Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Groan, whine, cough...I am sick.  What a pain in the patoot...I have coughed up more lungs than I knew I owned.  In fact I think I have whooping cough.  And my nose is alternately running and plugging, my eyes are all wonky and running too...and I feel like shit.  Okay, now that the whining is out of the way...and if this post is weird its because Mr. Medicine Bag has been giving me these pills that his Dr. gave him that supposedly calm a cough, the name ends in coden and they expired in 2009.  All I know is I am still coughing crazily and I am very very very relaxed and not quite right in the head.
We spent the day yesterday tromping all over three different roman ruins.  It was like 500 degrees out and today I see I am very brown faced...except for where my glasses are..racoon faced as they say.  And seriously if I hear one more roman history fact I am going to gouge my ears out.  I don’t care any more.  Do you know who Thales was?  Does anybody?  And who actually cares?  NOT ME...not anymore.  At least not in forty degree heat when I feel sick and had to constantly check where Bill was and hang on to him to make sure he didn’t fall down.  He can’t walk very well anymore and especially on rough rocks and slippery marble.  We had to climb a lot of very uneven stairs too...and I was his human cane...he forgot his real one at home..silly man.
I don’t really mean that I don’t care about what we saw.  We were in Ephesus, where we have been twice before.  Ephesus is a truly phenomenal ruin...probably the most amazing in the world.  But I won’t go into it here..if you really want to know stuff, google it!  One fact though..Cleopatra walked that very same marble road that we were walking on.
I have the cruise radio playing.  They just played a piece by Bjork (who listens to her anyway?) and I was thinking,”Jeez this is totally awful!” when following that they played a nauseous Taylor Swift poor me song.  Oh God...it did get worse.   This is doing things to my psyche..Now its Meatloaf.
We are at sea today..thank goodness.  We are floating up the Bosphorus on our way to the Black Sea.  All the old peeps out there on this boat are all atwitter and planning where they are going to stand as we go past something..not sure what...maybe Istanbul, I don’t know.  I can’t ask Bill..he doesn’t know anything anymore.  All he seems to do now is sleep anyway.
Well, it is now much later in the day, we have popped out into the Black Sea and I know a whole lot more about the Bosphorus.
 Asia and Europe are separated by a narrow strait...the narrowest in the world, about 30 miles long.  To navigate from the Sea of Miramar into the Black Sea, one must embark a pilot who takes you through, right through the middle of Istanbul, from one sea to the other.  It was actually kind of interesting and I understand why people got excited.  We are now on our way to Yalta.
Susan Boyle....you all know who she is?  And if you thought she was a one of a kind...you would be wrong.  I can’t believe how many women on this boat look Susan Boyleish.  These women seem so out of this world in clothes that just have to be home made, home done haircuts, rolled ankle socks in stout serviceable sturdy shoes and a kind of naive bumbleness that makes you wonder how they even know about cruising, never mind how to go about it.  One thing about all these women, they make me feel okay about my hair...I don’t think I have seen such en masse awful crazy hair dos.  I fit right in I do!  And for the first time, I think in ever, not one person has commented to me on my hair!  This is awesome...I really do fit in and don’t look like a freak or conversely, one of many.  And, I am one of the skinny ones on this trip!  Ha!!  Go figure! Not to mention the youngest.
Oh God I gotta stop talking.  Time to put ‘er down.  I shall be back tomorrow after an eight hour trip in Yalta, I am sure chockablock full of history facts..argggghhh.  So if I am alive TTYL

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