Sunday, September 29, 2013


I have a shovel list.  I would like to claim that I came up with this brilliant idea myself, but I didn’t  It was in a book I read and it so resonated with my soul I decided to adopt the idea.
In spite of the stellar positive advice of my recent life coach, who was never wrong, who expressed that hating things was not good for one’s psyche, I find there are things, a lot of things as it turns out, that I actually do hate.  So a shovel list, where I can freely add to it at any time, no matter how trivial or unimportant in the general scheme of things, and then, knowing it is actually recorded somewhere, giving it cred, seemed such a timely good idea.   I can then let that particular hate go, off into that place that released ideas go.  I mention this because from now on in my posts, shovel list in brackets will be showing up on occasion.
We were into Vigo today...which would have been spectacular, even if it wasn’t.  We were just so happy to get off the ship for a wee while.  We walked, at the speed of dark, up into the old part of the city.  There were lots of narrow little streets, pretty windows and lots of little cafes and such.  It being Sunday, the more predominant stores were closed.
We stopped at a wonderful street cafe for seafood. Mmmmm...this is a seafood city and the oysters, prawns, scallops, octopus, clams, name it, were there for the taking.  So we ordered paella  with seafood and it was amazing...I have noticed the Mediterraneans cook with a lot more lemon than we do and it makes the food so delightfully tangy and fresh.  
We ran into a couple of friends on the way back to the ship and we stopped at a cafe near the ship for a coffee.  These people are so charming and interesting.  He is the one with Parkinsons and he does so well.
Now we are back on ship, down in the coffee shop, purposefully avoiding the giant sail away party on the top deck.  Its kind of awkward and creepy to watch a load of old people swinging and dancing to “Blurred Lines”.  We are also avoiding going back to our cabin...there is no doubt we would be asleep in a New York second.  Thank God there is only one more day on this tub and then we are off into London.  I have been talking to various Brits finding out which shows we should take in whilst there and it seems Jersey Boys is at the top of the list.  We are going to go see two more too so I will see when we get there.  Our hotel is right smack in the middle of the theatre district so it should be easy to go to them.
I am going to sign off for now.  TTYL 

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