Sunday, May 31, 2015


Busy busy getting it all in!  We have been spending mornings at the pool, floating around and sunning.  Aryn has been hitting the gym over there and I have, unfortunately, been running into people I know.

I guess there is a big brouhaha going on around here.  There is a small group of single older women that hate Don, the guy that runs this place with his little band of merrymen.  They are moving heaven and earth to get him fired.  When I was in his office he showed me a humungous stack of letters from many of the owners around here in support of him.  The vast majority of us love him.

But, there is this little group…and he showed me letters they have written, that for sure do not love him.  They were the most viscous nasty letters I have ever read.  They were addressed to the 'Bullies and Dictators of Villas at Kenolio'.  Now I know Don runs a tight ship, and I agree there are sure a lot of rules…which they totally enforce, but those letters were awful.  

So yesterday I was floating around in the pool when Karen, an older broad I met last year, floated over and point blank asked me what I thought about what was going on.  I didn't know what side she was on so I told her honestly that I just arrived and other than what Don has told me, I didn't know much.  She launched into a diatribe of all the things she says Don has done.  I countered with all the great things he has done for me…fixing things, doing the odd jobs I need doing and not charging, gives us ripe papayas he has grown, everyday.  Jeez she went on and on.  I finally told her that I had seen all the letters that were written to him and 99% of them were totally wonderful and supportive of him and a tiny few were very very nasty and immature, hard to take seriously.  Haha…she floated away shaking her head.

As I have said before…I do not like people.  I need to be a hermit.  The day before that Monte came over to the pool and this well suited very distinguished older couple were sitting on deck chairs with ear buds in.  When Monte walked in the gate the guy looked at his wife and said loudly (he had those headphones and being OLD didn't realize how loud his voice was) W.A.L.K.S.  I wasn't too sure what he meant as he was looking directly at Monte.  Then when Monte got to the pool he loudly said, again to his wife, 'And eat less'.  Asshole. 

 With Monte there I didn't want to make a scene…you know 'mommy to the rescue' blah blah blah.  But I am on the lookout and as some of you may know…I know exactly what to say to him…he will not escape until he feels like a piece of crap under my shoe.  I will report here…not proud of that but necessary.  Jerk.

We spent yesterday, later afternoon, in Lahaina.  We first went to Whaler's Village shopping area.  I had broken my watch a couple of days ago and seriously, if I looked at my empty wrist for the time, one more time, I was going to scream.  I was intent on finding me a watch, as close to looks as the last one I had.  So I wandered into the first store I came across that was full of watches.  They were lovely, but not as lovely as the Guess watch I had just broken.  I loved my watch and really wanted something similar and the watches in there were not as nice.

But, I looked at them all anyway.  I did spy one that I could come back to if I really didn't find anything else.  I could always wear it temporarily until I found the right one.  I asked the guy if I could please see it.  So he took it out and carefully showed me.  I asked the price.  'Ten thousand five hundred" he casually says.  WHAT?!!  A little much for me I tell him.  He sort of snorts and shows me another one and suggests that may be more in my price range.  Well to begin with it was ugly and secondly it was five thousand.  Then I shut my bad eye so I could read the brand…Rolex.  Hahaha….outta there!

Right next door was a Swarovski store and the perfect inexpensive beautiful watch almost identical to my last one, was sitting right there waiting for me!  I love it! I will put a pic at the bottom.

Aryn arrived here with a purse that I coveted so much that she was spending her time clutching it to herself…worried I may snag it!  I absolutely love it.  Bradley's sister bought it in London for her so no hope of finding one here….except I did!!!  This one store we always spend time in had the identical purse and I bought that sucker before you could say Bob's your uncle!!!  I  put a pic down below.  I was so happy, not sure how Aryn feels about that though! (sorry Aryn…don't care!!!)  I could mentally feel Bill flick the back of my head…I have so many purses and he used to have a fit whenever I bought another one!  But when you are a fat broad and can't buy cute little clothes…you go to the next thing…purses, shoes, jewelry….

Yesterday was a real 'Spod' day.  So many memories for us all.  Last year he went off on his own to buy a nice Hawaiian shirt.  When he showed up at the pre arranged meeting spot, he had on his brand new shirt…soooo proud…and it was buttoned all wrong!  Jeez we laughed.  And last night as we walked past Cheeseburger in Paradise, there was a live singer singing "over the rainbow'.  It was like a squeeze to the heart…for all of us.  And when we looked at the last page in a guest book in an art gallery, there was a perfectly drawn picture of know, the nose and top of head and two little hands looking over the top of a fence.  He used to draw that ALL the time.  So many memories and we miss him so much.

