Wednesday, January 29, 2014


When I was at the fat lady store yesterday I picked up a cool looking patterned pair of leggings/tights.  When I was in North Van at that store I tried different ones on and definitely the smallest ones they have are the ones that fit me…and even at that they are too large.  When I pull them up so the crotch is where its supposed to be, the waist band is on the top of my stomach, like right at my chest.  I don't know what they think we are…I am huge and the small is too big.  I can't imagine who buys and fits anything bigger.  No one is that big, except maybe that 600 pounder in the store yesterday.

Today I started the packing process for our trip coming up on the 12th of Feb  (happy birthday Cookie!!!).  The first step is to put all the clothes I plan to take, folded, into the suitcase.  Later I will have to remove them and iron them etc.  But for now I need to plan the clothes.

I was taking tags off the new stuff, finding the old shirts I want etc.  I opened up the new lovely tights.  And unfolded them, unfolded them, unfolded them….they were freaking huge!!  I checked the packaging and it said X.  Which is right.  Then I checked the leggings label and it said 2X.  Dammit!!

As the day went by, knowing they would have to go back, I just got more and more cross.  Seriously!  Who do they think those things are going to fit anyway???

So I decided to try them on and just show how stupidly big they were.  Hahaha…I wish I could have taken a picture.  Well no, maybe not.  I pulled them on, up and up and up.  Those stupid leggings went all the way up to the top of my head!!  I put my arms down the inside and just kept wiggling them up til they stopped.  I looked like a lumpy popsicle with a fuzzy top!  So unless you are morbidly over hugely obese…those things wouldn't fit anyone!

There is another thing I have to do ASAP.  Every time I sat in my chair in purple room, just in the last week, I would get wafts of something that smelled awful.  Rotten smelling.  I hunted and hunted and couldn't find a thing.

Well, today I was spending a lot of time in the bedroom, not in purple room.  And…the smell was there too!  That means only one thing….that smell was emanating from me.  Upon further investigation I discovered it was my beloved slippers.  Acccchhhhhh jeez!  Ewwwww!!  I got them wet last week outside and that is a death knell to slippers.  A trip to Walmart is now on the list too.  And I really liked those slippers.

We are making yet another trip to the mainland this weekend.  This time though its just for Saturday.  We have a mortgage on a place in Surrey.  We have never met the lady that borrowed the money.  She has made every pmt for over six years.  She doesn't sign the renewals, but as long as she makes the pmts. we don't care.  The interest rate is much higher than we would actually get if we signed her up today.  

Out of the blue she missed a couple of pmts.  And at the same time I got notice that her house was about to be sold for unpaid taxes.  So I immediately paid the minimum propery tax and started foreclosure.  But after two missed pmts, they started up again.  Too late though.  I don't trust her.

But..we cannot get hold of her.  No one has ever talked to her.  She never misses pmts on the bank first mortgage.  We can't find her and there seems to be someone in the house but never an answer and notices are posted on her door.  Something is up.

We now have the legal right to change the locks on the door to get the house listed and sold.  So on Saturday Aryn has arranged for us all to meet a locksmith and a realtor and we shall be busting into the place, taking a look around and hopefully not finding a dead body.  (although that would cross another thing off both Aryn's and my bucket list)  I will report on this on Sunday, that is if we don't get shot.  From the outside it kind of looks like a grow op is happening there.  Such a dangerous business investing is!!  hahahah…

Well I am off to bed.  TTYL

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Spod has at least ten things, vital things, that need to be done before we leave in a couple of weeks.  These are things only he can do and they have been needing doing for ages and ages now.  So, of course, every time I remind him, I get labelled as a "nag".  I resent this. 

 I went and got a spiral note book and made a list, listing each thing he needs to do and gave it to him.  I told him that it was now up to him to get it done….or not.  But if he doesn't it will both cost us money and get us into trouble.  So now he is working his way through that list, hollering at me from the other room asking me things like, "where is that bank form again?" and "how do we pay for this?"  and "do you have a cheque to void for our pensions auto deposit?"  All of which I either don't have or don't know where it is.   At least he is now working on getting it all done!!!

I made a trip to the fat lady store today to fill in the gaps in my travel wardrobe.  I wasn't sure when I was in North Van and I didn't want to double up on stuff.  There was a lady in there who was seriously seriously morbidly obese.  Now, I am not small by a huge long shot, but I was only about 1/3 the size of her.  And I buy the second to last large size available in that store…4X.  The last size you can buy is 5X and will find a 6X.  I couldn't help but wonder what was she actually going to be able to buy that would fit her. I think the sales lady wondered too!

Well, she found a top.  It wasn't a stretchy one.  It was fairly form fitting, cap sleeved with a peplum type waist.  There was no way was that going to fit her.  It had a decorative zipper down the had to pull it over your head.  The sales lady tried her best to convince her that it wasn't the top for her but she wasn't having any of that!  The lady insisted and got just a wee bit snippy!  Off she went into the change room.  

She hadn't been in there more than about five minutes when we heard (I was kind of lurking nearby) her grunt and grunt then RIIIIP!!  You could actually here the top rip!!!  The sales lady looked over at me with a look of horror on her face!  I just quietly raised my eyebrows and murmured  'oh oh!'  Another five minutes passed before she opened the door and stepped out.  The top was hanging from her finger, kind of swinging there, when she tossed it into a large tall garbage (I think it was garbage) can and announced, "Well this was a piece of shit!  I guess you get what you pay for here don't you?  Not liking this store so much." and proceeded through the store and out the door.  I couldn't believe my eyes!!!  The sales lady took it out of the can and held it up…it was torn on three major seams!!  What the hell was up with that??  Weird weird weird…I think she did it on purpose.

