Saturday, September 28, 2024


Well we are home again safe and sound.  Other than being sick it was a great trip.  Every trip I take I come home with an overall super like of something and an overall super dislike.  This time I came home super liking margaritas!  With salty as heck rims and on the rocks.  Limey and delicious...ohhhh I want one right now!!!!  I could easily be a drunky on those things!

And I came home with an overwhelming dislike of slow vacuous old people.  The cruise this time was overloaded with them, a lot of them with wheels.  Two things I am glad wheelchair/walker broke and I could not join the parade of wheels on the boat, and the fact that I had to spend ten of the of the sixteen days in my room, away from all those creeping people.  The other thing is due to the age group of the majority, pretty much all of them on meds that cause the runs, the bathrooms were always lined up.  And there is nothing slower than an old lady in the loo. 

 I am not there....yet.  I can go into a bathroom and from shut the door to throwing the paper towel I dried my hands on in to the garbage by the door as I exit is approximately 45 seconds.  Some of those wrinklies are up to five minutes.  Or more.

I try not to talk too much about Floppy.  I have actually unfriended people on Facebook who have attained a new pet and you end up getting a million endless pics and antidotes about their new addition.

But let me tell you when we got home that dog went crazy!!!  He actually in his excitement put my hand in his mouth and started to clamp down!  I did an almighty yank!  Out of all my endless line of dogs over the years I have never had a welcome back like that one.  That one was EPIC!!!!!

All the stuff is still in the van.  Monte is sick and in bed.  I can't lift the stuff to bring it in.  If it weren't raining I would start bringing in armfuls of clothes!  The suitcase is pretty much full of all summer stuff, most of it clean and not worn since I did laundry.  I spent most of the trip in pjs.  So those clothes are going straight into storage for next summer.  With my luck we will have a four week hot hot hot spell.  One last kick at summer and all I have are me long johns and heavy sweaters out!!!!

Alrighty I have to get busy.  I need to buy new underwear.  On Amazon.  And I need to make a blistering review about that stupid walker before another wrinkly buys one and gets dumped out.  TFL and TTYL

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