Saturday, September 7, 2013


Well here we are, up in the buffet, day one!  This is the biggest ship we have ever ever been on!  This tub is HUGE!!  There are 3500 passengers and everyone of them is ancient.  I thought Holland America had  the oldest customers, until now.  Holy Hannah!!  At every elevator there are line ups of wheel chairs and walkers and “stick people” as they call them here.  After the mandatory drill down at the bottom of the ship we all had to come up.  We are on floor 14 (actually 13, I don’t know who they are trying to fool)  and if Bill tried walking that it would be Christmas before he got up there.  So we got in line and waited...for 22 minutes.  We finally jumped on one going down and stayed on til it went up.  Hopefully it will be better as time goes by.  Oh God!  They are playing Taylor Swift on the musac..kill me now and now people are going to sit with us at our table....ahhhhhhh!!!  I really must talk to Bill again about the virtues of room service.
This is a new ship to us, but it is based on the Princess ships.  Its really very much the same, except bigger and one other very basic difference...the rooms are tiny, the bathroom is tiny, the beds are smaller, the balcony is ridiculous.  And the shower!!!! Now for those of you that have read my blog on past trips you already know about how shower curtains suction to your body and as you try to turn,  the curtain goes right along with you and then back again and before you know it you are wrapped tighter than a mummy.  I hate that.  I have noticed too that there are no bathrobes (thats okay with me, I don’t dare try one ever again, the last one...well lets just say that didn’t end well!)  but it does show how this ship is really doing it on the cheap.
When we got back to our room, my bag was waiting for me but not Bill’s.  And guess what?  Its totally missing!  They don’t have it anywhere!  Bill is really has all his clothes, his camera bag, some of his extra pills and all the odds and skodds one travels with.  So far I have stayed out of it and let Bill go down and talk with them etc...but if it doesn’t show up here shortly I will be getting involved...and not in such a nice way.  Lets put it this way...I have noticed that this ship, being English I presume, is obsessed with what you wear to dinner.  The rules are RIGID and you must be well dressed for every meal.  Tomorrow night is formal, tux, black tie night and we will be showing up with Bill in his dirty Tilly short shorts.  And when they ask us to leave we shall say that we have no choice as they LOST his luggage.  You aren’t allowed to even wear shorts in the lido for heaven’s sake!  I shall report back later!!!  TTYL

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