Sunday, September 8, 2013


It’s the middle of the night and we are wide awake and starving.  Jeez!!  The people in the next stateroom had one dilly of a fight a little while ago.  They were slamming things around, bashing on the wall, yelling and screaming at each other.  We sleep with our balcony door open a few inches to let in fresh air, but the fighting neighbours smoke, and smoking is allowed on the balconies on this ship.  So, a few minutes after things quieted down the smell of smoke comes wafting in through the door.  I can’t believe they allow smoking on the balconies...they don’t on any other ship we have ever been on.
There are a number of differences on this one I have noticed.  I think we are the only couple that isn’t British.  Last night we went downstairs to the large atrium area where reception is to ask one more time about Bill’s missing bag.  We decided to sit down there and have a cappucino.  On our way there, passing various night clubby type venues, we noticed that everywhere there was music, couples were ballroom type dancing.  You hardly ever see that on the other ships.  It was weird to watch these old couples, some of them barely able to hobble over to the dance floor, suddenly become graceful and ...well just different...when they hit the floor.  And hundreds of couples were dancing.  I think it must be a lost art at home...I have never seen anything like it!  They all looked like they just got out of dancing school.  And they took it soooo seriously!
When we got back to the room and we were just getting into bed the phone was front desk letting us know they found Bill’s missing suitcase..thank goodness!!  So no dirty short shorts at the formal table tonight!
The internet on this ship totally sucks.  Totally.  It won’t let me load even one measly picture and after I get on within five minutes nothing is opening or loading.  So annoying.  And I see they have review sheets for ‘during’ cruise opinions...I shall be giving mine...what a waste of money.
I hate to admit it, seeing as how I don’t like people, but we have been meeting the most amazing people.  They are all Brits and they are all old to older, and they are the sweetest kindest most honest people you could ever meet.
  Tonight Bill and I were sitting across from a couple from Yorkshire.  They ordered a wine I hadn’t heard of before and I could tell from the colour that I would probably like it.  So I leaned over and asked if it was dry or not.  Well, she and he launched into a great discussion about how they don’t like dry wines, had me hand them my empty water glass and poured me a glass to try!!!!  Who does that??!!  And it was delicious! 
 Turns out it was Mateus Rose, a wine we are very familiar with. They did not pronounce it the way I am used to ! Its not sophisticated in any way, just totally delicious!  We shall be ordering a bottle tomorrow night!  
From there they gave us the complete history of yorkshire pudding!  And after great discussion, the real way is in the roast pan after the roast is finished, to be cut up like a cake when baked.  I remember Uncle Jim liked it like that.  One time in Bamfield,  I accidentally had to use a cake pan instead of muffin tins to bake it and I remember him telling me that that was the way he liked it.  Funny, I never forgot that and now and then that is how I make it.   
We have been sitting with people at every meal and we have thoroughly enjoyed every single couple.  We have met couples from Norfolk, Essex, Surrey and Yorkshire. 
Well it is once again bedtime.  They have a kettle and coffee and tea makings in here.  This is a first!  But, Bill noticed a sign up in the lido disallowing us to bring cups of coffee, glasses of juice or dishes and cutlery to our rooms.  Hmmm  I wonder why?  Maybe too many people were purloining these treasures?  I can’t imagine why anyone would want to steal that stuff!  hahaha...anyway, with a clear conscience I am off to bed! TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Nooooo.. who would want any of that stuff? Especially things like cups. Glad they found Bill's suitcase!