Okay this is getting too long and we are off to the Aio Needle and Costco!  TTYL


Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Everything, and I mean everything, is pissing me off right now.  I looked up side effects of this new drug and it appears that 'irritability' is one of the main side effects.  Irritability.  That word doesn't even come close.

First thing this morning my eyes popped open, all ready for the day, at four in the morning.  Four.  What the hell?  And there is NO internet.  It seems to only come on once in a while.  So as I sat here in total blankness and blackness, I heard a stirring and out came Monte…also unable to sleep.  So we sat here like a couple of bumpkins.  Finally Monte pulled his duds on and drove over to Jack in the Box and bought us breakfast.  

Around ten we left for Lahaina and onward to the banana bread trail.  The trip went quickly, uneventfully, and the last part was under a deluge of water.  The rain was insane.  We stopped for banana cream pie at Lorraine's but no one would share one with me. (pout)  I can't eat a whole one.  My pancreas would curl up and die.  But we did buy banana bread at our fave stand.  

You know I come to Maui at this time of the year for two reasons only.  One, the pool is warm like bathwater and two, way less people on the Island.  Well the pool is freaking freezing and there are so many stupid people on this Island we can't move.  I have never seen this many before.  There was nowhere to park, and I mean NOWHERE!, at jurassic park and NOWHERE, at the blow hole.  We almost couldn't park at Lorraine's and there is never anyone there.  I'm not sure whats up with that.  It was just memorial day long weekend and I'm thinking (hoping) that people made a week long holiday out of it.  Next week there should be waaay less people.

And I don't know whats up with the pool.  Its ridiculously cold.  Even I am having a problem getting into it.  I hate cold pools.  And the stupid wind is blowing and blowing.  And I am missing Bill something horrible.  And I am totally and royally feeling sorry for myself and I am even having trouble with that…I can't find enough reasons to be miserable.

I am enjoying the kids though!  Tonight we are having Mexican night.  Monte made the most delicious poke for tacos, Aryn is making margaritas and jicama salad, Ape and Myles are making fajitas and I made my halloween casserole….rice and beans in spicy sauce, corn, cheese, salsa and marinated chicken on top.  Afterwards we are playing a drinking pictionary game.  Should be a hoot.

Well Aryn just told me we need lime juice so I am off to Safeway.

Now dinner is over and it was amazing!  Monte's poke was divine and Aryn's salad was so good and crunchy and refreshing and April and Myles fajitas were so spicy and fresh and my rice and chicken went down super good.  Mmmmmm….and the margaritas weren't bad either!  Left overs for a while now.

And tomorrow is fridge day!!!  I have to get up really early and empty it out and get it ready for a new one.  None too soon.  Tonight as I was putting away a bottle of sauce, the whole fridge door shelf came flying off and everything splatted all over the floor.  It seems some godawful mess involving thick gooey liquid happens every time we are here. Anywhooo…..all for now.  TTYL






Monday, May 25, 2015


This tiny little condo is filled with live meat!  Honestly, there isn't a whole lot of room!  We are bumping into each other, sitting on each other's stuff, cramming into the kitchen.  It's crazy!!!

Plus, we are all sunburned.  We have been spending a bunch of time in the pool and even at nine in the morning the sun bakes you!  But the pool….oh that pool…..I love it!  Unfortunately though I am getting to know way too many people.  And I don't like people as you all know.

We have been up to Colleen's Cannery for fish and chips.  Its nuts how much fish they give you.  I took pics this time and put them at the bottom here.  Insane helpings!  The food up there is so good.

Today the guys came in to replace the two air conditioners in the bedrooms.  And wouldn't you know it, they are smaller so the hole in the side of the condo is too big.  It took them all day and they still aren't finished.  So we took off.  We went into Sears at the big mall and I bought an awesome fridge.  Its being delivered next Thursday.  Then we headed into the rest of the mall to do some shopping.

And I hate shopping.  We need to find some shirts for Monte.  The dummy only brought three shirts! For six weeks!  And it isn't like he can just saunter out there and find 5X shirts.  You'd think so, here in Hawaii where half the population is beyond humungous, but no, there aren't any.

