Monday, September 29, 2014


Alright, I do have to admit that now that I don't have Spod around to take these critters off my hands, I am enjoying their company.  As most of you know I have to sleep in a recliner due to back issues.  Molly, who avoids me like the plague if there is even one more slightly desirable person in the house, (clearly she excludes Monte) will deign to sleep with me.  She climbs up and snuggles down between my knees and doesn't move til morning.  Parker lies right at the foot of the chair on his bed, which I admit, I put there.  They are such good company, even if I do actually hate dogs.  (shovel list … they are just too dependant on us humans to make or break their day)                                                                
I went over to visit Spod this morning and he slept the whole time.  The nurse said he didn't sleep last night (which I already know because he phoned quite a few times through the night).  They have upped his meds so he is totally dopey today.  Monte just got back from seeing him and he said Spod didn't even remember me being there.  Actually I kind of like it when he is like this…he sleeps more and is less sad.
He asked Monte to write him a song.  Monte is out in the living room right now doing just that.  I think my heart is going to break.  What is it about music that brings out so much 'feeling'?  If I didn't love music so frigging much I would be putting it on my shovel list.                      
Tonight we met Pat Needham, a dear friend from Bamfield, at the hospital.  But Spod was so so out of it.  What a difference from yesterday.  If he hadn't been so good yesterday, and I didn't know they changed his meds, I would think he was on his last breath.  It was actually kind of scary.  But we had a great visit with Pat (Ted from Bamfield's son)  He told me tonight that Spod reminds him of his dad…a true compliment to Spod.   We stayed until nine thirty but Spod was completely out of it.  He couldn't talk or even respond other than a wee nod.  I hope he truly sleeps tonight.  But Monte and I are going to go over if he phones in the night and isn't able to sleep.  At least he has a tv and headphones.  I hate this.                 TTYL                                                      


Yesterday was one tough day.  It seems that it really sunk in for Spod yesterday.  I went in and saw him earlier in the day.  I can't even remember who was in to see him.  Maybe all the kids.  I remember…Monte.  He played our fave pieces on the piano while Spod and I sat cuddled up on the couch.  And then we both started crying and poor Monte finishes one of our favourite pieces, turns around and there we are blubbering like babies.  It discombobulated him to say the least!

  Then later,Myles, April, Aryn and I all piled into Monte's brand new (to him) crazy nice Jeep and went down town to Pags for a delicious Italian dinner.  We had lots to drink too!

On the way home, around seven thirty, we stopped off at the hospital and sat out in the elevator/piano area and had a raucous laughing good time.  Spod was thrilled.  About nine I put him to bed then we all went home.  I wasn't home but a minute when he phoned me.  He started crying :(  My heart broke and I dashed out the door, into the car and tore over there.  Poor guy was so lonely and scared.  So I just sat with him until he fell asleep.

Today he was moved to a new room by himself.  Heaven!!!!  Stan, Shannon, Myles, April and myself could all visit him at once and not be stepping on each others feet with nowhere to sit.  It was awesome.  He is so happy with his room.  Tomorrow we are snagging a wheelchair for his personal use…permanently..

Tonight Monte, Stan and I went down to the 'checkered flag' for dinner. MMMM it was so good.  After dinner I visited a while with Stan and then I went back to the hospital to put Spod to sleep.  Easier said than done I might add.  He simply does not sleep during the night.  We had a much better night tonight.  

Okay I have to quit here.  I can't even see straight and my head is beyond bobbin…TTYL

Sunday, September 28, 2014


I can't write tonight.  Its been such a sad day with Spod.  I think the reality of it all is really sinking in and he is just so sad.

One good thing…we get our own room tomorrow.  I will write more tomorrow night…some other things happened too.  But tonight I just can't.  TTYL

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Finally we have a diagnosis and a plan.  Spod's cancer is pancreatic/bile duct, which has spread throughout his abdomen.  He is truly unable to eat more than a tablespoon at a time.  Tonight he had trouble swallowing his pills.  And no matter what they do they cannot get his nausea and gagging under control.  They keep messing around with his meds to see if they can control his pain without knocking him out.  It is getting marginally better.

He isn't sleeping at night either.  They give him sleeping pills but to no avail.  He has taken to phoning me in the wee hours of the night, which is so good.  We get to visit quietly.  I read the news to him.  Then he gets sleepy and goes to sleep for a couple of hours and then phones me again.  I have a news website with different articles…so I keep the laptop set on that and just read him some more til he is sleepy again.

I had a long chat today with the dr du jour (or was that yesterday?) and today I received a phone call from the hospice/hospital liaison.  They feel its best for Spod to have constant care.  So he will stay in the hospital until a hospice bed becomes free.  If that doesn't happen they are set up in the hospital to care for him until the end.  He is relieved about this…he did not want to move.

Aryn and I were all over the place today, bouncing in and out of the hospital in between stops.  We went to the counter place and we have made a decision….quartz it is and its beautiful.  We had lunch in an awesome pub downtown on the water. I got a board of meat, cheese, pickles, pate and bread.  Mmmmmm….but it had a big chunk of blue cheese.  

Basically I just plain don't like blue cheese.  On a rare occasion it has been served to me in a manner that was somewhat pleasant…once Aryn made an apple horsederve (sp?) that was quite edible.  And once I got a salad at Wendy's that had a gooey quite delicious blue cheese on it.  But generally to me that cheese takes like plastic bags.

But today, it was delicious.  The whole lunch was good.  The cheese came from Little Qualicum somethingorother.  Really good, and as Aryn said it tasted more cheddary than blue cheesy.  The pheasant pate was curried..mmmm.  The thin ham was extra smoked and the bread buttery and crisp. We did come home at some point and kind of sat in purple room here in stunned tiredness.  Then off we went again down to a different pub for dinner…so good.  Back to the hospital to sit with Spod for a while and tell jokes and read him awesome emails people have sent.

