Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Jeez I just saw the pics in the last post.  I have mostly recovered but I still can't lift my right arm.  I have to grab my wrist with my left hand and lift the arm.  I can't even get it up on the arm of my chair without helping it.  Yesterday I made a roast chicken dinner with all the fixins'.  By the time I was done I could not move my arm or my shoulder.  I think this is going to be a long recovery.  My arms aren't so great at the best of times.  (shovel list)

I have banned everyone from using the dining table.  It has become my sort clothing and pack table.  It is hard to decide what to take and what not too and how much.  I tend to pack too much and bring back a suitcase full of stuff I didn't even touch let alone wear.  So I have eschewed my big suitcase and am only taking my medium one.  One plus is there will be no big bulky jeans or heavy clothes.  It will all be summer shorts, shorts and tank tops.  I may roll up a rain coat.  It can be pretty rainy over there.

I did go out once this week and I drove. I probably shouldn't have with a gibbled arm.  It was a bit of a challenge but that car is so easy to drive one handed.  If it had been Gladdy I would not have attempted it.

I went and had my hair permed.  I get it spiral permed once every 12 to 18 months.  But this time I knew there was no way I could spend four hours in the chair.  So I had her do a curly regular perm for 2 hours.  And it is awful.

To begin with I can't lift my arm so I can't put my hair up in my regular poof.  And my hair down is particularly awful no matter the stage and age of the perm.

And I forgot that regular curly perms are fuzzy and ugly.  If I have the courage I will take a pic and post it here.  I hope I don't run into anyone on the boat that I know.  Last time we did this cruise we did run into people.  There are a lot of BC people doing this particular cruise because there is no expensive and annoying flying involved.  There I just took a selfie I will post.  It is not a good selfie.  My arm wasn't cooperating.  

The other day I was staring out my front window from my chair.  I can see houses and the edge of the ravine covered by trees next to it.  Something in the sky caught my attention.  It was a hovering helicopter.

 As it turns out, we heard on the news a man, undoubtedly inebriated, left one of the houses out my front window to walk home.  What he was doing in that dense forest I don't know.  He fell down a fifty foot cliff and died.  The next day search and rescue found him and they had to air lift him out of the impossible to carry him out, location.

Port Alberni seems to be the town of many unusual deaths.  For a town of 35,000 or so we are losing someone in weird ways all the time.  We had a man sit in a tall tree for a period of days and when the police went back again to try to talk him down he had hung himself.  Another one had cut his parts off and ran all bloody and nekkid into the river and drowned.  We had a man have a jacked car fall on him.  Out one of the houses near here a son shot his mother with a rifle.  We have had many many knife killings since we moved here in late 2019.  What we haven't had is killings by animal.  This town is loaded with cougars, bears and nasty minded deer.  Yet we have all managed to avoid being killed or maimed by one!

I have lived in many towns.  Started in Smithers and ended in Port Alberni.  I lived in Kamloops 3 or 4 times.  In the end I have tried to count but I have lived in approximately 7 or 8 townships.  Every one of them had a different feel about them.  Port here has, to me, the most open and recognizable feel if you know what I mean. 

 It is a very varied community.  Seniors, young people, Indigenous peoples, retirees and working people.  A bit sports oriented, very music oriented (I didn't say good!!), a town where the library is important and used, an amazing museum, and everyone here is very very proud of Port's history.  This is one of very few towns in Canada that was partially destroyed by a tsunami.  We had an Indian Residential School and we rub elbows with the native community that is still reeling from being scooped or raised by a scooped indigenous person.  This town is....personal, for the lack of a different word.  You feel a combination of belonging and pride.  We do hit the news quite often.  Either the hottest spot in Canada that day or maybe two young men went on a killing spree and caused one of the biggest man hunts in Canada.  We were trapped here due to a closed highway for four months.  And most of all?  WE ARE ON THE ROAD TO TOFINO!!!

Okay now I am rambling.  I know why too.  I don't feel like sorting a ton of clothes.  (sigh..another shovel list). So I am going to make myself bounce.  TTYL

'I am a big woman. I need big hair.' Aretha Franklin

I totally agree with her.  I have always felt this way.  Big body - big hair.


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