Sunday, September 22, 2013


What a totally lazy lazy day.  We were in Istanbul til’ one o’clock and we didn’t even get off the boat.  If Bill were more able to walk we could have gone to a market nearby..but he really isn’t able to go that far anymore.  Which was just fine with me.  Plus it was raining a little and as people who know me will tell you, I don’t do rain.
I got dressed and went down to the cafe and secured our fave table while he diddled around in the room...getting dressed.  It takes him sooooo long and I seem to be unable to hide my impatience with him very well!  How can putting your freaking socks and shoes on take twenty minutes?  And how can deciding if you should use your cane or not take five minutes?  And what the hell is he thinking when he picks up a little zip lock bag of coins and stands and stares at it for five minutes?  Ahhhhhhh....I can’t handle it...let me out of here!!!
I was in the midst of looking at yesterday’s pics, when a deep voice addressed me.  It was the Captain, apologizing to me for interrupting me, but had heard I was from Vancouver and wanted to know how we were enjoying the cruise.  WTH??!!  The Captain....that just goes to show how unusual it is to have anyone other than Brits on this ship.  We chatted for a while and about two minutes after he left the head purser (hotel manager I found out) Kathy came over.  She introduced herself and we had a lovely chat, all the while the awesome cruise director who orchestrated this whole meeting, was jumping up and down behind her, clapping his hands and sooo excited.  Hahaha!  So cute!  I leaned around her and thanked him!  It turns out that Kathy grew up in North Vancouver right near us!   She has been at sea for 20 years now.  Her sister lives in Parksville!  
The other day about noon we came back to our room for a while.  Bill immediately disappeared into the he always does and he was in there forever.  After a long time, he came out and says the toilet, yet again, is not water.  Now, when this happens, I immediately phone down to reception.  Yes, they will send a plumber.
One hour later he arrives.  In he goes, then out to the hallway, in again to the loo, out to the hallway and suddenly we hear flush flush flush!!  Yay!!  After a while he comes back to us and tells us its all fixed.
So, having been waiting some time, I head in there....and stepped, in my bare feet, right into a flooded bathroom...a brown smelly flood.  Ewwwwww!!  He left it like that!!  I couldn’t believe it!  So I grabbed the towels and threw them down on the floor, sopped the crap up and threw them into the shower.  What the hell???
Today, once again, the toilet won’t flush, no water.  Once again I phoned down to reception and once again, I was told they would send a plumber.  And yet again he left a horrible mess.  But this time I knew our stateroom girl was in the hall.  So I went and got her and asked if she would clean it.  She did.
Well its bedtime...this has been a most boring post, sorry folks.  Tomorrow we get off on a greek island by tender.  The Island is called Lesvos and yes, the tour guide guy, in a lecture about the island, basically told us that this island is famous for ancient lesbians.  I mean lesbians from days of yore, not old ones now.  Although apparently there are  old ones now there too and they are all the tour guides that we will have.  I love it!  It seems there are a few homophobic people on this boat because that lecture sure got them all to twittering!  So funny!  I shall report back tomorrow night and let you know if I ‘spot’ one!  Hahaha....ttyl

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