When I was looking for fat lady clothes, I actually tapped a very large lady on the shoulder and asked her where she bought her stuff.  She said 'online'.  Of course.  So the chance of finding a shirt for Monte is slim to none… as we found out today.  By the time we tried the fifth store I was mad.

And I was also looking for ladies sport sandals…you know the kind with the two fat straps that cross over the top of the sandal.  Do you think anyone has them in stock?  Of course not!  After all that fruitless hunting and buying a fridge we had to go to Costco…pick up steaks for dinner.  And there were so many stupid people in there.  What the hell!!!  I really do hate shopping.

But the steak was awesome for dinner.  We sat outside on the lanai and had a wonderful steak dinner.  We sat around after and laughed and visited but its after nine now and we know that one of the guys that works here will be coming around to kick us off the lanai and into the condo.  Its like we are renters, not owners.  There are so many rules here you can't help but break them.

Well I am not sure whats up for tomorrow.  I know I have to be here somewhat to let the guys in to finish the a/c install.  We all have been getting up by seven in the morning.  But that is probably going to change as time goes by.  All I know is that by 8 in the evening I am thrashed.  So I shall post some pics here, its 11 pm (2 am your time) and I am beyond bagged.  TTYL









Friday, May 22, 2015


We just woke up to an awesome Maui morning.  Really really early.  Thats the nicest thing about this time change.  At six am here its 9 at home.  Easy peasy!

First off I have to make mention here that we are all missing Bill…more so than anytime before.  This place was the love of his whole life.  He just blossomed in this place and we are missing that.  We have been sitting here this morning making all the sounds he used to make, reminiscing about all the little rituals he had.  The first morning in Maui, he would pop out of the bedroom, all dressed, with a giant happy happy smile on his face and head straight for the coffee pot (thank you Christine and Jay) then out to the lanai to just sit and soak it all up.  This is a test for me.  I need to see if I am going to miss him too much to enjoy it here.  I will decide whether to sell this place or not after this trip.

The trip over last night was the best we have had yet.  The seat belt light didn't go on even once.  We had a lot of fun and tippling in the airport before we left…helped the fun factor a little I would say!  Something just happens to this family when we all get together.  Especially now that Monte is off some of his meds and is getting back to normal.  He is so funny and you put him together with funny funny April and crazy Aryn and we are off.  What a hoot.

I don't have time to report more here. (lucky you) but I sure will later…with pics!  I am going to try to get a pic of Monte in the futon bedroom.  That room is called (to us in the know) Gekko Highway.  He doesn't know.  And I know that one day I am going to sneak a pic of him sleeping with a gekko on his head.  Aryn doesn't know this but her room she is sleeping in is known as Cockroach Alley.  Those really giant huge foot long cockroaches have found a way to get into that room.  If she screams we will know what has happened!

Anyhoo…gotta run.  Off to Moose MaGillacuttys for breakfast.  TTYL

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Wow, what a day!!!  I bounced down to Dr. Pasula early this morning.  My bp was down quite a bit but not enough.  He doubled that scary medication.  He told me that only no life miserable people post things so not to believe what I read.  Hmmmm…okay then.  I know I feel way better.  I am kind of tired but jeez, my heart rate went from 115 to 62.  I am NOT used to that.

And that brings me to another thing.  This drug makes you gain weight.  It screws up your metabolism.  Yeah, wouldn't you know.  So now thats two drugs I take that cause weight gain.  So if I am looking like a puffer fish next time you see me, don't blame me.

From the docs I met Monte at BCAA to get medical travel insurance.  For 42 days mine was over 600 freaking bucks.  I HATE insurances.  They are such a rip.  And not only that it took almost an hour!  A whole freaking hour!!  Jeez!

Then I headed into the bank to wire money around the world, here there and everywhere.  I also needed to get american money etc….and I was in that bank for over an hour.  Seriously!  Everywhere I go and everything I do, it feels like I am the first person in the whole world that needs to do it.  And no one knows how.  Grrrrr….AND I have managed to lose the one original certified will of Bill's.  So I can't cancel the insurance on the house in Victoria.  I have no idea whatsoever what the hell happened to it.