Tonight Arnie and I watched some cooking shows, ate bridge mix and tried to stay awake.  April and Myles, also extremely tired, showed up and we have all gone off to bed.  Its going to be a really busy weekend with lots of people coming to see Spod.  They all know where he is so they can go see him without me having to be there.  He will love it.  Hopefully he won't get too tired.  Off to chair now…I is a tired old lady  (well I feel like an old lady tonight!!)  TTYL

Friday, September 26, 2014


There isn't much different today.  He isn't as able to get down to the cafeteria any more.  Slowly but surely he is wasting away.  But…he sure still has his sense of humour!  Out of the blue he will make a funny crack about something!  He talked to Jen's boys tonight and he told Rowan (mid teens) not to get married, that all a wife does is nag and his mother is already nagging and he doesn't need two going at him!  JEEZ!!

I went over this morning near lunch.  He was sound asleep and had been all morning.  I woke him up (accidentally, his stupid foot was super pointing up, at the foot of the bed and I whacked it as I tried to wiggle by to the chair, and whacking a diabetic's foot is never good).  He jolted awake and sat up.  Kathy and Kerry phoned and I said we would meet them in the cafeteria.  So after a half hour (or so it seemed) bathroom break we headed down.  He barely made it.  Poor Spod.  As he sat at the table with us his eyes kept rolling up in his head and he would fall asleep.  He finally asked to be taken back to his room.

After dropping him off Kathy and Kerry came back here for coffee.  We sat out on the deck and I can see those days are maybe coming to an end as its getting chilly, even in the middle of the day.  But for today it was lovely.  Soon they were on their way, and they are heading home in the morning.  I loved having them here.

Spod phoned me at six to say Mandy was there.  So I headed over and it was obvious Mandy and Spod had had a great time together.  He needed a sleep so Mandy and I went down the hall and visited until Monte arrived.  She will be back tomorrow…such an amazing person she is.  Her visit totally perked him right up.  So many memories to remember!

Monte, Aryn and I had a fun time in purple room tonight.  Kathy suggested I go have a look at the hospice and even talk to them about everything.  So after the appliances arrive tomorrow Aryn and I just may do that.  We also need to go pick out the arborite for the kitchen countertops.  That place just happens to be on the way back from the hospice.  Then it will be off to see Spod again.  I quite like going in there.  This hospital is homey, smells good (it always smells like Sunday dinner) and the staff are beyond amazing.

So as you can see its same old same old.  Still no diagnosis but I am now sure we have been pushed to the bottom of the list to make room for younger, more helpable people.  Thats okay.  We don't really care anymore.

So there goes my head again.  I should just leave the goofy stuff my hands type when I nod off.  So silly.  TTYT

Thursday, September 25, 2014


There is still no answer to what kind of cancer he has.  The doctor (who looked like a young twelve year old playing doctor) said it could still be a couple of days before we get the results.  Its actually pissing me off.  He kind of launched into how they have to do this and they have to do that.  I already freaking know.  So how does someone like Rob Ford, who had exactly the same biopsy done, get his results back so fast?

The big question now is not 'when' he comes home  but 'if'.  It seems that there is a fairly large 'in the know' group that think that due to the instability of his meds, he would be more comfortable staying around constant professional care.  Then there are those of us that emotionally would love to have him home.  I do know that it won't be before next week.

This morning Kathy and Kerry came over and bless their hearts dove right in cleaning, organizing and getting Spod's room ready, just in case.  I sent Monte off to take Parker to the groomers.  He stunk, plain and simple, smelled so bad from getting wet in the lake on his walks with Tandy.  And now tonite he smells splendiferous again thank God!

Monte has gone home til Sunday.  I think he not only really wanted to see his house again and take care of business, but he has been really a huge help here and needed a break.  Also he bought that wonderful jeep and was dying to drive it some distance and then show it off to his peeps in Port Alberni!  I look forward to his coming back though.  He really is a huge help and he is so good with his Dad.  He just seems to know what to do and what to say.

I did a really bad thing today.  I was home alone for about two hours.  I left a sleeping Spod around two and was planning to go to Emily's for dinner around five thirty.  So I popped into the Market and bought a little tub of Haggen Daz carmel cone explosion ice cream….and came home and ate the WHOLE damn thing!!!  All of it!!  I feel my pancreas screaming as I write this.  I shant be doing that again any time soon!

Well, tomorrow is HAIR WASHING DAY.  (shovel list).  I shall get up early, brush it out and gitter dun.  There just never seems to be a good time or a big enough block of free time to do my hair.  So until tomorrow….TTYL

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I have to admit it is getting harder every night to leave him.  He isn't happy.  He isn't feeling well.  He is sad and lonely.  I hate this.

I did discover that he really responds to head massages and hand massages.  So IF I every get the man home I can do that for him all day long.

The oncologist called me today.  Still no answer to what kind of cancer it is.  Maybe tomorrow.  But he told me 3-4 weeks probably.  Each day will be a little bit worse than the day before.  He isn't eating or drinking so his body is using up what little stores he has left.  After that it will slowly start to shut down :(  The doctor also told me how to use the hospice people.  There is always a nurse or doctor at the end of the telephone line.  They will come to the house.  If something happens we are to phone them, not an ambulance.  I can hire a nurse to come in once a day to help clean him and make sure all his meds are working properly, change the patch and check his vitals.  My personal goal here, only if its good for him though, is to have him die at home in his own bed with his dog beside him.

Today he got a visit from his granddaughter Valerie and his son David.  This made him very very happy.  He and David hadn't talked for about twenty years or so.  Wonderful closure for them both.  And Valerie was so amazing in what could have been an awkward situation.  She is such a beautiful girl.

