Sunday, August 18, 2024


 I think I would like people to treat my home like they used to treat Bamfield. Cookie,  remember how you would round up your chillins and come stay for two weeks?  And we would laugh and eat and go to Pachena and go adventuring out into the bush on terrible roads and sit in the window like a couple of old crows drinking shitty wine or a Bamfield special. Boy do I ever miss those days.

I remember when I discovered making potato chip/mayo covered salmon cakes and as much as people loved them, no one loved them as much as you did!  It was a pure pleasure to make them for you.  And guess what I am about to make today!!!

Yesterday my salmon connection texted.  He caught five sockeye yesterday.  He was selling them cheap because they were getting red spots on them...a sign that it is spawning time.  As he said they are rough looking but still delicious.  So I bought one.  I have eaten totally red, barely fresh, but still fresh enough, fish when I lived up north.

Last night I baked it and this time I didn't wrap it up in tin foil.  I simply threw it into the oven, head and all.  Man! it was so much easier to take the skin off and it was perfectly moist and delicious.  We ate half.  I made the usual dill béchamel for it.  But now I have half a cooked salmon, not a big one so I may add some canned salmon.  Canned salmon is one fish  that tastes awesome canned.

I even remember what to put into the patties.  But I did dream up an easier neater way to cover them with mayo and coat in chips.  So I shall practice the new method.   It involves a paint brush!  I will take pics of the finished product and post it below!!!  Only thing missing is YOU!!!

I was also remembering your flat tire.  We were so positive we were female warriors and we could for sure change that tire...and we couldn't. We had to get someone to do it for us!  Oh the shame!!!!!  But we tried!!!  Now the road is paved and half the adventure is gone.

I was thinking that we should have one more retreat up there.  I am pretty sure we could find a large place to rent.  I remember when twenty girls would drive up there for the retreats.  If it ends up just the two of us that is okay with me!!!  If that happens you MUST bring Brian.  I miss him and his goofy jokes and stories.  I will never forget, in Bamfield, Darren got a pen and wrote 'I am gay' on the top of his bald head!!!!!  So not pc but so funny.

Well we had quite the storm last night, at least for here in Port.  We almost never get thunder storms so last night was quite an anomaly.  Now it is raining thank goodness.  Not a lot, not enough to turn our grass green, but enough to keep the sun away.  It is so much easier on the eyes with the sun gone.

That's it for today.  I need to go and mix up the salmon stuff so it can sit in the fridge for the day and solidify.  Chef John says to leave it overnight but that aint gonna happen!  He isn't the boss of cooking!

Have a great day and TTYL

'Good food is very often, even most often, simple food.'  Anthony Bourdain....boy am I agreeing with that as I get older and slower!!!




1 comment:

  1. Omg! Hahaha! That pic of you and Brian!! Yes, we need to go back to Bamfield. Love your salmon burgers!