When we got home Myles and April had installed my gorgeous new light in my purple room.  So pretty and different!  We put the other one downstairs in the ' reading room'.  I just loaded a pic here that kind of shows it and I hit a button and it disappeared!  I shall go find it!  TTYL

Monday, January 27, 2014


Back in my purple room and feeling right at home.  I love it in here.  Its really warm in our house so I keep the door closed to this room and the window open…so it is cold cold cold!  I keep telling my family I can't get more naked than naked and they can put sweaters on.  Oh well, I don't care what the house itself is…I can just go into my purple room and cool off when I need to.

Dinner the other night with Aryn and Bradley was so much fun and delicious.  Bradley had received his permanent residency and had done the cross the border thingy (so stupid) but now he has a social insurance number, he doesn't have to pay 380 bucks a month for car insurance, he can tell his current boss to get lost should he choose to etc…he was one very very happy (and emotional) camper that night…which was very infectious!  And yes, there was a little tippling!

Yesterday we got up pretty late, for us, and hit the road around 11 am.  We ended up some how down at the downtown Costco.  We are sick…we have an addiction.  But…I have to say they did have stuff our Costco doesn't.  So I picked up a bunch of things to fill in the gaps at home…pickled beets, cheese, bucket of mayo, dried blueberries etc…  We then went to Richmond and hit the Lighting Warehouse and I bought two for purple room and one for the "reading room" or the well as we usually call it.  Such a cool place…so many choices.  

All in all a successful trip to Vancouver.  Now its time to buckle down and get the work here done.  List time again….  I will finish this tomorrow morning…weight and weekly challenge…which I failed dismally this last week…so  time to get back on it…  

263..slowly she goes.  And this week's challenge…be happy and positive.  She says that those that have a "glass half full" attitude are happier, healthier, and live longer.  You start by shifting that ugly little voice in your head to a positive chatty little encourager.  And make a sense of humour your default response when things don't go as planned. NO SELF-PITY OR VICTIM THINKING…very undermining.  

Really what it boils down to is this, control the colour of glasses you put on everyday.  If they are dark…everything will be dark, thus, if the glasses are get it.  She went on and on but I think as reasonable thinking adults here we see the point without belabouring it.  Its a great idea and with a little self discipline we can all be jolly and jocund (my word for the week).

And now this post is ridiculously long so I go.  TTYL
1.  drink  2.  sleep  3.  Walk  4.  journal  5.  get happpy

Friday, January 24, 2014


Even though its an astoundingly beautiful day, we are still very happy we are not living over here in Vancouver anymore.  The traffic is insane.  And there are just too many people with attitudes.  But, that being said, it is so beautiful here.  No other city shines up as nicely as Vancouver does when that sun comes out.

We came over on the ferry at one yesterday and drove Cookie home.  We had such a good time and didn't even get an eighth of what we wanted to do done.  She is going to have to come back over and over.

  She did introduce us to two of her friends, one works at the Costco beside us.  They were the most awesome couple of people I have met in a very long long time.  I have a feeling something special happened and we are going to enjoy and benefit from this new friendship for a long time to come.  We met them at Starbucks and sat there for two and a half hours, talking talking talking!  One of them is a manager of the food court in Costco and his husband is about to start a new job at Opus!!!  They are both gifted artists, they are even having a showing for all of August! I can't wait to introduce April to them.  We could have talked for another five hours!!!

Today I went to the fat lady store and saw a few of my friends there.  Caught up on all the news.  I also found an awesome new bunch of tights, the fat lady's answer to difficult dressing!  I also found another amazing sweatshirt etc…  Then I went and had a tedious 3 hour hair appointment (shovel list).  Now I smell like rotten eggs and for the next three weeks my hair will look like a brillo pad covered in mould.  It should die down by the time we leave for our trip on the twelfth of Feb.  Should.

Next, after I beat my hair into submission and change into better smelling clothes, we are off to dine on Peking Duck with Aryn and Bradley.  He just received his permanent residency!!!!!  And I am gathering there shall be a little imbibing of the magical liquids tonite as they have asked us to pick them up and drive them to the restaurant!  Spod will have to restrain himself tonight!  

So I am signing off.  I shall do another post tomorrow night if there is anything to say. TTYL

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Such an awesome day!  We went downtown and shopped and did a tiny bit of sight seeing.  We went to ridiculously priced Chintz and Co.  One really small couch cushion was 90 bucks!  A larger one beside it was 300!  Who pays that???  They weren't even outstanding or particularly different.  Everything in there is so overpriced we laughed…but I did end up buying twelve plastic tumblers.  We don't have any glasses in the house and these were beautiful and able to go into a dishwasher.  So I bought twelve and I am very happy with them.  7 dollars each.  Not too too bad.

We then went back to Langford to the mall and hit Homesense…beautiful stuff at a way more reasonable rate.  Had lunch then to the liquor store and home.  Just a super nice easy time and it was so much fun showing Cookie the house.  She is the most important person in the whole world to show the house to and she didn't disappoint!  She loved it all and then had some awesome input on some changes and adjustments.  I love her ideas.

