  Now we will be able to just throw him out the deck door and leave him outside some of the time.  He won't be able to get around to the front of the house and possibly escape if a delivery comes. 


Now it is five in the a.m.  I am wide awake and watching the news.  I have def had too much sleep in the last couple of days and nights.  I arranged to NOT go to Kamloops today as planned.  We need to be here for the fence friend.  But we will take a couple of hours to take Graeme



 to Nanaimo.  I want to make a quick stop at Costco for a couple of things I forgot.

So til next time...have a great day or two!!! TTYL

'Everybody needs a friend they probably shouldn't sit next to at serious functions."  Anon. hey Cookie...remember when we were at convention?

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