Friday, August 23, 2024





This blog is my come clean space, as you may have already figured out.  No Pride Me...that is what I should be calling this blog.  So in light of that.....

Eventually two ambulances had to come.  One was for me and one was to bring lift equipment.  There was no way I could get up...the pain was too much. If I didn't hurt I would have just rolled over, stuck my ass up in the air, pushed with my hands on the ground and hopped up.  But my right arm and shoulder were definitely out of commission.  And there was no way I could roll to the left.  As it was I was somewhat laying downhill, on top of a gnome and now a broken solar lamp. A hanging basket was right over my head and I was perilously close to the wobbly shepherd hook it was hanging from.  

I was carrying a box of stuff and because I couldn't see where I was walking I totally misstepped the final step into the house.  Went over backwards and ended up on two levels of cement and a wrecked elbow, upper arm and shoulder.  I immediately felt incredibly stupid.  And it was super painful.  

Ange was with me and she was amazing!  I would have been completely lost without her.  Monte was still asleep and no way would he have heard me phone him for help.  She ran and got him.  He refused to pull my left arm to help me up, although I would have made it only to a sitting position.  He has taken industrial first aid and you are to never move a downed person.  But he did phone the ambulance.  I wouldn't have.  I would still be laying there refusing.  Too humiliating by far.  (shovel list). But he did anyway.

Then he went inside but stayed right near.  Ange bless her heart stayed right with me, talking me through it and making me laugh.  She was amazing.

As I lay there ants started to crawl all over me.  Ange was killing them as fast as possible.  Then it started to rain.  Jeez!!!!  What more could happen.  Oh yeah!  I had to really go to the loo.  What the hell?

  But due to being head down just enough to make me feel sick, I told Ange I HAD to sit up.  So she told Monte that I was insisting and she was going to help me anyway. So he accepted that and she pulled my good arm and I managed to sit up.  Thank god.

It took the ambulance almost a half hour to get here and they were also amazing.  And wouldn't you know it...she remembered me from the blood sugar low that time and she remembered Ange from when she was super sick and had to be taken in.  This was turning out to be a very ridiculous humiliating day.

As they were working on my ripped elbow, we heard a horrible thud in the house.  Monte stepped in some dog urine (shovel list...actually I want to hit the dog on the head with that shovel) and that humungous guy hit the deck.  When you are that big that can be serious but he only hurt one leg and ankle.  He was okay but.....what more could possibly happen.

The ambulance is equipped with an inflatable thing like a small chair that when pumped up it raises you to chair height and an easy peasy way to stand up.  The pump did not work.  They had to call another ambulance to come and bring the pump.  Geez!!!  Let's just have two ambulances out there for people to gawk at.  ( Shovel list)

Anyway I am now kind of incapacitated.  Every time I hit a key here my right arm screams.  LOL!!!  And walking is a bit of a challenge cuz of my twisted ankle.  And I am starving and needing coffee.  My coffee pot bit the dust this morning.  Sigh.  It just isn't my week but I am fine.  I am about to watch Judge Judy...whom I hate, for the first time in years.  And I am going to think about all the food I can't eat and I am desperately needing a coffee. Maybe I will just sit here and feel sorry for myself.  Nah...Harlequin Romances have taught me that one must not do that...ever.  

That's it for today folks.  Thanks for listening, it means a lot.  TTYL

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