We then played some cards and listened to music and made Maui plans.  All in all a great day.  And tomorrow promises to be an even better one.  I will take more pics and post them tomorrow night!  TTYL

Monday, January 20, 2014


And this is where she is going to lose people….food journaling is tedious and in my opinion, way way too much focus on food.  I get it.  And as she says in her book you will learn the "what" you are eating,  the "why" (emotional eating) and the "when".  Its true…I have done this before and I would recommend this step only to those of us that are in denial..thus fat, or those of us that have been living under a rock for the last ten years.  If you have internet or cable tv, you will be truly informed on what foods make you healthy and what foods are just plain delicious.  I think in the interest of succeeding in this 52 week endeavour, I am going to food journal for one week and one week only.

So I weighed and I am 264.  I am drinking as much as possible, sleeping really well (still in my chair) and walking and physically been way more active.  So the book is changing me a little for sure.

I am not sure where we left off here.  Usually I re read my last post before posting again.  I didn't.  But really all I have been doing is those final touches to the house.  It has been so good to have gone through all the boxes.  Now I have all my stuff out that I have wanted back out since we moved into tiny Doran in North Vancouver..and couldn't because there was nowhere to put the stuff.  And I have noticed that this place doesn't get messy as quickly as the last place did.  Having a place to put everything really helps.

Cookie is coming today!!!  We are picking her up at the ferry at 6:30 tonight.  On Thursday we will be taking her home and then going on to North Van.  I made me a hair appointment for Friday with a trip to the fat lady store just before.  They are next door to each other…so convenient.  Spod will be having lunch with his buddies while I am there.  

I am putting the same pics on here as I did on facebook.  Some of the people that read this blog are not on fb so don't see the pics…not that they are stellar or even interesting.  So I had best go.  Lots to do starting with washing my hair (shovel list) and vacuuming (shovel list) and laundry (shovel list) and airing out Spod's bedroom (double shovel list)  TTYL

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I am so excited!!!!  I am now typing this on  my new desk.  I LOVE it!!!  And it looks fantastic.  Once I get it all set up I will take a picture and show you.  I know that living over here in Victoria has seriously cut down any friend/relative traffic through my house so pics and a blog will have to do.  This desk has given this purple room a whole new purpose.  I think I want to go back to work!!  Now I need to make up a whole new batch of files for all the mortgages we bought with the proceeds of the sale of our house.

Its funny but I am missing my mom today.  I think its beginning to sink in that she is gone.  This is normally about the length of time since seeing her last that I would start making plans to go see her again.  It feels sad that I won't ever see her face light up when she sees me come around the corner.  And right to the end she was jokey and funny.  The visits were always loving and enjoyable and I miss them and her.  This may sound silly and ridiculous but I love having her right here in the room with me.  Monte gave me a beautiful candle a year ago and I light it and talk to her.  Its very cathartic.  I tell her stuff I would never have told her when she was alive…and I imagine what she would be saying back.  Its pretty funny sometimes!

I am soo tired now.  I think I wore myself out.  The muscles in my legs, top to bottom, hurt (in a good way) from use the last two days.

At one point Monte and I were in purple room, the door was shut to keep the cold air in here.  Suddenly we heard a tremendous crash, bang, metal hitting the floor.  It went on and on and on.  Finally Monte and I realized that something more than normal was happening so we became galvanized and tore out to the living room…to see an upside down Spod on the floor over beside the wood stove.  Apparently he was burning stuff, lost his balance and over he went, hitting every metal fire implement on his way down.  Poor Spod.  Then he couldn't get up.  We tried and tried and finally Monte just bent down, put his hands under Spod's armpits and scooped him up onto his feet.  He had to sit on the couch right there for quite a while to regain his equilibrium. 

Around 3 in the afternoon Monte filled up his truck to the total maximum and headed off to Port.  I can't believe that I paid good money to move all that stuff over here…just to get rid of it.  Same with the last clean out I did.  What is wrong with me!?  Clearly I have no problem throwing stuff to the wind.  I think, when I sit here a remember what it was like before we moved that it may have something to do with the fact that the whole house had to be packed and ready to move in less than 3 weeks.  Some of the stuff has been hard to get rid of I must admit.  When that happened I just pictured those women in the tv show Hoarders not letting their stuff go.  The majority of them were fat (check) messy awful hair (check) dressed in dirty awful clothes (check) missing teeth (check) always sitting down (check)…..and that is just one check too many.  So I threw the stuff out.

After Monte left Spod and I went to the bank to arrange our LOC.  I thought Spod had all the paper work but he didn't..and couldn't remember where the stuff is etc…Even he admits its time to hand all the business work over to me to keep track of.  I get so impatient with him, which isn't fair really.  But I get awfully tired of "I don't know."  That seems to be the most common answer to every question thrown his way.

Now its time to clean this place.  Its covered…100% covered, in dog hair.  At least we don't have to deal with pine needles much anymore.  And its really nice to be able to lay hands on stuff now.  Anywhoo….more tomorrow.  TTYL








Thursday, January 16, 2014


What is it about going through one's life belongings is so exhausting?  We opened, sorted and emptied approximately 20 to 25 boxes today, some of them really really huge and very very full.  And..I threw away so much stuff..again.  Actually we filled about four huge boxes and a garbage bag for Monte to take.  He will cherry pick when he gets home and then take the rest to a women's shelter he knows. 

 Actually I reduced all those boxes to six.  The truck is full of garbage and recycling.  And the garage is looking pretty good! I took some pics but I haven't finished. So the pics will have to wait until tomorrow's post.  Tonight I am so tired and whomped I am just going to go to bed…or chair in my case.  Monte was in bed by ten after eight.  And now I can honestly say I am done for this day.  Another big one tomorrow.  TTYL  (ps COOKIE: I just didn't want to spend our precious time together going through boxes.  And because I can't lift it would have been impossible for you to do it for me.  So we will sit around in our pj's, drink cups and cups of coffee and gossip gossip gossip!!!!)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


For some reason or another my shins hurt like the dickens tonight.  Right under my knees.  They really hurt.  I think from too much walking.  Yup.

