Thursday, September 12, 2013


We were sitting down in the cafe when a couple of truly British couples came and sat with us.  They were discussing the great wind on deck and the slightly pesky weather.  I kid you not,the conversation went like this.....
‘Aye, ye were on top deck then were ye luv?’
‘Oh yaays, its a bit breezy on the prom (promenade deck)  in’t it then?’
‘Up top a chap had towel aboot him and  cardy (sweater) aboot his neck like and I got to thinking....a bit desperate don’t you think?  Whats thee point you have to ask.’
I just LOVE it!!  We take a seat down there and people come and people go and they all talk to us.  I could just listen to their accents and stories all day long!  One couple today told us about their trip around Morocco several years ago.  They met another couple that lived not too far from them back home.  They went out for a last dinner at the end.  Two of them shared a paiella (sp?) and the other fellow wanted to share a chicken with the lady we were talking with.  She declined, she was just not very hungry and felt the place a bit dodgey.  They arrived home two days later and the lady they had dinner with phoned our lady at her work.  She said that her husband, the one who ate chicken, got the salmonella  and DIED!!!!  Holy crap!!!  Its amazing all the little stories one hears.
Dinner tonight was ‘Mediterranean’.  Deep fried everything.  Calamari, deep fried veg, deep fried mushroom, caesar salad, deep fried sardines (blahhhh, full of bones, I mean its a bit desperate don’t you think?) rice pudding, pana cotta, chocolate something or other.  Bill gave it a 5 and I gave it a 3.
The couple that told us about the Mateus Rose wine sat at a table ahead of us.  He is wheelchair bound.  So, they put their water at the table and had just left it to go get their food when along came another severe looking couple and tried to sit at that table.  Holy dinah!!!  Wheelchair guy brusquely hollered that that was their table.  Severe guy yells back that you aren’t allowed to reserve tables.  Wheelchair guy says “I’m allowed to go get food aren’t I?”  Severe guy yells even louder, “You go one at a time then!”  Meanwhile wheelchair guy has gotten even further away and is really yelling now.  He is saying “thats our table and you just better not be there when we get back”  Severe guy yells even LOUDER,  “We will sit here if we jolly well want to!”  Finally severe couple take a table beside the wheelchair guys table.  All to sit by a window...keep in mind that we are AT SEA.  All you can see is sea...everywhere sea!!  There is NOTHING to see but sea...yet they still fight over window tables.  Sooooo silly!
Another day at sea tomorrow.  I think peeps will be getting even edgier so we will have to go downstairs and collect more stories.  I need to sign off here and go give Bill a good boot in the arse. 
 He is sneakily trying to go to bed.  Its only twenty after eight.  I mean come on...reminds me of all those old people you see in rest homes.  Trouble is when he goes to bed that early he wakes up really really early...then he starts sneezing, harrumping, coughing, clipping, lotioning his feet which means the chair loudly squeaks as he tries to reach his feet (which he can’t), drops the coffee spoon on the saucer...all of which he can’t hear because he is DEAF!!!!!  
So now I am NOT letting him go to bed before ten.  This just totally reminds me of keeping the babies awake to break their afternoon nap habit.  Yup, I just looked.  He is slowly sliding up the bed to where his gasper (cpap) is and...there it is...he is putting it on.
  Gotta go and get right bossy with him.  Hahaha...(cruising isn’t always what its cracked up to be...)  I am pretty sure I can distract him by handing him his bag of lotions and potions and tell him he has some suspicious wounds on the back of his leg which is out of his sight.  It will take him a while to sort of find them and get the right ointments.  Then I will tell him his toenails are looking a little fungusy and he will get his ointment for that and that will take him another half hour.  He should be good for bed then!  ( before you all think I am mean...remember I always read these to him before I post!!!)  TTYL

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