After three more stops at places (shovel list) I finally got home.  Packing, cleaning, hunting for stuff, knocking off that LIST.  Now its late, I am tired, I just took my pulse and its down to forty.  But I think I missed a bunch when I was counting.  I was watching the Bachelorette and they made an important announcement and I forgot to count for a few seconds.  But my heart rate is definitely lower.  I bought a wrist bp cuff.  The pharmacist says its totally accurate.  I am now down to 162 over 75.  Its getting there!  If only my blood sugars were low.  I don't know why I am still alive. I shall post tomorrow or the next day from YVR Fairmont.  TTYL 

Monday, May 18, 2015


I'm not complaining…but…you should hear the birds around here.  At barely day break, just streaks of light in the eastern sky, the robins start up.  And they are loud and crazy and go on for about forty minutes.  Then the pigeons start.  And the other morning I was outside and I noticed that they stand on top of the metal chimney vents.  Thus their cooing comes straight down into the house.  Then, around six, the magpies start.  

Back in Langford it was blue jays.  Noisy harsh raucous  grating sounds.  But they can't hold a candle to the magpies here in Kamloops.  And magpies fight with each other and sling insults and generally behave like badly raised two year olds.  They are so funny to watch.  At six in the morning.  

Slowly but surely I am working through the list.  It seems weird not having to prod Spod to get his bag packed.  But I now prod Monte…who, as it turns out, is way worse than Spod.  Spod was slow, Monte doesn't move at all.  He was always like that.  I have often thought that trying to get Monte mobile is like shoving toothpaste back into the tube.  Mind you once he mobilizes, and he is directed, he moves mountains.  Its just the start up that drives me crazy.

Yesterday he was taking his final stuff to the storage unit and found a number of my boxes that the stupid stoner swampers put in his area.  Today I am going to go down to my storage room and check them out. Maybe, just maybe, my lamp parts are in one of them.  I am also missing the complete bedding set from one of the twin beds.  I hate that panicky feeling you get when all the boxes have been unpacked and you suddenly realize you are missing something vital and there is nowhere to look for it.  So a few more boxes is a good thing.  At least its a place to look.

You know how I go on about not really liking dogs…well there is one pet I dislike even more.  Birds.  I hate them.  I enjoy the outside birds, even at six in the morning but pet birds?  Uh Uh!!  Again I know some of you reading this have birds you love up to the sky.  I get that.  But for me over the years, my bird experiences have not been great.

We always had canaries when I was little.  They were okay.  But when I was a young mother with babies, I acquired a canary, called her Mabel.  And 'she' sang and sang and sang and sang.  Finally I put her cage in the bathroom with a cloth over it to shut her up.  Mom, a principal of an elementary school at the time, took her to school for a visit one day.  And after weeks of her 'forgetting' to bring her back, my dad dropped in for coffee one morning and told me that some kid had got hold of Mabel when no one was looking and……well, lets just say Mabel didn't meet a good end.  Made me cry dammit.

Several years later my friend Brenda gave me her canary, can't remember why.  It was bald with one feather on his head.  I called him Apache.  Little kids broke into my condo one day and …..well, lets say Apache didn't meet a good end.  I didn't cry but it made me sick.

Then when my dad died, for some reason it was decided I should get his retarded budgie.  That bird drove me nuts.  He could imitate the cat and the squeaky front door perfectly.  He tricked me many times.  He would make this one particular noise over and over and over.  It was like Chinese water torture.  One time I counted 82 times that stupid bird made that noise.  I gave it to the next door neighbour and every time I went out the front door I could hear him over there imitating the door squeak.  He died shortly after I gave him away.

A friend of Bill's ex wife's mother in Victoria gave Bill a cockatoo (or teal…the smaller one).  I refused outright to have it at home so it ended up in a big cage in the office.  And, again, this stupid bird would make this repetitive noise over and over and over until it drove me crazy.  I ended up bringing in a big dark blanket and would completely cover it up and it would finally shut up.  I do not remember what happened to that bird.  Probably met a horrible end.

Well yesterday we stopped at Petland to pick up supplies for Willie (rabbit) for while we are gone. Monte went ahead of me.    He kind of disappeared over yonder.  I had to pass him a few minutes later to get to the rabbit stuff.  As I came up beside him and a lady he was talking to, there was a sudden super loud screech…right in my ear. Almost gave me a freaking heart attack!!!  I automatically ducked, covered my head and looked around frantically.  Monte.  He had a stupid green bird on his shoulder, right beside where my ear was.  He was laughing and enjoying a bird visit.  I got out of there pronto.  But while I was getting rabbit stuff I heard Monte suddenly go "OWW"  That dumb bird bit him!!!  Haha!!  Don't like them.

