Tuesday, September 10, 2013


A very disappointing day I must say.  I kind of had previous trips in mind.  Lisbon offers some amazing photo opportunities if you go to the right places.
I suggested to Bill that we get a taxi right from the ship and have it drive us way up to the Casa du George on top of Lisbon.  You then walk down to the port through the Alfama...the old cobble stoned narrow streets of old town.  As we got off the ship, Bill says, “Lets get the hop on hop off first.”  Well, there isn’t time to do both.  Walking down is an all day thing.  So we caught the shuttle bus into the city centre and the hop on hop off was right there and he really wanted to go.  After a ridiculous wait for the right colour bus, it arrives and the top is completely full, as is all the rest that show up.  We had no choice but to cram into the lower part and it must have been 300 degrees in there.  I thought I was going to die.  

And, as we soon saw, we couldn’t see anything and the headphones didn’t work and it just ended up being a very expensive 3 hour bust.  By the time we got off we all were on the verge of heat collapse and pretty ticked off.  One fellow was going to go and try to get his money back.  Yeah, good luck with that.
The only amusing thing that happened was the couple behind us....fighting!  They were a really nice couple about fifty years old or so with her mother.  And apparently, nobody had listened to the younger woman, nobody!, and as a result they were wasting their time and money on this ridiculous bus.  If people just paid her more attention they would be having a so much better time blah blah blah...he finally quit trying to defend himself and just sat there whilst she went on and on and on.  I wanted to tape her...I should have!
After we got off the bus we headed up the busy square and found a trattatoria type restaurant under sun umbrellas and proceeded to have a weird lunch with great big cold beers.  A lovely couple, yet again from Yorkshire, sat with us and we spent a happy hour chatting with them.  They had been to BC years ago and retold the whole trip to us...and he was fascinatingly funny!  I gotta say, the best part of this trip are the people...they are amazing and we have met so many people and they are just easy easy.   We love it.
I can see we made the right decision to not go up the hill.  I truly don’t think Bill could have done it.  I keep forgetting his limitations and I think the hop on hop off was his way of putting a limit on what we were to do.  I am glad I thought of that before I let fly with a lot of being mad at changing the plan and whining about the awful bus trip.  He probably felt bad enough as it was.
We caught the shuttle bus back to the ship (I say so easily).  It was so hot out today and it just sucks you dry.  We dragged our sorry asses up to our room and just simply flaked out til cast off.  We watched ourselves leave, taking lots of pics.  The ocean was full of jelly fish..it was nuts!  Even though the lighting wasn’t great we took pics of Lisbon from the water.
We headed up for dinner..which was supposed to be “country/western” night.  Hahaha...these people have no idea whatsoever how to make ‘western’ food.  The fajita beef was way sweet, the chili was curried with extra cumin, the baked beans were watery and sad, the hot dogs had no buns, it was not a good meal.  Bill and I are doing something each night.  We think about the meal after eating it, then at the same time we give it a number out of ten.  He gave it a five and I gave it a three.  Awful meal.  Now we have four days at sea.  Four.  Oh God!  These posts are going to be pretty boring and short.  I will have to grab my camera and go out hunting for trouble.  I will see what I can come up with!!  TTYL

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