Monday, April 12, 2010

good week

Well, it has been a good week. April had her birthday and all went well. It was nice to see some of those kids again. Had a long good visit with Eatna.

Have a call tomorrow with LC. My homework this week was to isten to people and hear what they are saying about themselves. Sounds easy but isn't. I talked with aryn, bill, monte, april, cookie, brian, kathy, jojo, and a few others. I am not sure if I read the all correctly but it was sure interesting.

Tomorrow, Bill and I will be driving out to horseshoe bay ferry to meet Kevin and Tandy and FENTON!!! We will take both vehicles so that we can take fenton with us and they can go do what they have to with the car. She has a dr. appointment to get a cervical stitch. So Bill and I will be taking mr. man to caca beach and the airport, as per usual. I can't wait!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


I love music, loud thumping blinding crazy music. Right now I am listening to DJ Champion. OH MY GOD.....if anyone is reading this go download their song Alive Again. There is no better.

Bill and I are off for coffee here shortly, and April is getting ready for her giant birthday party tonite. I had to clean up my den here so someone can sleep in it. They had better not be drunk and barfy!!

It is Kathy's birthday today. I wish I could be there with her. Sometimes I just miss being with my sister and my family. We have had so many good birthdays together over the years.

Well, gotta go have cofeee. TTYL

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Ok, I haven't been eating, certainly not off my diet, yet this morning I am up 1.5 pounds. How annoying. I cannot even imagine how my weight is going to skyrocket on the cruise. I think I will take my scale along!!
I entered a contest to spend an evening with Adam Lambert. If I win I will flip right out. I can't even imagine sitting across from him and being able to just talk like a normal convo. On the other hand, strangely I feel connected to him (I know this sounds insane) so maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
Monte made the funniest comment in starbucks yesterday. Bill told him he was insane (in response to something monte had said) and he immediately quipped back, "Oh thank god, you aren't real then." I thought that was so funny. Even Bill did.

Today I am shopping, then baking. I am making tim tam cheesecake, ovaltine brownies, and starting the banoffee for april's birthday tomorrow nite. I love baking, even when I can't eat it!!

April is 22 tomorrow. We are all going to Andreas for dinner. We do this every year on her birthday. That is because the day we brought her home from the hospital, we stopped at Andreas for dinner before going home. That was her very first family dinner. Tomorrow nite Aryn and Rob, Jocelyn and Dorothy are coming as well. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta go. I have to make a comprehensive list to shop with later. TTYL

Monday, April 5, 2010

down down down

welll I am definitely under the 215 now. I feel all skinny and wrinkly. I still am not real comfortable in a size 2x. I don't like that muffin bulge to show at all.

Listening to Frightened Rabbit. I Love them....I wish I could go see them onMay 15 but I shall not be here! I shall be in Anchorage Alaska, shopping til we drop! I hope it doesn't rain too much.

We fly to Beijing on April 25th. On the 30th we board our princess ship and sail off for a lovely adventure. What I really like is that we get off the boat here in Vancouver!!

I have already started packing. I know I will gain some weight so I am packing stuff that fits right now. That way I will be able to grow into my stuff!! I refuse to cruise and not eat. I will just have to exercise caution. My biggest downfall breakfast. I love breakfast. game plan is to eat breakfast in the rooom and not up in the buffet. I shall two days to go up and eat and the rest of the time I shall have it delivered to my room. Poached egg on dry toast and coffee. That is more than I get right now so I am happy.

Once again I just went through my closet and drawers and have thrown out my fat clothes. Never again. Life is so much easier skinnier.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

long time

I am finally back, in my purple room writing away. My next entry is going to be about Life Coaches. I had much the same feeling about LC as I did about orthodontists. Useless and he can learn more from me than I could ever learn from him. After all I am 57 and he is just a baby of about thirty something. He was new at the coaching game and my daughter told me that he was looking for guinea pigs to practise on for a lower rate. So, why not I say. I shall refer to him as lc.

To begin with, I have never met LC. We talk on the phone. Now, I have seen a picture of him on facebook but I can't connect that face to the very australian accented disembodied voice on the other end of the phone line. From the first moment I said hello to him, he took charge of the call. Hell he took charge of the call, the topic, the perception of what we were talking about and the total direction of the conversation. I daren't slip up and make a small offside comment because it would come slamming back at me with a galeforce of one hundred.

The very first thing he somehow managed to suss out of me was how I have been battling my fat problem. I mean, how did that slip out? Honest to pete!!! I couldn't believe my mouth opened and spewed out my misery of being fat!!! Then, sweet Jesus, I heard my mouth going on about how I didn't want to feel unaccomplished and unmotivated anymore. What the Hell??!! He never ever misses a single thing. I mean, I am now going to the gym, practising the piano, writing, getting along with Bill, not worrying about Monte, and I have lost sixty pounds....and counting. This magical, all knowing, powerful voice on the other end of the line has replaced that nasty little voice in my head. But....I still don't know how it happened.