Saturday, August 3, 2013


Wow! the house is humming with activity.  Andrew is leaving tomorrow for his job in Victoria.  He will be staying in a hotel until the fifteenth and then he will be temporarily moving into our house as soon as we get possession.  He has been here each day, sorting, packing, cleaning, dividing difficult and sad.

Aryn and Bradley have been here painting the outside of the house.  So they have been in and out and up and down.  Along with them came another dog.  And Andrew, who has taken temporary ownership of Molly, added to the doggie mix.  The house looks spectacular!  I can't believe how good it looks.  Lots of times when you paint an older house it just looks like an old house with new paint.  This paint job they have done is amazing!  Our old house looks new!

I wish you could see Bill right now....we have a problem getting Kenai to eat.  He just doesn't eat...not even canned dog food.  But he does mooch...big time.  So I gave Bill the bowl of food and he is hand feeding him...and the silly dog is eating!  But he will only eat out of Bill's hand, and he ate his whole bowl of food, all of it...crazy dog.  He acts like he is afraid of the bowl, he backs away skittishly if we offer the bowl to him.

I made an enormous pot of chicken soup today.  ENORMOUS!!!  Aryn and Bradley came in for a lovely lunch.  April sat at the table and painted another wonderful painting.  Monte showed up with two of his friends and they hung out here for a while.     Now I am going to hit the hay!  Its getting late and tomorrow I am determined to get purple room done.  All my clothes and stuff from the trip are all over the couch in there.  Laundry time for sure.  TTYT  (sorry this is so quick and boring)                                                    

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