This morning really early, I took a coffee and a lappy into the bedroom to spend some quality time with Spod.  To my great surprise he was up and dressed.  Whaaaaaat???  He thought we were going down to get our passports, and forgot we were actually going to get my desk at Costco.  But when we checked the date we realized we actually could go downtown and get the passports.  So we did and dropped them off at the China visa place.  Then we stopped at Costco and got our desk.

Spod got the whole thing built today and its beautiful!  Now we just have to heave the piano out of purple room here.  Could be tricky.  I then spent the afternoon making Curried chicken, carrot, cauliflower and yam subjit, broccoli slaw, rice and nan.  Mmmmmm….Monte came down and he and I didn't partake of the rice and nan, but the chicken, slaw and subjit was paleo.

Immediately after dinner he convinced me to take another dog walk.  So off we went taking both dogs and by the time we got back my poor shins were pained.  Walking….(shovel list)

Now everyone is in bed.  Spod, bless his heart, is getting up early to drive Myles and April to Nanaimo to get the ferry.  They will be in Van for a few days.  Monte and I will be working in the garage…so much to do.  He and I always have fun and I imagine we will hook up speakers and I will start on a fabulous selection of music, which he will commandeer within two songs.  Sigh.  

Now to sleep.  I am the only one up and awake.  I want to sneak into the kitchen and eat the chocolate cake with coconut broiled icing…but I won't.  TTYL

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Well I am drinking oodles of warm water, getting some really good sleeps and Parker doesn't know whats hit him.  Walks???  Again????  Woot woot!! 
And speaking of dogs, I had occasion to pick Molly up off our bed this morning and I immediately noticed something.  She weighed a ton!!!  

Andrew and April always fed the dogs but now Spod is doing it.  So I asked April how much they usually had fed Molly.  Three large tablespoons of canned mixed with a half cup of dry.  She has an enlarged heart and needs to stay skinny.  So I asked Bill how much he fed her every night.  Three quarters of a can!!!!  The other quarter he gave to parker.  So she went from 3 tablespoons to three quarters of a can!  And she hoarfs it down faster than you can say Bob's your uncle..(or a not so missed dead stepfather).  No wonder she is fat and can't finish a one block walk!  Becoming way too much like her mom and dad!

It has become clear that I need a desk.  Slowly but surely I am taking over the care of mortgages, houses, bills pertaining to many places and my latest endeavour….scrapbooking (oh God…thats almost as bad as having a gnome in the garden)  Yes.  I am scrapbooking…or at least trying to.

Today I hopped into Michael's thinking I would grab a couple of scrapbooks and maybe some of that paper scrappers use.  Well let me tell you, I think there are some people out there that take scrapbooking dead SERIOUS!!!  First hint? there were six rows, SIX!!!, dedicated to just scrapping (I am calling it that cuz its so much easier to type and I am getting so blind I need it easy!)  What the hell could fill six rows?

So I looked.  Oh My God!  One row was dedicated to just paper…all kinds and themes and glitter and colours!!!  And I tell ya…I got excited.  It was a lot like material and I already have a material hoard…I will never use it,  I just take it out once in a while and feel it and look at it and enjoy it.  The paper I saw today elicited the exact same feeling.  I ended up buying two huge bundles and I won't tell you what it cost.  And I will never use it…its way too beautiful.

Then there was a whole two rows dedicated to just stickers, and baubles and thingies that you can attach, I guess, I don't really know, to a page you are creating.  I don't know a whole lot about scrapping and the further I looked the more daunting the whole idea became.  I did end up buying four scrapbooks.  I have four ideas but now I am thinking I should take one of their scrapping classes.  Oh God!  I can see it now.  A bunch of us overweight, big assed, sixty somethings with too much time on our hands, sitting around the craft table exchanging niceties about our grand babies, and trying to convince ourselves that scrapping is an actual intellectual pursuit.  I see shovel list all over this.  And the bad part is that I will come out of there overwhelmed with over achieving ideas….ideas that will never become reality anyway.  So maybe no on that one.

Anywhoo, back to the desk.  At dinner tonight Spod mentioned that they had writing desks at Costco.  So I immediately said,  "Let's go!  Right Now!!"  Off we went and yes they most indubitably did and exactly what I want.  But this means I have to move the red dry sink to a different wall, the piano from Purple Room to where the dry sink had been and the desk, after building it, to where the piano now is.  Off to Costco first thing in the morning and a desk we are abuyin'!  All the rest will solve itself.  Things will be moved, scratches on the floor washed away, lamps and pictures moved, filing cabinet brought upstairs….I am tired thinking of it.  Maybe I will take pics and put it in my Purple room scrapbook. We'll see!  TTYL

Monday, January 13, 2014


Moving.  Not the house, just the body.  I read week three challenge and I am not happy.  It's probably the best one in the world for me but I am still not happy.

They aren't talking about the gym or curves or even a home exercise machine.  She listed several ways to incorporate more movement.  Some are obvious…walk instead of drive, climb instead of elevator, park far away from the door, walk first thing in the morning and after supper…take the dog, get up and do a chore during ALL commercials, stand, don't sit, and, unless you are an insanely on your feet person all the time, slap on a pedometer and do as close to ten thousand steps a day.

