Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I can't believe this tiny little gift just plopped into my lap!!!  I didn't have to lay awake at night plotting.  I didn't have to pull out my manipulating skills I learned watching soaps when I was younger.  I didn't even have to hurt anyone's feelings.  But....Bill is on the Island for a couple of days and April is going to visit a friend  for a couple of days.  AND I GET TO BE ALONE!!!!!!  Now that doesn't mean I don't want Elliott to come for coffee or Cookie to come visit...but I don't have to find a million things, check to see if Bill has fallen down somewhere and can't get up, drive April (well I am about to drive her out to West Van and I don't mind driving her anywhere anytime), get asked if I am making 8 at night, go into the other room to watch a tv show, get picked on by a ganging up April and Bill (they admitted to that) and I have to go lock myself in the bedroom to get away from them,  I don't have to do anything except what I want to.   Life is gooooooood!

As I said I have to drive April right now.  This is a good example....last night she said 9 o'clock.  So I get up, get dressed, pull my poof, put in my teeth and right at 8:54 she comes to me and says, "So when should we leave?  Like in 15 or 20 minutes?"  What???  "NO, we leave in six minutes. "  And right now I am going to stand up and yell "I will be in the car!"  There....I will be back on here later :)

What a lovely day!  I went to the fat lady store on the way home from dropping April off.  I had a lot of  fun in there today.  My fave sales person was there and we visited for quite a while....women's rights, would you believe...still.  We talked for a long time and ended the convo with the thought that men were pretty useless.  Somehow I don't think that that is the right way to end these types of conversations!

I just counted, I wrangled 21 phone calls, Bill and workmen.  It seemed like every 15 minutes the phone rang.  I also got about the same number of texts from all sorts of people.  Oops...there goes the phone now!

I am turning it all off and going to bed.  I did get my hair washed today and cleaned up the house ....  again.  But now its dark out and I am getting that awful feeling of being watched.  Good thing I have Molly here to protect me!  TTYL

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