My awesome sister and husband are here right now.  It was wonderful to have them here, comforting.  They are coming over tomorrow too and we shall go visit Spod again.  He may not get home until Friday, I hope by then anyway.  They are still trying to get his nausea under control.  Sorry, I don't feel too happy tonight.  I think I will have a little more bounce tomorrow.  TTYL

Monday, September 22, 2014


Poor Spoddy was very very cranky tonight.  The poor guy had a tube coming out of his gut and it was totally hurting.  He couldn't lay down and he was so tired he was cross eyed.  It didn't matter what I did he didn't like it and if looks and voice could kill I would be dead.  I finally went and got a nurse to deal with it and all ended well.  They drained more than seven litres this time.  He is in so much pain.

I am really excited to bring him home but at the same time I am so worried that I won't be up to it. If his pain gets really really bad I don't know what to do.  Tonight the nurse changed his patch to a much stronger one and gave him three dilaudid on top of that.  Even the nurse commented on his incredibly mad looking face.  I think he his getting very very weary of this whole road he must travel.

Today was a long day…for all of us.  I took off early this morning to Home Depot and bought 62 square feet of perfect tile for the kitchen.  I took care of business and at one o'clock the junk guys came and completely cleaned up the front yard.  It always feels so good to get rid of stuff! Aryn and Bradley created magic…in my new kitchen.  Those two kids work sooooo hard.  They work flat out at a hundred miles an hour, nattering away at each other, working so well together.  The kitchen is half done now and they left it usable which is awesome!

Tonight after leaving Spod we went to the Log House Pub just below us here for dinner.  It just happened to be karaoke night.  So as the host is setting it up I took a gander around the room and thought there is no way in hell is he going to get any takers.  First of all there were only three full tables of people in a room of twenty tables.  And…they were all older dudes….sixties types that looked like they should be out fishing or maybe from Alberta (LOL!!)  So the host sang the first song and we all sang along, clapping hands and I have to admit he was good.  Then came that moment….who's next?

I couldn't believe it…a herd of old geezers stepped up!!!  For the next hour we had such a great time listening to one after the other sing a myriad of country mixed with oldies.  What a fantastic way to end the day.  A little lightheartedness in the midst of sad…and some really bad singing.  Nothing beats listening to a bad old dude singing "Peaches".  Look up the lyrics.  Seriously.  Look it up.  You will see just what I am talking about.

Well its off to chair.  My heads a bobbin' and my mouth gets to talkin' and I might say things I shouldn't!!  TTYL

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Such a positive day today.  Spod has a doctor for this weekend who, according to the nurse he had today, is a bit magical at finding just the right mixture of pain meds and nausea stuff.  She tried all new stuff, except for the morphine patch.  She added a couple of new things to the mix and it seems to be working.  I phoned his nurse tonight and he said that Spod basically slept right through to eight thirty from when Amanda took him upstairs this afternoon.  That is so good…he really needs to make up for the crappy nights he has been having.

When Spod phoned me tonight he sound really good.  His voice was much stronger and he told me he was going to go right back to sleep.  The doctor also told me that as soon as he gets the tapping done, either tomorrow or Tuesday he can come home!  They will connect me to the hospice people, apparently an amazing resource for at home care.  So I think things are definitely looking up a little.  We will also have a diagnosis tomorrow or the next day, not that that will change much.

When I got home from the hospital I spent a portion of the day cleaning out my desk and getting, finally, to the mail.  I am learning, the hard way, it is not good to ignore mail.  But going through mail, stacks and stacks of it, a lot of it angry mail, aint no fun!  (shovel list)  Its a lot like, maybe even worse, than running errands…that is at the very top of my shovel list.  I.   HATE.   RUNNING.   ERRANDS.  One day I will post about that.  Or maybe I already have but I will post again.  Its that horrible it deserves a second post.

Tonight Aryn and Bradley took me out for dinner. We had a wonderful time and lots of good food.  Monte went to a movie with Emily and Austin.  It was that one that filmed that kid from the time he was little to now…when he is older.  Can't remember the name but you probably heard of it.  All three of them said it was just a terrible terrible movie!  But it can't be worse than Her.  Now that was bad!!

Anywhoo…I am off to chair.  I am getting creeped out by the number of giant flying things whizzing past my ears and landing on my body parts.  I desperately need a screen on my wide open window.   TTYL










What a long fulfilling day its been.  Kevin and Tandy headed home today.  They will be sorely missed.  It was so good to have a couple of people around that were so serious about Spod's care and took care of everything here at home.  Especially Parker!  Tandy loves him and he definitely loves her.  And of course, the kids!  Tonight I am seriously missing the little routine we had gotten into…bath, teeth, reading, bed.  I loved it and now miss it horribly.

But at seven oclock when I would normally be getting ready to put kids to bed, I hopped into the car and went over to visit Spod.  We had a most wonderful hour together, gossiping and planning.  At home I had left nine people, chomping down on delicious sushi.

Aryn and Bradley and their employee, Jessie, ripped that kitchen apart.  And as renos go nothing is simple.  The dishwasher has been leaking forever and rendered the floor underneath dangerously smooshy and mouldy.  So Bradley ended up ripping up the whole oak floor in there and he is building a new subfloor where the dishwasher had been.  Now I shall have to pick out tile for the floor and find someone to do it.  Aryn got all the new cabinets built!

Today Zach and Jordan, two old old friends Monte has known since he was four, came over to visit.  They are sleeping downstairs as we speak.  Emily came out tonite bless her and ten of us sat down to dinner.  Zach and I had gone and picked up a huge sushi feast and we all had such a lovely time together.  And tonight when I went to see Spod, he was in pretty good shape.  He isn't quite so dopey on the morphine.  When I got back here we spent the evening playing crazy music and visiting.  

By the sounds of it we are all getting up at 7 and going to Floyd's Diner for breakfast.  April and I are going to the hospital to see Spod at nine.  The Dr. wants to talk with me and she could be there as early as 9.  Floyd's makes the best breakfast in the whole world.  Later Mandy, Shannon, Billy and family will be showing up!!  Looking forward to that for sure.  I shall report tomorrow night!  TTYL

Saturday, September 20, 2014


We have been keeping Spod busy and this weekend is going to be even more so.

