Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I packed all my underwear.  All of it.  I am, at this moment, sitting in my chair, in my shorts, commando.  And I can't unpack them.  First I would have to find the right box, cut the excessive amount of taping my husband seems to think necessary, dig through a ton of disorderly jumble of clothing and then redo the whole thing and put it back where I found it.  So its off to the Fat Lady Store for yet more stupid underwear...I am going right now.

Back, and with more clothes than just underwear, of course.  But I really like the extra stuff I bought.  And I put it in the right box, I hope.

I have totally changed my mind about liking moving.  This really sucks.  I think I was younger and had more energy and a stronger body the last time I did all this.  My feet, my back, my head hurts and I can't quit sweating.  In my head, when I am laying wide awake in the middle of the night fighting off panic attacks, the virtual packing I do seems so much easier than it actually ends up being.  And now Bill and I are fighting, I am sure because of all the crap we have to climb over, sort out, pack or throw out,  it gets tiring.  And the tape gun seems to never work, or at least it doesn't for him, and the boxes are filling up  and piling up at an alarming rate.  I honestly didn't think we had that much stuff.  All of this just gets on our last nerve so we start yelling awful things at each other.  Yesterday Bill got so mad he called me an unspeakable name and threw the tape across the room.  All because I was continuously calling him stupid, which I still think he actually was at that moment.  "sigh"

So after that little episode, I grabbed the kids and we made a storage unit/dump/Wendy's run.  We actually had a blast and completely emptied out the unit.  At one point I had to go down to the storage unit office for a minute.  When I came back to the very empty fourth flour (its really eerie in  big storage unit buildings that are empty) I looked down the long hall to where our unit was and there was April all decked out in her grad dress prancing around.  It was so funny!  Then she put on my very very 80's wedding dress and twirled around in it!  We saw old pictures and books and awesome stuff I had saved from Bamfield.  Monte made a run to the house to take bikes up there and on the way back he stopped at Mcd's and got us iced coffees, so we sat down on the floor, took a break and drank our cold coffees and reminisced.

We then made a dump run which is always a good time!  April likes the smell in there, which is awful, says it smells like the olive bar at Superstore.  Its so much fun tossing crap out.  I love it.

Now today another fifteen boxes and the place still looks like a bomb dropped.  I am not even finished purple room yet and it feels like I have been packing it steadily since I got up.  Wait a minute!!  I have been packing it steadily, with a one hour break to go to the fat lady store.

Now I am too tired to even get pics to put on here.  I shall blog again when I am next near internet!  TTYL

ps:  Bill is simply amazing.  He just slowly goes around, takes stuff apart that needs to be taken apart, packs and packs and packs, and then tapes and labels everything, puts it organizedly in Monte's old bedroom......He is like the energizer bunny!

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