Thursday, August 29, 2013

IT WAS GREAT BUT IT'S COMING TO AN END has been an awesome almost two days.  Bill and possibly April are on their way home today.  That's okay though.  I can't say I missed them, but I will be happy to have them and their noise and mess back again.

Everything except some very bare essentials in this house are all packed.  The house is actually echoing.  And it is kind of shocking how easy it is to live without all that crap.  Monte's bedroom is packed almost to the ceiling with all the stuff we obviously do not need.  So...this is making me rethink the unpacking at the other end.  Hmmmm.....maybe I will just have the boxes put into the garage and I will slowly, really slowly consider each thing before taking it into the house.  I thought I did this on this side of the packing but I am thinking not enough.  I will see how many boxes I can leave unopened!

It is kind of weird sitting in a house that does not need one thing done.  I will take an hour to finish the bits and pieces  in the kitchen and then I do believe I am going to go out and find a new light fixture for over the table.  This has been a bit of a bone of contention in this house.

I bought a light from Ikea, not expensive, about a year ago.  I had Bill install it for me.  And I loved it.  But Bill, and everyone that comes by do not.  I call it shabby chic, they call it "old lady pantaloons"  Most insulting.  I will take a picture of it and put it on here.  You can tell me.

Yay!!!  Cookie just phoned and she is coming over tomorrow.  We are going to go out together and find a light for over the table.  And Aryn suggested that I take this one here over to the new house and hang it in my purple room there.  Such a good idea!

I had Ferguson's Moving come in last week and do an estimate.  She was such a nice little girl.  We went through the whole house (and that was when it was an awful mess).  Then she stood right there in my kitchen, worked the numbers for about fifteen minutes, then told me what it would be.  And...they would hold the stuff over night, take a morning ferry and deliver it early as possible the next day.

Three days ago I had Williams Moving come in.  I hated her immediately.  She marched in like she owned the place, talked to me like I was a dumb two year old.  The house was totally packed and spotless I might add, but she  continuously made comments like,  "well that can't go like that, it has to be totally packed in a box, (my large electric roasting pan) we can't take that without crating it...that will be an extra 250 dollars, (a large mirror) , no open containers, we won't take those (in the shed the containers of tools), is that going?"  She would ask that repeatedly after I said no it is not going, whatever it was.  Three times she asked if there was anything in the back shed until I yelled, "NO NO NO, I told you NO there is nothing back there."  When we got downstairs I told her only three things were going, nothing else, it was someone else's apartment.  But she pointed at EVERYThING and would ask, one by one, is that going?  Finally I gave her shit and told her to start listening to me or we would stop this estimate right now.  She finally, in a very clipped snippy voice announced that the stuff would not be delivered for four days after pickup and "would an 18 wheeler be able to park at the house?"  What???  Four days??  And how the hell would I know if an 18 wheeler could park there.  Its a house. On a street.  WTF??!!  And now there is still no estimate.  I am pissed.  I phoned

earlier today and the lady said that it was almost ready.  If it isn't in my email box at ten to four I am phoning back and telling them to get stuffed.  I won't use them anyway but I am curious to see what there price is compared to everyone else.  They all came in between 6,000 and 7,000, delivered the next day..thank you very much.

Well I just heard from Bill.  He will be home in time for dinner so I am going to go into my pristine kitchen and mess it up.  I think I am going to make minted lamb chops, new potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli casserole.  We are going to load up the truck with mirrors and stuffed hanging salmon etc and he is going to head back to the island with a final load.  Moving companies don't like moving those things.  TTYL

PS:  Williams quote just came was 25 bucks less than Fergusons...whom I am actually going to use.  I like them!

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