April,Myles, Aryn and Bradley arrived tonight.  Kevin and Tandy are still here so it was and is a very full house tonight.  It feels good though.  We have figured out a way to keep the sink and stove going while we wait for countertops so that will be so much easier.  And the downstairs bathroom is going to be gyprocked this weekend as well.  This will make Spod happy!  He keeps apologizing for leaving me with so much to do.  Jeez!

He is still very very sick, unable to eat or drink much.  They have switched him from dilauded to a morphine patch.  Earlier today he was definitely way more alert and he looked really good.  But he phoned me a little while ago to tell me that his left chest really hurt.  I insisted he hang up immediately and call the nurse and let her know.  So he did and then phoned me back.  She was going to give him a dilauded on top of the morphine patch.  His dinner tonight was a bite of banana and a sip of water.

I am going to take April over tomorrow by herself.  We can push him down to the cafeteria and have some lunch.  She hasn't had much chance to spend time with him.  I can even leave them alone for a while.  She really does need to spend as much time as possible with him.

On sunday Mandy, Shannon, Billy, his wife and adorable baby are coming over for a visit.  He is going to love that!

Meanwhile Fenton and I have been cooking up a storm!  Last night we made muffins and tonight we made a massive amount of mac and cheese.  He is so much fun!  I have so enjoyed having the kids around.  It helps.  TTYL



Friday, September 19, 2014


At least not yet.  I ran into the dr. today and he is switching Spod from painkiller pills to a three day morphine patch.  And they are going to try steroid treatment for the nausea.  He is just so sick.  By the time they get all that arranged, including a tummy tapping, the actual type of cancer should be known.  Not that that is going to make much difference now.  He seems to be going downhill so fast.

Kevin and Tandy have decided to stay for a while yet.  I am so relieved.  It is so great to have them here.  I so enjoy being able to spend some time with the kids..reading, baking etc…And having K&T here is also magic….its good to have someone to bounce things off of.  Tomorrow night we will be adding April, Myles, Aryn and Bradley to the mix.  I think this is just what is needed.  Lots of people and activity.  We will take turns going to the hospital for visits.

I need to make a trip to Lee Valley Tools.  I have to pick out umpteen knobs and pulls for the kitchen cupboards.  I am sure there will be other things too.  And I think I need to pay the bills.  So many things to so easily forget!

Well there goes my head again, bobbing forward and scaring me awake.  I think I typed this whole thing half asleep.  To bed…TTYL

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Spod phoned me this morning to tell me he felt just terrible.  He is so nauseated all the time and in pain some of the time.  I feel so helpless.  I would do anything to help him feel better.

The medi van picked him up at nine and he was back by noon.  I went over immediately and sat with him for the afternoon.  It is going to be a week before we know what it is.  But it isn't going to make much difference anyway.  Its been made pretty clear there isn't much they will be able to do.  They are making plans for his coming home.

A social worker came into the room and started the process.  She had a load of questions, for example:  Do you have animals?  (yes, two dogs and a rabbit and yes we put the dogs away if a home nurse should come)  Do you have guns? (Yes, tucked away…old hunting rifle, old rcmp pistol….no ammo and neither work)  Will he have to go up or down stairs? (no) Do you have all the facilities, bathroom, kitchen, transportation? (No kitchen)  WHAT???  And so it went.

Emily and Austin came out for dinner.  We had a lovely time.  Monte showed Austin the Bamfield picture album.  Love the place but its hard to look at the pics without super missing it.  Kev and Tandy went to see Spod again tonight and took the laptop and showed even more travel pics. He sooooo enjoys that. 

 There is a chance he could come home tomorrow…Friday at the latest.  I must admit I am a little nervous.  He is so deadly sick.  I just can't fathom it.  But we will lay him out in his armchair and he can watch the dismantling of the kitchen.  He will enjoy the activity and it can't possibly be any louder than his room in the hospital is. And he doesn't eat so we don't really need a kitchen.  

Well I am off to bed.  Its late and Spod will be phoning early in the morning.  TTYL

ps:  I just finished this post and posted (I am now in edit)  When I write and post I sit in the dark with only the tv on.  So I finished up and shut my lap top.  I heard a crunch.  What??? So I opened up the lap top and turned the flashlight on my phone on.  When I looked along the spine of the laptop, I saw I had crunched a giant icky fly, right down into the inside of this thing.  Jeez!!  I told you I hate maggots…for one reason only, they turn into flies!!  Now I have to find something to fish the gushy damned thing out!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Spod will be picked up at nine by a medi van to be taken down to the Jube (cancer clinic) for the exploratory.  I have no idea how long he will be but he will call me when he gets back.  Then, depending on how he is and what they find, they think he can come home by the end of the week.  We will wait then for a call to go down and see the oncologist and get the diagnosis and prognosis…maybe…I am learning to not count on anything anymore.

Today was good, a lot of fun, but he was very tired and unwell throughout.  I went over for the morning.  At around two I took him downstairs to the cafeteria and met Tandy and the kids there.  We spent a couple of hours sitting outside while the kids played.  It was really a good visit.  Tonight he phoned looking for Tandy and Kevin, they bringing his laptop with more travel pics!  He is so enjoying sharing the pics and Tandy in particular is truly interested.  Its nine oclock and Monte, who went with him, just called to say he was taking Spod back upstairs to bed.  So maybe tonight he will sleep!

Monte was going to head home today.  I had him park his leaky truck up on the road.  He packed up the tacoma and…nothing.  It made that odd buzzing sound when  either the ignition or starter is not working.  (shovel list) So now thats two frigging vehicles out of commission.  In one way its good, none of us felt that Monte should be driving in his drugged condition, plus we really need him here for a while.  Now he has no choice. I will worry about the trucks next week…maybe.

