Wednesday, September 11, 2013


At sea days are kind of funny.  They can be exceptionally good, or horribly bad...depending on your choices. 
We got a pretty late start, I slept until almost ten this morning.  There was no point in going up for breakfast so instead we headed down to the cafe at the bottom of the atrium.  We found a good spot and immediately the fellow next to us started to guess where we were from by our accents.  So far everyone has guessed correctly.  These people are experts at detecting locations just by accent.  And of course that led to a wonderful hour or two of conversation.  I am learning a lot on this trip.  Everyone has had such diverse stories and lives.  This fellow was a ship building inspector, retired now, but we learned so much about what goes into ship building.  And he delivered it in such a way as to make it really interesting.
At lunch we sat with a lovely dear old couple from Wales.  Oh if only I had the courage to ask people if I could photograph them.  The old fellow was about the sweetest old guy, tiny and frail and ancient.  His ears stuck out and so did his sparse hair and he was sporting some pretty modern nifty thick square specs. 
 He wasn’t feeling well so he had only picked up a wee dessert, it was sitting right in front of him.  The dessert was a cream puff, with a quite distinct elegant swan sitting atop and steadfastly directly staring at him.  He didn’t eat it for quite some time and so there he sat, so dignified and still, with this swan staring up at him.  It would have been a wonderful picture, but I just didn’t get the courage up to ask him.  
From there we headed back down to the cafe and settled in for an afternoon of reading.  At one point Bill disappeared to go and look out the windows at Tangier on one side and Gibralter on the other.  A few moments after he left, I suddenly felt someone, from behind, grab my poof and start tugging and twirling it accompanied by loud exclamations.  Then, as I was about to roundhouse an obviously crazy person, I recognized the flamboyant lilting voice of the dreaded hairdresser.
“Oh mine Gott!!!  You did NOT leave zeee oil in for lonk enufff!! Oooooeeeesh (his name somehow) can tell zeeees yust by taaachhh (touch, I think)!  Vat you doo?  You not doink vat Ooooeeesh zes!!  Naughty naughty!!!”
What the F???  LEAVE ME ALONE!!!  I swung my head around and tried, to defend myself and failed miserably.  I told him I was coming back to him in a day or two but NO OIL!!!  I just wanted a hairwash!  No no no!! he responded!  He continued on about how much I needed the oil treatment and said he would refuse to wash my hair.  So I told him I would do my own oil treatment, (after all he DID bully me into buying a damned bottle and I’m not saying how much it was) and then come for a hair wash.  “Not before zeee evenink!  You put zee oil in zeee crispy dried hair in mornink and I zee you in zee evening!  Ooooeeesh vill know!!”  Oh jeez!!!  I tried to explain how I couldn’t spend all day with oil slicked hair, making it impossible to go anywhere, but he wouldn’t listen and being the bully he is, I gave up and he won.  I won’t be going back to him and now I am going to have to spend the trip not only hiding from him, but washing my own hair...which is a nightmare in this teeny tiny shower.  He is simply terrifying!
Now it is nearly supper time.  I have to change.  One MUST change before dinner, even for the lido upstairs.  Tonight is east indian night.  I believe it will be good as the whole crew on this ship is from Goa!  We are looking forward to a dinner that will score higher than a 3 or 5  LOL!!!  I will report back here before I post this!
Dinner was a delicious Indian feast.  Mmmmm...I gave it a 7 and Bill gave it an 8.  We managed to stay alone and free of people, which was a nice break.  It gets tiring being “on” for too much of the day.
Now for an evening of reading and awful tv.  This cruise line could learn a thing or two from their American partners.  There is a stage show tonight we could go to, put on by a pickpocket comedian.  He apparently goes out into the audience, picks people to go up on stage and then screws with them....Bill’s ultimate nightmare..the big baby!  So we shant be going to that.  Whilst it would be fun, I think we won’t.  (Note the English words creeping into my writing???haha...when in Rome!!!)  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Haha!!!!Crispy hair!!! vat vill you do if you see him again? run? I'm picturing it! LOL!!!!!!
