Friday, September 6, 2024


 Well I spent 980 ish bucks yesterday.  Some good some bad and some super annoying.

The good....I help pay for a grandchild's piano lessons.  I figure it's the only legacy I can leave behind!  Except some homemade cookbooks I am trying to get to...but that's a winter project.

The bad....Clint the Plumber, actually Wendell, came, fixed and left with about just under 300 bucks.  This house was built in the early 70's and the turlett and tub are avocado green. What does that tell you?   And apparently the valves and pipes were also fifty years old.  (shovel list).  Well not anymore!!!!

The annoying....I am about ready to take Floppy back to the SPCA.  The only reason I don't is because I love him (g-dammit shovel list).  The SPCA was obviously wanting to get rid of him.

  They did NOT tell us about a whole bunch of EXPENSIVE crap he was going through.  He had just been neutered and wasn't wearing a cone.  So digging at his junk has caused injury.  He has a yeast infection...has had it for a long time...thus the itching and absolutely stinks.  He has allergies so bad I had to pay 77 bucks for a spray medicine for him.  He is now on prednisone and antibiotics.  The bill...just under two hundred bucks.  I have never had one of our shepherds, and we have had lots over the years, cost this.  It would have been a deal breaker if they had been honest about it right up front so I guess hiding the truth paid off for them.

I think I am packed now.  My bag is so heavy I can't lift it with the luggage scale.  I have brought almost all my clothes.  I don't need that many but I like to have choices!  Now if there was flying involved, and thank heaven's there isn't, it would have to be a totally different story.  But there isn't so I don't care.  I brought enough clothes I could change outfits three times, maybe four, per day.  But I know what is going to happen.  I will wear the same thing over and over and come back with basically a suitcase of clean clothes.  And that is okay.  They will go straight into the summer clothes storage bin and put away til next year.

We leave here on Monday and we are staying in the North Van hotel we always use.  The van will be staying there after us and Bradley and Aryn are picking it up on the 17th.  They need it to go to Grand Prairie to clean out their storage unit there.

We are meeting April and Myles for dinner somewhere that evening.  I am going to get hold of Aryn and see if they can meet us as well.  The place April has picked is near the sea bus so Aryn and Bradley can sea bus over.  Then the next morning we are embarking and on our way.  I can't wait!!  I will blog the first night we are on the boat...Sept. 10th with pics!  TFL.  TTYL

***. I just talked to Arnie.  She and Bradley are going to meet us Monday night for dinner at the Greek Mansion on third!!!!  Calamari!!!!!  Humus and pita, olives, spanakopita, gooey lamb....I might sneak a bottle of vicious green jelly into my purse!

'The only time to eat diet food is while you are waiting for the steak to cook.'  Julia Child




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