Sunday, August 25, 2013


I have always found it easy to process and be organized.  Actually I would have gone through my whole life and never really thought about it...then I ended up with Bill, who can't process tying his shoes, never mind packing up sheds, his side of the bedroom and....well not really much else.  He did pack up the awkward stuff like huge vases and weird breakables.  His genes must have passed on to the two kids we spawned....neither of them process well either.  Along with this goes the inability to focus for more than about four minutes on any given task.

Today I sent Bill out to do the last half of the back shed.  I told him that he couldn't just move stuff from the shed to the back deck or yard.  He had to actually get stuff in the garbage, packed stuff into the other organized shed or into his truck to go back to Van. Island later this week.

It started well.  For about four minutes.  I checked on him every 20 minutes.  And this is how it went:

At the first check I noticed that stuff had started to creep out of the shed and onto the surrounding area.  At the second check, he was standing in the shed, not moving, just staring and even more stuff was outside the shed.  At the third check he was gone.  April came upstairs and asked me to go down to the garage as Dad was in there asking her about stuff that she couldn't answer.  So I went down and reasonably asked, "What the hell are you doing?"  His answer?  "I am trying to figure out what to put in the truck to take over."  "But why?" I ask. "You are supposed to be doing the shed!!"  And then there ensued a loud angry conversation about ....well crap I am not sure now...but it ended with him yelling "WELL I AM JUST GOING DOWNTOWN THEN"  (which is pretty funny because there would be nowhere he would go)  so I yelled back "FINE THEN!!  I WILL JUST GO DO THE DAMNED SHED"  I stomped up to the shed and kind of kicked things around and moved a full garbage can to the growing pile of junk for junk guy.  Bill sauntered around the side of the house and out to the shed like nothing had happened so I went into the house.

On the fourth check I looked out purple room window, and again, no Bill.  I went to the kitchen and looked out the door and there he was, clippers in hand, dead heading a plant.  What the hell!!!?  "BILL!!" I holler out the screen door.  "Well I have to get this stuff cut off and into the garbage before tomorrow.  Its garbage."  He states this in a loud petulant defensive voice.  I had to laugh.  Seriously its like dealing with a two year old.  "Put them down Bill, you can do that later...we are trying to get the shed done today.  Remember?"  I went out with him and got him started again.  Jeez!  I was trying to get the bathroom sorted and packed and I wasn't getting too far with that.  Once again I left him to get on with it.  A few minutes later I saw him get in the truck and drive it down to the driveway and start loading it up with the stuff from the basement.  I gave up.  I do believe at least four containers of stuff are still sitting out there waiting to go into the organized shed.  At least its at a stage that I can finish it myself now if I have to.  He does a lot work, I know he does, it just isn't the organized processed way I like...clearly I am NOT the boss in this house.  And I appreciate my ability just a little bit more.  If we were all process challenged we would be in serious trouble!  No pics today....I am too tired to even bother.  TTYL

PS.....Claire, if you are reading this, I am telling you this is exactly what happened!  He is going to to try to tell you it wasn't, but it was!!!

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