Monday, September 9, 2013


I forgot to mention that, given the size of the shower, I instantly made an appointment for yesterday morning to have that frangipani hair oil treatment, scalp massage and washing.  Same thing I aways get.  I come back to the stateroom and mousse and dry it. 
 Well, I got up there, completely at the other end of the ship (a lot of people to pass with my hair brushed out and sticking twenty feet in the air, people look, nano second eye contact then quickly look away, some trying not to laugh, others looking like they just saw a crazy person, really embarrassing) and was met by the most intimidating hair dresser I have ever met.  He was very flamboyant, talkative, and extremely firm about what was about to happen. 
 He doused my dry hair with the oil, proceeded to massage the hell out of my head.   After 30 minutes of hair ripping, scalp pounding, and endless amusing stories about ungrateful boyfriends, he informs me, in such a manner that brooks no argument that I must now leave that slimy crap in my hair all day as my hair is very  very dry.  He then proceeds to twist my hair so tight my eyes slanted, tucked it into a donut bun, stabbed pins so firmly into it (only three) that I couldn’t get them out later, and says Voila!!  I was horrified.  I looked like every super ugly fat relative I have ever had, times a hundred, oil slicking down my face, pin head..which instantly makes you look even hair wash!  What the hell????  And like a timid meek little mouse I squeaked out an “Okay”  and payed and left!!!  So not only did I have to head back down the length of the boat, wending my way through people, looking like an almost headless fat seal, but feeling totally whipped!  Me!!  Whipped...this is NOT a familiar feeling for me.  AND then as soon as I got into the room I had to get into that ridiculous little shower, go through two bottles of their shampoo and try to wash the crap out of my hair.  So, at least an hour later, the bathroom in a shambles, shower curtain suctioned to my legs, blinded by oil...I finally got my hair washed.   Serves me right for being such a ninny. 
 I will be going back next week, and I will be taking frigging oil and he will damn well wash my hair.  No massage, no treatment, no stupid little donut bun, just washed and rinsed hair.  And I am going to complain about Bill the whole time he is doing just exactly what I want!
On another note, in the daily schedule they hand out every day, there is a daily section that reads like this:
Smart, Jacket required
Smart shirt and trousers with
a jacket for gentlemen, smart
separates or an elegant dress 
for ladies.

Seriously?  Elegant?  Would it make a difference?  And trust me...they enforce...with force.  I am beginning to think that cruising with predominantly a British crowd is like a giant step back in the world of cruising.  You change for dinner, you ballroom dance and you most definitely have a drink before, during and after dinner.  “sigh”  we just don’t fit in.  Awkward!
I am compelled to say, near the end of the second full day on this boat, that the people on this cruise are amazing.  They are so friendly, non judgemental, not shy, generous with their info about themselves, totally interested in who we has been without a doubt the most friendly trip we have ever had.  And so far, we are the only couple not from Britain.  Each couple we have visited with has confirmed that!  There is not one ethnic person on this whole boat.  Not one, other than the staff.
And that brings up another observation.  We are used to Indonesian and Filipino crew..whom we love.  They are sooo hard working and friendly and I am now facebook friends with a lot of them.  On this cruise they are predominantly from Goa and trust me...they ain’t friendly!  And...they aren’t very helpful either.  They aren’t outright rude like the Eastern European crew members on other trips, but they darn near are.  I have given up smiling at them and saying please and thank you.  Gotta earn that just a little.
Tonite is Asian buffet night.  Wish I was hungry, but I am not.  Too much fish pie at lunch!  Tomorrow is Lisbon.  We didn’t book a shore excursion.  I want to catch the #28 tram up to the top of the Alfama area and walk down.  And...its supposed to be 30 degrees...aaarghhh I shall die!  TTYL

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