Monday, August 5, 2024


Ummm...let's see.  I partially unpacked.  I am slowly figuring out what I am going to take on the cruise in Sept.  My stupid brain defaults to it being a chilly cruise then I remember we are going to Hawaii, not Alaska and it is HOT there!  So it's time to stop wearing my white shorts and shirts and shoes and packing them while they are still white!!!

Let's see....I bought blueberries today...locally hand picked.  Quality Foods behind us here is selling five pound boxes for fifteen bucks.  Can't beat that.

Whilst there Monte and I got lunch.  At their lunch area you pour your own coffee.  I then went and got the blueberries and discovered I was missing my credit carard.  It was the one that I had just used for lunch.  So I went ripping back there and...yes, they had it.  I had set it down to pour the coffee.  Someone turned it in to the lunch cashier.  What a dummy.

Graeme is coming next weekend.  We need to make a run to Costco for dog food and turlett paper so we will go when we can pick up Graeme afterwards.  On Tuesday the 13th we will leave super early, get the nine ferry, take Graeme home and then head up to Kamloops.  We are taking the van so we can empty the storage locker into it to bring home.  We have one more fairly empty storage room here we will put it all in and sort it here.  The only drawback is rats.  I am pretty sure that room wasn't rat proofed so we will have to sort and chuck and put away stuff fairly fast.  Especially the photos....they love to rip up the photos.

Thats literally it.  That is all I have done.  I cooked and cleaned but I am a woman so that doesn't count.  Now I am going to go and get me a scoop of ice cream.  Butterscotch ripple...gotta chase that brown streak!!  It's diet ice cream.  TTYL

'I don't eat lobster, shrimp or crawfish because I don't eat anything that looks like I should step on it.'  George Carlin



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