On the 19th and 20th the kitchen is being totally dismantled.  On the 21st Aryn and Bradley will be installing the cabinets Aryn has built the day before.  All the new appliances are being delivered on the 26th.  Somewhere in there the counter people are coming to measure the cabinets to make up an estimate.  Apparently they install the sink so we will not have a sink until four weeks after the estimate and me paying a giant deposit.  April and Myles are coming this weekend to pack up more of their stuff and to see Spod.  And if he does come home the doctor today said that he has to have a home care nurse come too.  She is going to freak when she sees the lack of kitchen.  I have a tall three burner camp stove from costco I am going to set up either on the back deck (if it doesn't rain) front deck if it does.  The bathroom will have to suffice for water.  Well, that and the hose out front.

This brings back memories of past farm days.  You would go to a friend's farm house for coffee and in the corner would be the ancient old hunched over 'old person' sitting vacantly on an old stuffed armchair.  Thrown carelessly on the couch in a mound of unfolded laundry fresh off the line would be the newest addition to the family, squalling for a feeding. A passel of little kids with no underwear on would be running through the house with gay abandon.  The smell of delicious coffee wafted through the house on the back of spicy cinnamony buns coming out of the wood kitchen stove.  Inevitably there would be one tired little soldier sound asleep on a pile of coats in the mud room.  Many many times I experienced just this.

Now its time to sign off again.  Maybe there will be a little more info tomorrow.  'sigh'  TTYL

Monday, September 15, 2014


He had such an awful day today.  He phoned me several times and he sounded just terrible and in such a weak feebly voice told me he felt yucky.  It seems his pills aren't working as well anymore.  The hospital phoned me today and told me that they would medi van him down to the cancer clinic on the 18th, Thursday for the exploratory exam and biopsy.  I hope they tap his tummy …its getting so big again.  This is just awful. The poor man just needs to come home and be normal again.  I so wish…..

Monte is much better.  He is back on his old meds and he started to improve immediately.  He will be heading back to Port tomorrow, probably coming back next week.  He needs to see his doctor.  

Today Tandy, bless her heart, drove his truck down to the dumpy area, unloaded a massive amount of garbage (maggots and all, blasted blighters) and arranged for me to have weekly pick up, even got the garbage container.  But as she drove his truck she had a terrible time getting it into gear, backward and forward.  We insisted Monte try it out tonight and when he moved it we saw a pile of leaked transmission fluid on the ground.  CRAP!!  So tomorrow before he leaves, in our Tacoma, we have to figure out where to take his truck and get it fixed.  And of course pick it up when its done.  He won't be here to do it.

I was in to see Spod a couple of times today.  He mostly slept and didn't get out of bed.  He is so sick.  Tandy and Kevin went in tonight and took his lap top to him.  He showed them travel pics.  He phoned when they left and he so enjoyed the visit.  Perked him right up!

While they were gone I fed the kids some supper, let them eat TWO ice cream sandwiches, bathed them then read them two chapters in Fenton's chapter book plus a library book that Elise picked.

We were sitting in my rocking chair in purple room.  And I gotta tell ya, I was so tired I was fading fast!  And I made a discovery (actually a rediscovery because I remember this from when Kevin and Aryn were little…I just forgot I could do this)….I can sleep and read at the same time.  I really can!!  I was reading Elise's book and I fell asleep.  At the last sentence I jolted awake and upon quizzing the children I had actually read the whole page, while asleep!  I can remember doing this with my own kids when they were small.  Although Fenton kind of caught on.  He told me I kind of said some things wrong…hahaha.

Sh*t….I just drank a giant moth.  DAMMITTTT!!  I am tired of getting bugs in my mouth.  This is always happening to me.  Its dark in here, the light is off, and I have a glass of mango pop.  I just took a mouthful and I thought I had accidentally picked up an ice cube..but noooo, when I bit down on it, expecting icy cold crunch,it was a  soft fuzzy squash.  Ewwwwww…….

Seriously…I need to go to chair now.  Lets hope my Billyboy has a better day tomorrow.  Its hard to see him so sick and miserable, I can't imagine how he must feel in there all alone at night.  The nurse says he doesn't sleep much at night.  Man I wish he was home.  TTYL  ps:  did you notice I posted about the challenge a day early…I thought it was Tuesday all day today…jeez….(shovel list)


Yup!!  Thats right.  A clear house is a clear mind.  That is this week's challenge.  Actually I have to say it was a really good chapter.  She told us how to divide your stuff up (categories) and then how to dispose of the dispose pile.  Lots of good suggestions on organization…a reality check for those of us that are either collectors or married to collectors…of junk.  I enjoyed this chapter and I just may apply it to the garage after April gets her stuff out of there.

I went over to see Spod a couple of times today.  I ran into his doctor and he flagged me down.  Basically (Judge Judy's most hated word haha) he has put things in such a way that I don't really think they are thinking there is much that will be able to be done but make him as comfortable as possible.  He asked Spod if he would like to have an exploratory needle/biopsy of his abdomen..more so they can tell him what he actually has than to actually treat it.  But like I have said before and am saying again…things change….all the time.  So they are planning that tomorrow.  If the result comes in in two or three days they will keep him there.  If its a week or more they will send him home…which would be great.

I am a little worried that the real reality of all of this will hit him when he gets home.  And right now we have Kevin and Tandy and kids here for the week…so it would be a wonderful distraction for him if he were to come home now.  Fingers crossed!  Meanwhile, while all this bull shit is going on, he is fading away before our very eyes.  He still isn't eating.

Not much change with Monte.  They have put him back on elanzapine.  This was a drug that worked so well for him over the last year.  They took him off of it a month or two ago, because of the awful side effect of weight gain.  But it seems to be helping him so he may have to find a way to deal with the weight gain and stay on that drug.  I feel he will be in there a while yet.

I am seriously falling behind on my chores here.  One of them is the flipping garbage.  There are about six bags that desperately need to be taken to the dump.  I had Monte gather them into one spot…but he missed one that Aryn had put in a different part of the garage. 

