Sunday, September 15, 2013


At least half the time we have no water in our bathroom.  You will flush the toilet and nothing happens.  Nothing.  And so you walk away and twenty minutes later, after you have completely forgotten, it flushes, scaring the crap out of you.  Many times there is no water in the tap or shower too.
My theory is that they have crammed sooooo many people onto these ships, the water system can’t keep up.  This happened on the last ship we were on too.  There are times you do NOT want the toilet to not flush..especially if you are travelling with Bill.  Speaking of which.....
I won’t be reading this to him....I think our foreign travels must come to an end.  I am finding he just isn’t truly up to it.  The heat, the walking, the getting on and off the bus, the no bathroom at every makes it really hard for him.  What makes it even worse is that most people think he is only in his late 60’s/early 70’s so when he behaves like an 80 yr old should, people get confused.
This morning I slept about an hour past him.  I sleep with the duvet all bunched  and over top of my head, my legs sticking out.  Well, this morning I woke up, threw the blanket on the floor (its so hot here right now) and was sitting all bleary eyed with my legs sticking straight out along the top of the bed.  Finally I put my glasses on and looked around and I noticed about five super shiny spots here and there on my legs.  Upon closer inspection I saw that each shiny spot had a little red scab under the shine....previous bumps and insect bites...What the hell?  
So I leaned over and looked closer and kind of freaked out.  My wounds were leaking oily substance!!!  What was happening?  And just as I was about to panic, Bill strolls around the corner from the loo and asks, “Did you feel me putting polysporin on your legs?”  What?????  HE POLYSPORINED ME IN MY SLEEP!!!  I felt violated...I refuse to use that crap...its just bogus anyway.  He polys everything...and I mean everything...even up his nose.  I couldn’t believe he did that.  Some things just shouldn’t happen whilst you sleep, being polyed is one of them.
When April, Bill and I went to Paris in May, I packed all my shorts and tanks and gay capris.  And at the very last moment, on a whim because I had room and it was there, I threw in a light rain jacket.
Well, it rained and rained, every single day of the fifteen we were there....and it was really cold.  I had no jeans, no warm jacket, nothing suitable.  It was by pure last moment whim I actually had a not so adequate jacket...and I froze.
Now, on this trip I packed my jeans, leggings, warm shirts and two, not one, but two coats....and it is right at this moment 31 degrees out and tomorrow in Kusadasi it is supposed to reach 40.  I have no shorts or cool clothes.  I will for sure die.  Our next (and last if I have any say in it) cruise is in February/March through Japan.  I shall do my research and get it right this time.
So now its evening, back in our room.  Our dinner theme tonight was tandori and we  both gave it a five.  We met some more lovely people today...a wonderful couple from North Ireland.  Quite quite old but so dear.  We had a wonderful conversation with them.
You know,there is a lot we don’t like about this ship...some of the crap that goes on here is awful.  Normally I don’t shy away from whining ungratefully about anything...but I like the dear old people on this ship so much, and they are all so happy with the whole lot, I find I haven’t the heart to whinge.  Achhh aye...I’m getting soft in me old age.  I am sure I will build up to it.
Anywhooo, for now I shall sign off.  Kusadasi Turkey tomorrow...somewhat close to Syria I might add, maybe we will have a REAL adventure, not just some miserable oil barge!  I do know it is going to be hot and I shall be sitting in a hot sweaty bus in JEANS...what a dumbball I am.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Brian says to wear your bathingsuit with a long shirt over top. Like you did in maui at Safeway.
