Monday, September 2, 2013


Dear Helen,

Thanks for your inquiry for Heathrow airport transport. It is regretted that due to exceptional advance demand for our service, we have no further vehicles available for your requirements. Please accept my apologies but we are unable to assist in your transport at this time.  (I booked this guy months ago, had a confirmation, and was expecting to be met by him at the airport)

That is what came in this morning!!!!  I am going to hunt that dude down and smack him.  With only two days left I swung into immediate panicked action.  Of course every transfer company is fully booked and that took me 1 1/2 hours to find out.  You have to email and wait for their response...which was repeatedly a no.  Then I started to google, asking Jeeves (actually but I still call him Jeeves) what the scooptydoop was available over there.  It ended up taking me to taxi companies and obviously I am not the first one ever wanting to go to Portsmouth!  Really?  So I did find a taxi co. (and they are a whole lot cheaper than the transfer companies I might add) and we shall be met at arrivals!  I forgot to print out all the reservation numbers, dates, addresses of all the hotels, flights etc...before packing the printer.  Now I am doing it all old school.   My hand hurts...*whimper whine.....or 'wine' as my educated sister says.

Well yesterday I bought a mac book air...and I am taking some heat from certain people about this (not Bill, he is totally on board with this).  They think I have too many laptops already.  But, when I talked to the Apple peeps about photo storage, the kind where I can access the pics ALL the time ANY time, they suggested that what others are doing is storing all their photos on a desk top or large laptop, backing that up, and using the air for travel and initial photo download.  It is so little and weighs about a pound.  This makes a huge difference to my legal allowed carryon bag weight of 22 pounds.  I am pretty happy with it.  I love setting up new laptops.

Costco is closed and we need some stuff before we go, so we are going to get ALL our trip packing finished today,  I need to iron and edit.  I have to remove ten pounds somehow.  I really don't want to do anymore packing, organizing, thinking of a million details, cleaning, changing brain is used up!

Last night, Bill is back, I was nicely asleep when I was suddenly violently shaken awake.  Bill was on one of his exits from the bed to the loo (about four or five a night) and woke me up completely.  Do you think I could go back sleep?  NOPE!!!  I lay there and lay there and lay there for hours until it was fully light out.  I finally fell sound asleep and suddenly my phone dinged...a text.  I grabbed my phone and with my bad eye shut, and my barely good eye (when I have glasses on, and I didn't) I put the phone right up to that eye and could barely decern 

April just made the most delicious tomato basil bisque for breakfast.   It was absolutely delicious.  She is such a tasty cook...lots of flavour.  And now I must bounce and get to the packing!  TTYL

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