 Last night I got home fairly late and needed to feed the dog immediately.  So I need to get that bag of garbage out of there, it was right in the way.  I reached over and full fisted grabbed the tied area at the had kind of folded over.  My whole hand, fingers and back of hand, sank into something gushy and lumpy.  I yanked my hand back and pulled the top of the bag back…to expose at least a four inch pocket of maggots…at least four million of them.  It was like a mushy four cups of rice. 

 I actually cried.  Now don't get me wrong, maggots don't usually bother me, except for the fact that they turn into really annoying flies.  But this was a ridiculous careless bad oversight.  I knew that stupid bag was there and just hadn't moved it.  I dashed into the house and grabbed a can of raid from under the sink.  I sprayed those suckers until they were foamy and not moving.  I then gingerly picked up the whole bag and took it out to the lawn.  Methinks its to the dump in the morning…I just simply did not have time this morning.  I wonder if crap like this happens to other people.  Stuff like this makes me feel like a loser.  This would never happen in my sister's house or in Cookie's.  I hate that garage.  TTYL

Saturday, September 13, 2014


My cell phone rang really early this morning, jolting me out of a sound sleep.  It was Spod.  He sounded fantastic!  His voice was strong and clear and just like normal.  Holy Cow!! I said.  What the heck is going on?  He immediately told me that I didn't have to worry anymore, I could relax, he was feeling great.  He had had a fantastic sleep and he even was wanting bacon and eggs for breakfast!!  I asked him what happened overnight to cause this amazing transformation and he swears it was clearing out that blockage in his nethers!!  He told me to just concentrate on Monte…and that he was just fine.  It was just so odd!

I got up and got some things done.  Sort of.  Emily and Austin were here so we had coffee out on the deck and had some good discussion.  They set off for a day of shopping.  I put together left over sushi and headed off down town to Monte's hospital.  He came out and met me and he had a snack.  But when we went back into the locked up area we had a meeting with his doctor's assistant and the nurse.  They have set him up with a whole new whack of medication.  He decided to come home today.  So he dropped me off at Spod's hospital and went on home for a shower.  

Spod wasn't feeling quite so spunky by this time.  I tracked down the nurse and she told me that the fluid test definitively confirmed intra abdominal cancer of some sort.  They just don't know where it is coming from.  At this time they suspect the pancreas.  Jeez!  So next week he will be having more tests to try to find it.  When they do they will biopsy.  But now that I have said that it will probably all change and be different!

On our way home we stopped at Costco for dog food and discovered that the last book in a Ken Follett trilogy is on the shelves…so we bought it.  When we got home I unloaded the car, did a few things and while Monte napped (his new pills make him sleepy), I ran back to the hospital to give Spod his book.  Monte phoned, in distress, saying he needed to go back to the hospital.  Changing meds can play havoc on the brain.  So I dashed home and picked him up and drove him downtown to the other hospital.  Its the same one that Spod will go to if he ever gets diagnosed.  Sigh.

So here I am tonight, my head bobbing up and down…so tired.  Good news though, Kevin and family are coming down tomorrow to stay til Friday!!!!!!  So happy!! Poor Parker is going to be ecstatic!! I can't wait to see them again!  So nothing will happen tomorrow it being Sunday, but I will make a little report tomorrow night.  And we want to thank all you  people out there for your incredible support and encouragement.  I pass all of it along to him in the hospital and it just makes him feel special.  He kind of glows!  So thank you.  TTYL

Friday, September 12, 2014


Spod had the most awful day today.  Late this morning they brought in a big jug with two litres of the most gross awful tasting liquid you ever put in your mouth.  I tasted it…just pure awful.  And he was told that he had to drink it all!!!  A royal clean out in preparation for the big colonoscopy.  Poor Spod, he can hardly drink water!  So he did start and did finally get down a litre.  He then stopped and simply refused to drink more.  "Take me home and let me die then!" were his exact words.  It made him soooo sick.

But they did the scope and discovered…it WASN"T colon cancer.  WTF!!!!  After all those tests, including a sixteen hundred dollar MRI…WHICH WAS WRONG!!!  This is just so frustrating.  The longer it takes to get to the bottom of it the longer we go without treatment.  And he is shrivelling away.  I still have a feeling its either stomach or pancreatic cancer.  Apparently on Monday there is going to be a powwow amongst the doctors to figure out the next step.  Poor Spod…stuck in there for even longer.

Monte isn't well either.  I am so glad he is in the hospital.  They have super duper upped his meds.  He sounds like a zombie when we talk.  I took him clean clothes and a Farley Mowat of his fave authors.  Tomorrow I will take him some left over sushi.  Poor guy…this depression is a horrible thing to suffer from.

I have been sitting here trying to remember if there is anything else to report.  But my head keeps bobbling forward as I start to drop off to sleep.  I think I am plumb out of everything at the moment.(except an obscene amount of sushi I ate with Em and Austin…my two lifesavers of the moment!)  TTYL 

Thursday, September 11, 2014


I just reread last night's post!  Hahaha!  I didn't even finish the dog story.  I think I was past thinking straight.  I will try to do better with this post! I will keep it really short!

Spod is finally ready and receiving a full colonoscopy and biopsy tomorrow!  The GI doc came up this afternoon to talk to us.  And he told us that they will be able to tell almost right away what kind of cancer it no waiting around by the sounds of it.  (although I have heard this before).  And I don't really know what happens after that.  I am not sure if he goes straight down to the cancer place or if he comes home to wait until they phone.  Probably the latter.  Poor Spod.

I had to take Monte in to emergency this afternoon.  He is truly suicidal, unwillingly, but a chemically imbalanced brain knows not what it does.  They told him to go down to the old hospital, royal jubilee, which serves as both a cancer clinic and a mental hospital, by either ambulance or me driving him.  We came home to see how it went and Emily came out to talk with him.  The two of them are very close and I trust her judgement implicitly.  It was decided he needed to go.  So Emily, bless her heart, stepped up to the plate in a BIG way and is driving him down.  I hope they keep him in for a while, for my peace of mind if not a cure for him.  Poor Monte.  This has been a long long battle.

