Friday, August 9, 2013


I am mad.  Just mad.  I can't get everything done that needs doing and I gotta tell ya I frigging hate dealing with details.

In the last hour, when I need to be doing anything but this, I have got our seats on our flight in Sept to Heathrow confirmed, I have arranged for appliance guy to come in and fix our fridge and dryer (which means I have to clean out the fridge tonight when I would much rather be visiting with my sister who is coming), I have spent a half hour on the phone with LG because they don't let regular appliance repair people fix their stuff, I have sent an email off to Elliott in the hopes that he will come and fix all the things that need fixing in this house, I have made arrangements for our real estate lady to get a wood stove inspector into the house to inspect the wood stoves so we can get insurance, I have packed up the room Kathy is going to be in (three boxes...two to go for today!) , walked three dogs twice, and one still peed on the floor (Molly...stupid dog) and did three loads of laundry...downstairs because the one upstairs is broken.  Oh and I found a private transfer company to meet us at Heathrow to take us to Portsmouth...looked up all the flight info etc and emailed them and then answered all their questions in an email back...check!  And I just remembered that we have a 3 o'clock appointment, one last one, with the lawyer to hand over money for the house.  And I am not dressed and its 2:30.  DAMN!!  Back in an hour................

Okay back!!  Before we left I tried to put Kenai into the kennel.  He is still young and can't be trusted to not chew table legs etc....  Well there was absolutely no way was he going to go into that kennel.  I suppose I could have force forced him to but I just could not do it.  What is with this dog to me?  I don't even like dogs.  But I seem to have a soft spot for this guy.  He is such a gentle sweet pup. So I decided to trust him and left him roaming in the house and when we got home nothing had been chewed and he was so happy to see me.  Yay!!

I went to take the sheets off the guest bed for Kathy and wash them...and there weren't any on the bed.  None!!!!  Monte has been sleeping on a blanket and there aren't any sheets.  And I packed, actually wrapped breakables in all the bedding as I packed so there are NO sheets for that frigging bed.  What the hell!!!  Stuff like that drives me nuts!  So I have sent Bill off to Costco (laaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaa) to buy some new ones.  We need them anyway but still....was the kid raised in a barn?  NO HE WAS NOT!!!

Since my last entry I finally have a timeline.  I talked to Dane, our real estate guy, and he said we have to get this house listed by Oct. 15th, which means I need to arrange a moving truck for Oct. 10th.  We get back from England on Oct 7th.  So, I am frantically arranging for all the renos, fixits. painting etc and cleaning to be done while we are gone in September.  So.....before we leave on Sept 5th I have to have this house completely packed and all appliances up and running.  In light of this we bought our first round of boxes and bubble wrap yesterday.  Living room is pretty much packed, Monte's bedroom is pretty much packed, tomorrow will be purple room and Sun. will be my bedroom.  Now I am about to go unload and clean the fridge.  I shall take a break tomorrow and blog if anything momentous happens!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. sucks to be you! lol!!!!! But if anyone can do it, it's you!!!!!!!!! I was getting tired just reading everything you had to do!
