Friday, September 6, 2013


I am so hungry right now I could eat my right arm.  Yesterday (?) morning at home I finished off a caesar salad we had in the fridge.  I didn't eat again until one small measly meal we got on the plane.  and now its about 11 at night here in Portsmouth, in the hotel, and I am STARVING.  No food til morning though.

We had a really easy flight over.  We were in a practically brand new Air Canada 777.  There were no screaming babies, no problems with headphones, no problem with annoying fellow passengers..just an easy peasy trip.

We landed at 11:30 am London time and sailed through customs and baggage claim and as we were leaving through the arrivals line I spotted the guy we hired holding up a giant sign with Helen Price written on it.  So cool!  I wasn't sure when we left if the quick last minute arrangements had actually gone through.

He drove us down to Portsmouth in lickety split time to our hotel.  And I picked the best one of all!  We are right down in the heart of the docks...with all the new trendy shops and restaurants and fun things to do.  I can't wait to get out there look around.  But.....the first thing we did when we checked in around 2:30 this aft. was to go to bed.  I don't even remember hitting the pillow.  I slept soundly til nine thirty in the evening.  And..of I am not even a whit bit tired.  Jet lag sucks, big time.  And Bill is over there in bed snoring away and probably will until morning.  I don't know how he does that.

We unfortunately woke up about five and no way could we go back to sleep.  We were so hungry it made us grumpy.  I can see this is a state that we are not used to.  Finally six thirty rolled around and we headed down to the food trough and ate sausages, eggs, croissant, baked beans and coffee. Mmmmmm  so good.  Later we found a Wagamama's out there on this delightful Quay and had a lovely lunch...NO I take that back.  I ordered a chicken salad with Miso dressing and a bunch of things in it.  It was a very limp greens with mushy chicken all greased up with some kind of tasteless mayo salad.  It really wasn't good.  Oh well, most the time their food is good.

Now its early evening and we have found a place to walk to for dinner.  The internet here is so slow and so awful I am going to try to post this and then turn the lappy off.  I will post tomorrow night from the ship!  TTYL

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