Jim, Jan, Frank and Joan came to visit Spod today.  He enjoyed it so much, as did I.  It was so good to see them.  Its been a while so we had lots of new to catch up on.  Somewhere along the visit Monte brought Parker to the hospital and we all sat outside.  Once Parker settled a little, he sat beside Spod's wheelchair.  And tonight he is much calmer and laying out in the  living room, not right under my chair.  It was a really good day other than poor Monte.

Now its time to do some laundry and watering of plants and unloading dishwasher.  It will help with the waiting to hear about Monte.  Plus at midnight tonight, my awesome nephew David told me that due to huge sun flare day before yesterday we are going to get northern lights so strong they could reach down here!  And where we live its mighty dark out so….here's hoping!!!!  TTYL

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Firstly, Spod  has kind of hit the reality wall.  He has been doing so well up to now but today he made a number of comments that show that the finality of his situation is beginning to really sink in.  And there just isn't anything I can really say to make him feel better about it.  The whole damn thing just sucks.  I really wish I could bring him home.  There is still time to have lots of fun and just some normalcy. 

 Tomorrow Jan and Jim and Joan and Frank are coming to visit.  Maybe this will help him.  The nurse has secured a wheel chair for us and we will meet them in the cafeteria.  Sometime during that visit Monte will bring Parker over.  We can sit out on the cafeteria deck.  

As of tonight there were still no results from the cytology on the fluids.  We have our fingers crossed that they will be able to get enough cells to eliminate a colonoscopy.

Now, about a certain dog I hate.  When we moved here a year ago it became very evident really fast that the house down below us had a stupid brainless dog that did nothing but bark and bark and bark…at nothing.  And I don't understand how the neighbourhood can stand it!  All freaking day, from eight in the morning til about nine at night that frigging dog would bark…nonstop.  So instead of phoning by-law peeps, I wrote to them.  A syrupy suck up letter, appealing to their human side to shut their evil asshole dog up.  And they did!!!  A month later, when I was sure it was going to stick I sent them a gorgeous thank you card.

They would let him out for ten minutes, four times a day approximately..and of course the jerk would bark nonstop for the whole time he was out.  But in the last few weeks that ten minutes has been stretching to twenty then a half hour and now and then a whole hour.  And it was happening more and more frequently as the days went by.  

So the other day I was out back and he was barking and barking and barking and I looked down into their yard, the little corner you could see and there he was, looking up at me and barking.  Just then I noticed the lady of the house come out.  So I yelled down as hard and loud as I possibly could, "SHUT THE FUCK (sorry) UP YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE."  The lady looked up and quickly took her dog into the house and shut the door.  At least I think she did.  I was coughing up a lung from yelling so loud (ever since I quit smoking a hundred years ago I can't yell, or laugh very long or even talk loud without coughing my guts out) and I didn't really see clearly but the dog stopped.

And…we have never heard him since!  Not once.  Not for a pee or a quick run or anything…he seems to have disappeared!  I am wondering if they finally did the right thing and got rid of the brainless twit.  He simply doesn't belong in a neighbourhood with normal people.  And how is it that people think other people want to listen to their stupid ugly dogs bark endlessly?  

Well, the kitchen is now pretty much empty and ready for being ripped apart.  After talking with the countertop people and getting their time line it looks like we will be kitchenless til the end of October.  'sigh'  It can't be helped but now I am trying to figure out how we will eat properly.  I am going to move the keurig into the bathroom…at least there is water there.  We have a bbq to heat things and I shall put the microwave near a plug somewhere in the house.  I think I shall go out and buy many paper plates, bowls, and cups. 

 Back in the old days when Aryn and Kevin were babies I lived in an old farmhouse.  I did the laundry, diapers and all, in the bathtub, wrung them out with a hand crank wringer and hung them on the line to dry.  Those days are over.  I will not wash dishes in the tub.  Paper it is!

Well just thinking about all that made me tired.  Off to chair.  Sleepy.  TTYL

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Which way do I go?  Which way do I go?  Last night, quite late, I got a call from Monte in the hospital in Port.  He suffers from awful clinical depression and when his thoughts become self destructive he ends up in the hospital with a very worried me at the other end of his phone line.  Thank God he has a great great friend across the street who keeps me in the loop about Monte.  Poor guy.  He hates this anxiety and depression, possibly made worse with the news about his dad. So we made plans for him to make it through the night and then come down here for a while.  I really need the help here anyway.  So he did.  I feel so much better having him here….for his sake.

Spod had a lovely day (as much as possible) with his son Bill.  Bill, bless his heart, came over really early and stayed all day with Spod.  His dad totally enjoyed the visit.  Emily came over here really early and cleaned and visited..just what I needed, believe me.  She and I went to see Spod and we also saw Bill.  We had a lovely visit!

Some good news…The doctor stopped by where we were sitting to let us know that Spod's biopsy results should be in tomorrow, next day the latest.  Thank goodness!!!  Finally we will get him into the cancer clinic and a plan put in action!  I can't wait and for sure, neither can Spod.  

We all went back to the hospital around three thirty and Monte played the piano for quite a while.  The oldsters love it.  And when we all finished playing this very old tiny lady in a very unbecoming hospital gown sat down at the piano and knocked off the Hungarian Rhapsody!!!  I couldn't believe it!  It was wonderful!

Tonight Austin came out on his bicycle and we ordered Chinese food and had a fantastic warm evening.  They are coming out again Friday night and they will spend the night.  April and Myles will be over as well.

Achh fer geez!!!  The rabbit is going crazy outside.  I forgot we put her out there, he is right under my window.  I shall have to go get him.  The deer live in our front yard and he doesn't like deer.  We have three quite tall, about four foot high, solar lights.  They are beautiful balls on metal posts that stick in the ground.  And they are forever tipped over on the ground.  I could not figure out why.