She said that climbing two flights of stairs a day you will lose 6 pounds in a year.  Yay!!!  Six down, 116 to go!!    All in all though she had some good tips.  Just think move rather than sit and create a permanent lifestyle out of it.  Its kind of like cutting out sugar pop and never drinking it again.  Diet only, even if you are eating a piece of cake.  Never ever sit through a commercial again, and always find the stairs.  I know I know..most of you are already doing this.

I have been drinking water…but sometimes due to my spasms I can't.  But warm water, lots of it, is going down.  I have been sleeping in purple room and getting some of the best sleep I have had in years.  No Spod gurgling and snoring and no hip pain.  And I keep the room ice cold.  Love it!

I finally got my pictures hung…the really big ones I took in Maui and had printed.  I will go get pics as soon as Spod is up and post it on here.  We shifted stuff around out there in that garage but it  seriously needs a reboot.  I think Monte is going to come down Wed. and help me reorganize.  He can lift and reach like Spod and I can't.

Now its time to head off to Costco.  I am going to see if I can talk Spod into parking far away from the door.  The only trouble is its raining to beat the dickens out there and the wind is flattening everything.  Our deck looks like a war zone!  TTYL   (262 lbs)

Saturday, January 11, 2014


 I shall be keeping this one short.  I do believe I have the grand daddy of all grand daddies ,cold. (I can't figure out how to say that and have it sound right)  I thought it was allergies but today I can see that is not the case.  My eyes are swollen, my nose feels like worms crawled up there, and I cannot quit sneezing.  I have a great big container in my purple room full to the top with crumpled kleenexes.  (shovel list shovel list shovel list).

We left this morning for Nanaimo in a torrential downpour and harsh blowing wind.  The rain on the highway was crazy.  

When April was 1 or 2, she called MacDonalds Nonnies.  Since then our family refers to McD's as Nonnies half the time.  So we have decided to teach the dogs what Nonnies is…to recognize the place when they see those golden arches.

With that in mind, we started this morning.  Knowing that the next Nonnies was coming up we started to say "snacknonnies snacknonnies"  Of course they perked up at the snack word.  We started to say the snack part really quiet and nonnie part really loud.  Then we went through the drivethru  (we wanted coffee) and a small bare hamburger for the dogs.  We did that two times on this trip.  I have a feeling they are going to catch on real quick!!!

We met Monte and Pat for lunch.  It was yummy and we had a good visit.  They then followed us to that house, just so they know where it is in case we need Monte to go do something there.

As usual no one was there and there was no answer at the door.  But…in the back yard was a beautiful shiny gorgeous sea blue jaguar with California plates.  The bitch!!  She owes me 200,00 bucks, hasn't paid a dime in over a year, has no insurance on the house and there she is driving around in a beautiful jaguar!  We talked with a neighbour and apparently the daughter is completely hated by everyone.  She is a real piece of work I guess.  So…I am going to throw the book at her.  She will be out of that house, by bailiff, by the middle of March…unless she pays me off in full.  No mercy!

Now here I sit in my Purple Room once again.  I feel like crap but tomorrow, and I don't care how I feel, I am going to get Spod to move some stuff for me in the garage so I can get my big pics out to hang on the wall.  I really want to get my bedroom done and finished.  I just might do some laundry too.  Such an exciting day.  Maybe I won't blog about it and bore the heck out of you loyal guys that keep coming back.  Maybe something horrifically funny will happen and there will be something to write about!  You never know!  TTYL

Friday, January 10, 2014


I don't deserve Spod.  He is so good to me.  I woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't move.  I don't get it.  I haven't been lifting or doing anything to speak of.  I think its the soft mattress on the bed, maybe.  Anyway I kind of froze to the spot, held my breath and tried not to yell.  He must have sensed it because I suddenly heard him ask me if I was okay.  When he heard how things were he got out of bed and came around and got me my pain pills and water and offered to stay there and wait with me and then help me out of bed.  I moved to purple room and he got me coffee.  What a guy.

Around 8:30 we headed downtown to the passport office, took care of that and got back home by ten. That never ever would have happened in Vancouver.

Tomorrow we are headed to Nanaimo.  There is an old lady living in the basement of a house we are about to repossess.  So strange.  Her daughter owns the place and she is totally missing in action.  She hasn't made a pmt on the mortgages (I own both) for over a year.  I am going to try to get the old lady to answer the door and find out what is going on.  If she doesn't then the bailiff route will have to be enlisted..not a happy circumstance for anyone involved.  I don't necessarily like kicking old ladies out of their I am really curious to find out what happened to her daughter.

I shall report back tomorrow night.  TTYL

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Oh lordy lordy…or should I say lardy lardy.  The upside of this is it wasn't 300 or more.  Definitely paleo time.

Spod and I went down to the place where one needs to go here to get a China visa.  Pretty sketchy I must say.  It was up some old steps in the back of a building near down town.  The office was ratty, disorganized and very elementary…temporary like.  The walls were old bluish green paint and there was one messy old big desk.  There was a Chinese fella intermittently speaking in a phone and to a Chinese lady.  Another asian man was sitting on a rickety chair against the wall.  A young chinese lady sat us at the tippy edge of the corner of the desk and filled out our forms and took our passports (shovel list…I hate leaving my passport with anyone…and especially a sketchy place like this).  This is the only place in Victoria that gives these visas…or at least that's what the internet says.

Before we even got out of the parking lot my phone rang, and that lady was calling us back up to the office…apparently a problem with the passports.  Turns out our passports are too full.  We need some blank pages.  CRAP!!!!

