Saturday, August 24, 2013


I don't know what ever made me think I liked moving.  I don't.  Maybe five six years ago when I was younger and had a much smaller stomach (its amazing how one's stomach can get in the way) it seemed like a good idea and it wasn't too hard to execute.  Not any more I tell ya.  And ten years ago our house burned down and we owned nothing.  Bliss!!!  How did this happen in ten short years?  We have so much frigging junk I have had to hire the 1 800 got junk people to come.  I think the neighbours already figure we are pathetic hoarders, that truck out front will confirm it.  I asked the guy when I phoned if a psychiatrist came with the truck.  I am not ocd but I need help.

Emily came back yesterday in the early afternoon and she was an invaluable help.  Wow!!  We hit the garage and many hours later had it organized and a sizeable ever growing pile of crap for the junk guy who is coming on monday morning.  What a tiring filthy spider infested job that was.  And I am going to do a little slag on Bill here...he deserves it.

When I first met him years ago, he was just coming from a ten year marriage with Kim.  He used to complain about how she, when she needed something (like a dog collar, or makeup or a hair dryer), instead of finding one of the many she had already bought (his words) she would go out and buy a new one.  Well, let me tell you, I don't know if that was true or not, but him???  Holy crap!!!  I found four tool boxes FULL!!  Right plum full of every tool one could ever want.  I found nine hammers, not the cheap wooden handle kind...noooo...the stainless steel, rubber handled type.  I found three brand new saws.  I found four electric drills.  Seriously!  And....eight gallons of bleach.  Eight, only one was open and had about one inch taken out.  He had endless amounts of weed killer, bottles and bottles.  So....he had better never ever complain again!

Today I went out and tackled the old wooden shed in the back of the property.  But first...I had to remove about 400 pounds of dog crap.  That area back there is obviously Parker's bathroom.  And even then I still managed to step in some...both shoes, covered.  DAMMIT!!!  And then when I got the stuck stubborn door open, it was one big spider mansion.  I had more spiders running around in my hair.  I can honestly say that I am now immune.  In fact I almost wish a bad one would bite me and make me sick enough to go to the hospital for one month, sick enough to not be able to eat, and when I got out the move would be done and I would be fifty pounds skinnier.  One can only hope.  The shed was full of all the Christmas stuff, paint cans, ten or so bottles of weed killer,  three good hammers and a tool box, full.  I give up.

When Bill got home at around two thirty we hopped into the car and made a much needed Costco run.  We were out of kcup coffee cups.  Three hundred and fifty dollars later...jeez...I can't even remember what we bought, other than coffee.  I do remember buying yet another set of chicken and beef  containers of oxo





.  I am terrified they are going to stop stocking them, so I keep buying them and hoarding them.  I asked Bill to check and see if there was an expiry date on them and he said it was 3049 so I bought some.  Now we are home, unloaded, put away, and I am dead.  I just can't move out of my chair right now.  I think I will go and try out the tub.  I haven't had the courage to use the tub part for about a year and a half.  I do believe there is the possibility that I may get stuck.  But I think I just might risk it tonite......I am pretty sure if we have to call the firemen for help they won't talk about it later.  TTYL

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