  Well…last night I went out to get something from the garage.  I noticed a deer over by the dogwood and I couldn't believe what I saw!!  The stupid deer was kicking his back leg and knocking the lights over to the ground!  Why???  What the hell do they have against those lights?  I don't get it.  I sicked Parker on the buck but Parker just looked, turned around and went back in the house.  So I leapt like a gazelle over the flower garden, charged over the grass,  screeching like a banshee and the deer leisurely bounced off.  Stupid deer.

Well now its bedtime.  I need to sleep, which I shall do tonight because my three boys are in safe places.  One in the hospital getting great care.  Another down the hall in bed and close enough for me to check.  And the smelly hairy one is under my chair.  'sigh'   He truly smells awful.  Oh well as long as they are all okay for now.  Night Night. TTYL

Monday, September 8, 2014


This is what I call a filler week.  She had to come up with 52 changes.  Obviously we need to read the food ingredient list on the labels.  Obviously we should avoid the chemicals and sodiums and sugars.  This is a wasted week.

I always had a secret desire that I have never talked much about.  Its because this desire cannot come to fruition unless I am alone…not travelling, not taking time from my bestest buddy in the world, staying in one place for a dependable amount of time etc….

I have always wanted to work in a hospice…palliative care.  Its something I instinctively feel I can do and do well.  It involves taking the hospice care course which seems to run every few weeks.  And in the ward with Spod I think I am getting a hint of what it might be like!

Spod is easy.  He needs help now and then to get up to the john, but other than that he just sleeps.  But the other guys in the room need blankets, beds raised, bottles of pop opened, books found, phone calls made (on my cell).  Now and then Spod yells out, "Hey! She's my wife!"  But he doesn't mind.  I was telling Cookie on the phone about this and she said it was good practice!!

They took 6 litres of fluid out of Spod's abdomen today.  His tummy is much flatter and he looks so skinny!  He was pretty cranky today.  I think he is looking forward to getting out of there.  I am still not sure what is what…things are always changing.

Anyway, I am off to bed.  I shall report more tomorrow!  TTYL

Sunday, September 7, 2014


It's ten at night, Sunday.  Everybody has gone home.  Spod just phoned me.  I always thought, and I do believe I have mentioned in this blog a time or two, that I would love time alone.  Be careful what you wish for.  LOL!!  This house is huge and empty.  Parker is right under my chair on his dog bed, which I was forced to move in here permanently.  Spod is lonely too.  We talked for quite a while.  He was telling me all the gossip from the hospital and I was telling him all the gossip from the family!

Apparently when the kids were there they noticed the hand held pee bottle men use (its a funny shape with a handle) sitting on his bedside table.  He never uses it.  April jokingly asked him if it was his coffee mug.  He said, "Yup!!  I got it a Starbucks.  It was a peepeechino."  Hahahaha!!!  He is so funny!  Maybe its the drugs.

We just found out tonight that he will be having the biopsy tomorrow, plus they are tapping his tummy.  From all that we should have a diagnosis. I was told the other day that while we waited he could come home.  So I am counting on that still being true.  Tomorrow morning I must stop at the walk in clinic we use here and get that old dr. on board and be our referring doctor.  He can't go to the cancer clinic until we have a referral from our own doctor.  And our own doctor is what we don't have.

Well my eyeballs are rolling back into my head…so tired.  I feel like Spod!!  That is what happens when we talk to him.  Suddenly his eyes slide shut or roll back.  Poor guy! TTYL  


A very busy day today.  Spod was in pretty good form.  He does get sleepy from the pills.  We know now that when his eyes roll back in his head he needs a nap!

April and Monte went in to visit with him this morning.  They ended up down the hall at the piano with a load of old old peeps gathering around listening to April and Monte play the piano.  Nothing makes Spod happier than listening to the  piano being played by his kids.

This afternoon the Brad (Spod's son) family came down from kamloops.  It was SOOO good to see them and it made Spod so happy.  The two boys have grown soo much.  The oldest one, Kieran,  is in university now.  They both are amazing cyclists, winning competitions and they ski like a hot dam! So many kids to be proud of!  And it was great to catch up with Brad and Dana…awesome people.  I am so lucky that Spod brought such wonderful family with him into our lives.

They visited with Spod for a while then came here for dinner.  Aryn made cedar plank salmon!  It was downright delicious.  April and Aryn dashed off to costco to supplement dinner items and Monte and I dashed down to the liquor barn.  We had such an wonderful evening, visiting and catching up.  Dinner was delicious and the salmon didn't taste like I thought it was going to.  Way back when, in Bamfield, I tried planking halibut.  We all took our first bite and after a few chews spit it out.  It was Monte that piped up, 'this tastes like Home Depot.'  But the salmon tonight was really good.

I am kind of dreading tomorrow night, here all by myself.  Maybe I will stay late with Spod.  The only thing is, he just sleeps all the time.  And his new room mate (Jack, who thought it was still WW 11, died last night)and Gordie the crazy one was put in solitary and the whiner went home, is worse than all of them put together.  He tried to kill himself by drinking 48 beer before being brought to the hospital,  because his wife left him. And I am pretty sure he has lung cancer from smoking.  He can't walk.  So he is about to go into severe withdrawal crazies, both from the dt's and nicotine fits.  Scary! If it gets too wild and noisy I might look into a private room for Spod.

Things are finally 'moving' in Spod.  With any luck he will be ready for a colonoscope/biopsy by Monday or Tuesday.  Then we can bring him home for a while.  First though I have to find a doctor to take us on.  We can't get into the cancer clinic without a referral and only from our doctor here in Victoria, which we don''t have.  So annoying.

Now I am tired beyond words.  I need to be at the hospital by 9 or 10 in the morning so best send this off and get to bed.  Hopefully it will go.  Our internet keeps crapping out and not working.  (shovel list)  TTYL