So, we tore off to Walmart, got more pictures, (I checked and made sure my face was clean first).  Tomorrow morning we will be off to the passport office and get the 'urgent' renewals done.  Such a pain in the ass.

We met April and Myles at Costco to check out bathroom vanities.  I ended up buying a whack load of meat and when we got home Spod helped me butcher and package it.  Protein protein protein!!!

Now I am about to fill out a million forms, get all the stuff together that one needs to prove who they are.  Its getting harder and harder to write.  My right eye has taken a giant turn for the worse and makes everything double.  And what doesn't double disappears completely.  I think I am going to have to get an eye patch for when I am reading. Seriously, I am getting squinty eye wrinkles around my right eye from constantly squeezing it shut so I can read!  Where do you buy those things anyway?  I want one that has an eye drawn on it.

And I will not be posting my weight until Monday.  I think a weekly weigh in is better and why not monday…weight and new weekly challenge.  Works for me!  TTYL

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Call it what you like, but upon intense research (as intense as I can get on google) I believe they are all the same.

The other day my tv was set on TLC, a marathon of "My 600 pound Life".  As I came in and out of the room the one thing I did get out of the shows is this:  protein protein protein and a little veg. in tiny amounts…1200 calories a day.  And that is basically the same as the Paleo way of eating, Atkins, Dr. Spears, etc….

My sister phoned this morning and we discussed arthritis pain management…and she is very very well informed on this issue and well worth listening to. She had been reading my kindle and I had bought a book on Paleo eating and I think her opinion on this subject is if everyone ate this way, type 11 diabetes, inflammation (arthritis), gastric disturbances etc…would disappear.  

My past life coach encourages everyone to not only make a personal commitment  to something but speak out and tell as many people as possible.  This apparently helps keep you committed and you end up with a larger support group.

I know in the past I have done that and been pretty successful…at least til the next stupid cruise.  So here I go again.  I am going to eat Paleo, complete with awesome recipes I found.  I am going to make the breakfast, lunch and dinner according to those recipes and probably force the rest of the household to eat it too!  I am going to see if this will help with the back pain.  Kathy said it could take up to three months for results but if it makes this stupid pain go away, and by the looks of the recipes it should be tasty, then its well worth the effort.  I believe my diabetes numbers will come down too.  And….this is the hard part, maybe lose some poundage.  I haven't weighed in so long that now I am scared to.  I am pretty sure I am near 300 now for sure.  Things don't fit anymore.  Time to do something about this.  There is such shame with overweightness.  Its a self inflicted hell.

So with that in mind…I will also record my weight here.  Might as well get it out more denial  (and this goes beyond my shovel list)
Starting tomorrow I will put my weight at the bottom of the page…like anyone cares haha…but it well help me keep myself accountable.  And seriously, I am predicting it to be in the very high 200s or low 300s.  Achhh…how did this happen?  :(  TTYL

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I sometimes wonder if things that happen in our household happen in other ones.  Seriously, we can be such losers sometimes.  It kind of floors me…in a bad way.

For example:  the other day one of the kids picked up Spod's telephone.  His is a fairly expensive, yet simple flip phone.  Upon inspection it was discovered that he had about 357 pictures on it.  Whaaaaaaat?  How could that be..he can't figure out how to push a chair into the table let alone take an actual picture with a  phone.  If it involves more than a one button push he's lost.  So we took a look to see what the heck he was taking pictures of and….you guessed it…357 pictures of the inside of his pocket.  All 357 of them.  Every one…black.  And he hardly ever takes his phone with him anywhere.

Another example:  today we went to Walmart to get 2 inch, colour on white background pics for our China visa.  Much later I was sitting in the car at home depot waiting for Spod.  To pass time I grabbed the little envelope to take another look at the pictures.  When I looked at mine I noticed a brown, quite large, spot on my chin.  It looks just like those dreaded sunspots one gets.  I have one already on my nose.  OH NO!!  So I whipped down the car mirror to take a closer look and…you guessed it…it was dirt.  Sticky (from the Nyquil bottle the night before) dirt.  I could not believe my eyes.  Who the hell does that? 

 I almost never look at my face in the mirror (shovel list) because  when I do I see badly behaved eyebrows, sprouting chin hairs, black heads, new wrinkles…I mean I prefer that image I have of my lovely self in my head.  It never occurred to me my face was dirty.  Sigh.

And another one:  I had pvr'ed a cooking show.  So tonight I grabbed the remote, pushed pvr and it wasn't there!  I don't know why it didn't tape but I started to really look at what was pvr'ed.  And it was full of the most stupid stuff like the news, religious shows, cartoons, some movies, Teletubbies, Duck Dynasty, etc…It took me a while but I finally realized that it was Spod.  Not the peeps downstairs but Spod.  When he decides to watch tv he just starts pushing buttons.  Eventually he finds a show, sits in his chair and goes to sleep.  In the meantime he has pushed record forty times.  It took me forever to delete them all.  Silly man.

And there are many more but thats enough shame for one night.  TTYL

Monday, January 6, 2014

WEEK 2…..

Well I read the challenge for this week and I don't know……but here it is.

Its about creating better, healthier sleep patterns.  In this chapter she addresses what we all know already…don't drink for 3 hours before bed, don't eat two hours before bed, no electronics, dark bedroom, quiet and if that isn't possible get a white noise machine and create a bedtime ritual…and also no exercise up to four hours before bed. All of it is pretty self explanatory but she did offer details on each item.  I promised this wouldn't be boring so I won't go into the obvious details here.  She suggested that one aims for 7 to 8 hours of down time.  So most of you are already getting the maximum you can but just in case you aren't….JUST DO IT!!!!!  Hahahahaha!!

