Sunday, September 1, 2013


I am feeling like I should say something about Bill here.  Over the last few days, even though there has been a lot to get done around here, he has managed to fit in three trips to the Island, taking his son around the Victoria area, go out for dinners, come home, get in at supper and then still go outside and load that truck up with another load of all the heavy dirty awkward things.  Last night we went out for dinner to the Noodle House, came home, and he went out and loaded the adirondak chairs and all the leftover dirty things in the shed, heavy stuff.  He gets up super early in the morning, packs his little suitcase, just in case he needs things, and gets on the really early ferry.  He goes to Nanaimo, drives for about an hour to the house, unloads.  Today, he has just left for the ferry, and he plans to come home tonite as well.  And at 80, he does all this strongly and well.  I'm amazed and awed.  I don't know very many eighty year olds that could do all of this.  I know this morning he was tired, but he still got up and took off.  So he may be the speed of dark, but man! does he ever get things done.

Its been a nice couple of days since I was last on here.  Cookie came over day before yesterday.  We had such a good time...we always do.  We sat here and had coffee and visited.  Then we headed down to the mall just below.  I had received a notice that there was a parcel for me at the post office and at the sender's request it was to be held there for me to pick up.  I wracked my brain but could not think what it was.  We went down and I picked it up first was a "good customer" gift from Telus...a box of Purdy's chocolates.  Mmmmmmm.....

Cookie always looks so nice so I decided to not just wear my ratty old shorts like I always do.  I put on a new pair of dark grey with a silver fleck pair of pants and a black shirt.  I NEVER wear pants but I bought these the day before for the cruise.  As we were walking through Winners, Cookie remarks that she isn't used to seeing me in pants, just tights (which I wear a lot).  Then she says she isn't used to seeing me in 'baggy' pants.  Then she says, "okay, you have to go home and change.  They just don't look good on you!"  Haha...they were so awful.  When they fit around the waist, they are just too huge everywhere else.  I am shaped like a barrel on two toothpicks.  So home we went and put something tighter and shorter on!  I must stick to tights or skinny jeans.  I returned them to the Fat Lady store and got skinny pants.

We went to home depot and bought light fixtures.  We both found what we wanted immediately.  Then off to HomeSense....nothing.  She was taking me out for dinner so off to Milestones, and who should come waltzing in but April and a friend...they sat with us and we had a most enjoyable dinner.  Back home and more visiting before she left.  A great day and we were remarking that that was the last visit she would be making over here to North Vancouver and this house.

I have decided to get a macbook air, just for travel and all our pictures.  Storing pictures is a true conundrum.   I have given this a lot of thought.  I won't put any of my banking or personal stuff on it, just email and limited bookmarks, like purple room vents, and all pics.  Then I can use it on trips, the thing only weighs about a pound.  And its small.  So its off to Oakridge today to the apple store.
Oh oh...I just heard a car smack up outside.  I am going to go look.

Have I said that I can't wait to blow this acidic awful town?  And have I said how much I don't like people?  Well, what I just saw outside has totally reinforced both of those things.  Some guy ran the Doran Rd stop sign (not uncommon) and the guy coming down Fromme screeched to a halt but still hit him, not hard but hard enough to do damage.  But then, he got out of his car and went over and hauled the poor kid out of the offending vehicle and started to yell and scream and shake him like a rag doll.  What the hell?  Who does that??!!  Oh yeah right!!  People in Vancouver do.  He stopped yelling but kept going after him verbally, telling him what kind of an idiot the poor kid was and how he shouldn't be driving yada yada yada.  Finally the kid started yelling back, told the other driver he was going too fast etc....  And now the cops are there sorting it all out.  This really is the most entertaining corner and I shall miss it.  You should see the gong show when it snows! to accomplish things.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Goodbye baggy pants! Yay! skinny jeans! Thanks for an awesome day,BFF!!!New places to explore on the island!
