Monday, September 23, 2013


Just a minute...I have to go smack Bill.  We are sitting down in the cafe and Bill is thumping his new cane...over and over and over.  Why oh why do old men do that?  For what purpose?  I am going to take it away from him.
There and now he is mad.  He’s becoming more and more like a two year old everyday.  And I have noticed a new trend with him...he is becoming more and more belligerent and stubborn every day.  He will just make his mind up about something and then thats it.  Its so stupid.  And he has taken to loudly making inappropriate comments at the worst time.  For example:  We don’t like the food but now he tells all the staff, loud and long.  Its embarrassing.  And when we talk to the Indian boys that work here..he tells them we bought a ‘flying carpet’.  Its not funny and I am having to threaten him with shunning if he doesn’t shut up.  He thinks he is funny.  If he only knew...oh yeah, thats right, he DOES know.  He just doesn’t care.
Anyway, no old lesbian tour guides for us today.  The wind has picked up and we can’t anchor, so no Greek Island tour.  Another awesome day at sea.  Unlike Cheryl on her cruise, we aren’t on fire, we aren’t dead in the water, and we have power.  Poor Cheryl and Bill!  I just read on her facebook page that their cruise has been cancelled!!!  They are being dropped off in Naples, flown to Barcelona and flown home.  I hate to say this but I sort of wished that had happened to us instead of them.  I really need to be home and they looked so forward for so long for their trip.  So sad!
The Captain just came on the blower to tell us that there is going to be a general big strike tomorrow in Athens and the port people (tugs, pilots, tie- er uppers, etc) are going to start a sympathy strike at 8 in the morning and we are to get there by five...or we can’t dock.  And, the wind is blowing like hell out there so we can’t go too fast.  Hmmmm...maybe Athens will be off the list too.  After tomorrow we have four, count ‘em! four days at sea!
Tomorrow we are supposed to take a boat through the Corinth canal...should be interesting.  Anyway, I am heading to bed.  Docking is a noisy affair and I do feel we will be awakened very off to bed early.  And before I get there I have to try to track down what the hell is biting me.  I am covered with big bites, not little ones, that itch like crazy.  They are all over my arms and shoulders.  I think I will check for bedbugs and if I find any I am going to insist I be moved to the Captain’s quarters!  TTYL


  1. That's awful![Cheryl and Bill]. Hopefully they are compensated and get a free cruise! and and a refund for this one!

  2. Oh God, what a miserable day! The Corinth Canal is VERY interesting and a memorable transit so I hope you get to enjoy it. We did it at 3am, and actually set the alarm and got up to go one deck and experience it . Does Bill lay on the couch a foot away from you and SNORE loudly while you try to enjoy your favorite shows??? Welcome to my world...grrrrr. If my show bores you fine, at least don't be so freaking obvious about it. I am sorry you missed your port and hope things improve...!