I have a routine…one that tells my brain its bedtime.    It involves the removal of teeth, taking stay alive pills, finding the cleanest pair of sleep shorts in the dirty clothes hamper, painfully climbing into bed and playing endless hours of Peggle on my ipad.  So…..I do believe I shall tweek my nightly routine a tad and try to get a better nights sleep.  Oh and I have to find the duct tape to put over the megawatt light coming from the tiny panel on the tv.  It lights up the whole room.  Of course Spod will have a fit.  He would sleep with all the lights on if he had his way.

I drank lots of water and continue to do so.  I have to make sure its warm and no later that 7 at night. But it doesn't feel right.  I don't need water, never did but I shall give it the old army try for another 51 weeks!

I have spent the better part of the last couple of days in my purple room taking ibuprofen.  And unfortunately the house out there shows it.  So I am now going to get off my duff and go out and do dishes, put away a crap load of left out stuff, take care of bags and bags of garbage then go out and scoop the never ending dog crap.  Such a fun day.  Hope yours is better!  TTYL

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Yup…I slept in purple room last night and probably will again tonight.  And it isn't because of Spod.  That I have only done once…many years ago when I was very angry with him and I slept in the den.  This time its because of the inability to get in and out of that bed.

Night before last I woke up at about 3 am.  Because of all the water I have been consuming I needed to use the loo…not something that ever happens now, now that I have my diabetes numbers under control.  I hopped out of bed and damn near fell over.  I know I couldn't breath properly for a few minutes.  I have a really bad hip/back, not sure which.  And after all the hauling boxes etc in the garage (and seriously I know better) my pain level ramped up hugely.  When its like that I can't move.  The pain is probably nerve pain, its like an abscessed tooth…it takes your breath away when you move.

I managed to inch my way out to the kitchen, gasping and crying (such a weenie) all the way to the ibuprofen bottle.  I took two and inched my way back to the bed and then stood there for half an hour, waiting for them to kick in.  They didn't.  Thats a first ever.  I simply could not get back into that bed so I inched my way to purple room and painfully lowered myself into my chair and froze to the spot.  And thats where I have spent the last 24 and on.  I have taken way more pills and it is getting a little better.  At least I can move around now.  

I did go out for the fire though.  There is a picnic table down by the fire pit.  Myles, Spod and April worked hard for 3 hours, piling on all the branches, tree and lattice work.  At the end we roasted wieners and had a hot dog roast.  I cannot describe to you how amazingly familiar and fun that was.  It has been a long time since I sat at a fire and it just felt right.  And nothing beats a roasted wiener!

I decided to sleep in my chair last night.  It seems that sitting instead of laying is way easier on my back and its so much easier to get up and down.  I will be here until this latest attack is over and I am NEVER lifting crap again.  Its just not worth it.  So that, of course, creates a new dilemma.  The garage.  Oh well…I won't think about that until later.  Here are a few pics of yesterday.  TTYL







Friday, January 3, 2014


Uggg!  I am NOT a water drinker.  I have to force it.  And I must admit yesterday was a fail.  I started off well but around one in the afternoon my oesophagus started to spasm and when that is happening I cannot breath, let alone swallow.  I can't tell you how much those spasms hurt.  Seriously, its like a severe charley horse right down the middle of my chest and there is no relief.  I get up, lay down, sit, stretch, twist, and it just doesn't stop.  Yesterday's attack lasted about 2 and a half hours.  Actually I kind of started to panic.  If it hadn't gone away I think I would have gone to the hospital, risked the noro virus which is rampant there right now and got nitroglycerin to put under my tongue.  And apparently that doesn't always work either.  But it finally abated but its left me scared I tell you!

Today has been good.  I made the water warm so it doesn't seem to be causing any problems.

We met with Andrew last nite for dinner…but it didn't go so well.  That poor guy is so hurt and angry and not happy with us for letting Myles move in here.  But we talked for a long time and he did say he felt a little better after talking.  He even managed to eat a little dinner.  I just feel so bad for him.  I sure hope he chooses to stay in touch with us but it just might be too painful.

Today I attacked the garage and really made some major headway.  I think that some jobs have become too much for Spod and I am seeing that things he normally takes care of are beginning to kind of fall apart and not get done.  So I am going to have to step up.  One of them is picking up the dog poop.  It is EVERYWHERE!!  Stupid dogs!  I see the scooper out there but it hasn't been used.  The other is garbage.  Its all lined up and laying out our front door.  So today I made a labelled system in the garage that should work and we can all try to stay on top of it.

Today we all collected up and prepared for a fire tomorrow!  I am so excited.  April and Myles ripped all the lattice off the area under the deck and Spod clipped the branches down to burnable size and I collected up ruined boxes and paper stuff.  In the morning I am going to hop over to Costco and get some wieners and buns and there is already a picnic table beside the burn pit.  We used to always do this at Monte Creek!  I am so happy! Twice a month we are allowed to burn outside so we can do this again and again.  I love this place!

I will take pics tomorrow and post them here.  TTYL

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I spent the whole day yesterday thinking it was Thursday.  Really.  I spent the day washing my hair and finding clothes and doing laundry because we were going out for dinner with Andrew.  Somewhere along the way it came to my attention that it if Monte had a doctor appointment on the 3rd, was going home the next day on the 2nd because of it, then that doctor was working on a Saturday…and he does not work on a Saturday.  Jeez, so discombobulating!

