Bill didn't get up til after 11 this morning. I thought maybe he was dead so I decided to give him til 12 and if he hadn't come out I would go see. It got me to thinking about what I would actually do if he WAS dead. Halfway through the thinking process I got too upset so I got busy and cleaned the whole condo. Then when he came out we discussed it.
He said to get him cremated here to take him home. Easier than in a giant expensive coffin. Thought that was a good idea. Then we got arguing about where to spread his ashes until we decided to quit talking about it. Jeez! We will freaking argue about anything. When we realized we were arguing about something that wouldn't happen til after he is dead we felt kind of stupid. But I told him that I won. Cuz if he was dead I could do anything I wanted to him. (I just read this to him...he is nodding his head)
This afternoon we went to Kmart. I was looking for a certain type of laundry soap. We ended up going through the food aisles. Things here are so different. I took a couple of pics of stuff I don't think we see on our shelves at home. Maybe we do but I haven't seen them. You see a lot of Mexican things here that we don't at home. But some of it is you will see below. (if this blog thing decides to put it never know.)
Next we hit Costco..or rather Bill did. I stayed out in the car and read. A young, fairly well dressed lady came to my open window and asked for money...for a car that is "up the road a ways" and out of gas and could I help her out. Like I am in the middle of the parking lot, nowhere near where anyone else would go for real legit help, but what the hell. I gave her a twenty. She needed it more than me. Don't tell Bill.
Home and tv and loser supper and now to bed. Sorry this is so boring. TTYL
I can just hear the two of you arguing about the ashes! It was very entertaining!