So at four in the afternoon I took a huge lump of totally frozen pork ribs, thawed them in the microwave and put them in my roaster and by seven we had a yummy rib dinner on the table.  Then we watched a hockey game we had previously recorded.  Totally fun.

Earlier in the day I stumbled across something that has got me going.  I was perusing in the kindle section and came across a cheap (1.99) little book that immediately caught my attention.  The name of that book is "52 Small Changes".  Upon further inspection this book proposes that each week for one year you make a change in your habits.  The life coach who wrote the book suggested that by the end of the 52 week commitment you will feel and be better.  She also mentioned that none of the changes are extreme or huge and it could be you would already doing some of them.

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you will remember that I had stumbled across that website that suggested you take on something, anything, for 30 days…which led me to writing a poem a day for 100 days.  It was exactly 100 days to Jan. 1st 2013…and I did.

This kind of thing really appeals to me.  So I have decided, with out peeking ahead to see what the changes are, to commit to this 100%.  Each Monday I will put down here what the new change is for the following week and how well I have done with the previous one.  I will keep it short and hopefully not boring!  Immediately after making this decision I read the preamble to the book and started week one.

Week one is all about drinking more water.  Water everyday.  They suggest your weight, divide it in half and thats the amount of ounces to try for.  And in my case that is a LOT of ounces.  She did mention that everyone is different and what you are doing exercise wise and what the temperature outside may be etc…but to pick a good number for yourself and go for it.

I am NOT a water drinker.  Never have been except when my blood sugar is ridiculously high.  So this morning I worked out how many of my water bottles I have to drink in one day and its kind of alarming I must say.  But I shall do it and continue to.  Monday I will look at the next one and let you know! TTYL

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Every year, since I met him, Christmas quickly became a bad thing…with Spod.  The rest of us would truly anticipate happiness and gifts and good food.  Not Spod.  About three weeks before Christmas, he would start getting kind of grumpy and somewhat short tempered.  Over the years when Monte was about 6 years old to 18…he would, at least once, be particularly nasty to him. It would end with my involvement and no matter who was arround an awkward inappropriate yelling match.  We all became a little wary as Christmas approached, and would do our best to avoid him.

This year I went to Spod and made a suggestion.  There was no one currently staying in the Maui condo.  I could get him tickets to fly there, and spend at least two weeks in quiet non christmas surroundings.  There would be no scary gifts, no fattening food, no happy grandchildren, no Monte, no me to nag him…he could do exactly what he wanted, when he wanted.  He said no.  And I said then you have to behave, right through Christmas, and we almost made it.  Almost.

Day before yesterday, Emily and Monte  and I were visiting in the living room.  Spod had been spending most of his time sitting in my purple room chair, which we had moved into the bedroom to make room for a blow up bed in Purple Room.    At one point I went into our bedroom (Spod was in the kitchen) to sit in my purple room chair and cool off.  Its so hot in the house but the bedroom is much cooler.  As I sat there I noticed a roughness on the arm of my precious chair, a chair I have gone to great lengths to keep clean and pristine.  Upon further inspection I saw sticky finger wipes from something and when I dug down in the chair I found parts of a butter tart.  A BUTTER TART….in my chair.  

I stormed out to the kitchen and told him in escalating tones to stay  out of my chair, or at the least no eating in it.  I was so pissed off.  I see this as a complete and total lack of respect.  Well, he basically told me to go to hell.  So I marched back in there and took the removable back off the chair and tucked it into a spot in purple room.  

A few minutes later, as Emily and I were visiting in the living room, we heard all this odd noise coming from the bedroom/hallway.  And there comes Spod, who can't move or move anything to save his life, dragging the other half of the chair out of the room.  I told him I couldn't put the chair away yet, not til tomorrow.  And he proceeded to yell, most rudely and loudly and embarrassingly, in front of Emily,  that if he couldn't sit in the f… chair, then it had to come out of the room.  I reminded him that that room was mine too and I could keep it there if I wanted to.  And he swore and yelled and refused and left the other half the chair out in the middle of the room.  And…he was so belligerently ridiculous and nasty.  I told him fine, behave like a two year old.  So the chair sat out there until today.

Later he did the same thing about something else.  Just so stupid and nasty and not necessary.  And really really awkward for Emily.    He should have gone to Maui.  Really.  I will remember this next year…you can bet on that.  Mind you, he wasn't nearly as bad as he has been in the past.

I think they are right when they say people go full circle.  You start out behaving like a two year old and you end acting like a two year old.  I don't know, I am not there yet, but it probably is difficult to be getting older with all that that entails.  And I would cut him a giant break on that, but, he was like this when he was young.  Oh well he makes up for it in lots of ways…when it isn't Christmas. Hahaha!

We had a quiet new year's eve last night.  April played crib with Myles, Monte watched youtube car accidents in Russia, I played the piano and blogged and Spod was in the bedroom reading about the railroad and oil, and watched the ball drop every hour up until our midnight.  At 12 we watched the new year come in in Times Square and shared a glass of Asti.  Shortly thereafter we were all in bed.  

Today is hair washing day.  Seeing how this is the first day of 2014, I think I am seriously going to contemplate a new hairstyle.  As easy as this one is, on all the other than washing days that is, I think its time for a change.  Maybe what I need to do is tie it in with weight loss.  When I hit that certain size I can feel free to cut this mess off.  I will think about it today.  Such profound issues to start the new year!

Well, I am sorry people, I have nothing meaningful or purposeful to say here on this first day of the new year.  Just be grateful for what you do have and appreciate it.  Happiness is yours to be had and as Monte is famous for saying…"It's a choice!"  TTYL