So enough about birds.  I have more stories but I shall stop here.  TTYL

Saturday, May 16, 2015


I feel fantastic!!!  I started the new blood pressure medication last Wednesday.  The dr. told me it would work really quickly.  On Tuesday he wants me to go back in and at that time he may adjust the dosage or add another different pill, depending on my bp.

(Sorry about going on about my medical crap but I have to tell you about this!!!)  So as I said last post, the pharmacist delivered a pretty hefty warning about the medication…cold feet/hands, sore chest, super dizzy, drowsy, general malaise.  I was prepared to just dig in and bear with it until the side effects passed.  But, the most amazing thing has happened.  I feel absolutely energized, clear headed, my eye is seeing better, my ankles are tiny, no headache for the first time in ages, just plain fantastic!!!  I didn't know you could feel like this.  I am so happy!

On the other hand Monte is so sick.  It never seems to end.  Now he is barfing mightily, runs, hacking and coughing and just feeling awful.  The poor guy.  And this has been going on forever it seems. I hope he is better by fly time next week.  One good side effect is he has lost weight, enough that he can't easily wear his new jeans…too big even with suspenders!  Tough way to lose it though.

Well I went and met with Kim the gardener.  What a hoot and I hate to think what its going to cost.  But we ended up doing all perennials so money well invested.  I forbid her to put in anything yellow or white.  Mom and Bill always ended up with so much yellow and white.  I want red, blue, pink, purple, orange etc…  She will be coming here next week after I go, to plant it all.

I did go to Art Knapps and loaded up a wagon or two with petunias and trailing lobilia and came home planted my window boxes.  I actually enjoyed the endeavour…I have never planted anything before (that I can remember).  I even bought flower box fertilizer and used it.  I think they are going to be really pretty.  I also picked up a couple of hanging baskets and a couple of 12" potted plants.  Lots of watering to do now!!!

Well, I made THE LIST.  All the little details and big things we have to do before leaving next Wed. I like making lists in my word processor.  When the thing gets done you can just go and delete it off the list!  Eventually you just end up with a blank page or two!  I got three super big ones done today. I emptied the kitchen completely of all the unpacked boxes..put everything away.  I cleaned out my closet…(shovel list).  I hadn't unpacked even one thing of clothes.  Its all neat and tidy and unpacked onto the shelves.  And….my suitcase is all packed and ready to go!!!  I got one bedroom done and now I am going to go and do the other one.

The dumbass packers didn't pack any of the lamp parts with the lamps.  And I cannot find even one finial or those wire thingies that hold up the shade.  Not a freaking one.  So my many lamps are sitting in pieces in the living room with no hardware to put them together.  I shall never ever get people to pack for me ever again.  I need my lamps for heaven's sake!!!

Now I have to go downstairs and hunt through the three giant rubber maids and/or the many many unopened file boxes I used that are labelled Purple Room, for my mac book air.  I need it.  This is going to be a major ordeal and I have only myself to blame.  Its amazing how I always think I am going to remember where I either put something or saw it, and ten minutes later I simply don't.  

We were supposed to go out to Stump Lake to visit with Jo and Craig.  But between Monte being so deadly sick and me having a todo list so long its depressing, I think we will have to take a pass on it.  Such a shame..I love it out there.  I hope they understand.  I just must push on and get all these things done.  The fly date has kind of crept up on me.  TTYL

Thursday, May 14, 2015


I met with the notary yesterday (Wed) morning.  What a difference from my notary in Langford.  When you went into the one in Langford you were so warmly welcomed and the banter back and forth so funny.  Not this place.  In fact she pissed me right off.

One of the the things she needed to do was pay off a small private mortgage I obtained from a private investor we know quite well.  I never really used the money, it was more as a safeguard until things sold.  So I told them that Aryn acted as my agent and the investor's agent and she was the only one that had the payment schedule and ability to work out the outstanding balance.  Well, she wouldn't take it from Aryn.  She insisted that the investor do the signing okaying it blah blah blah.  Which is fine but she then had the gall to basically tell me that she trusts bank balances, but not privates.  Insulting.  I got mad.  And I said "Fine, then in the future, when I need a discharge, and there will be many (for my mortgages I hold), I will just give you the payment schedule and YOU work out the balance."  Well she backtracked pretty fast on that one.  So I asked her, "Who would you like to get a balance from that you WOULD trust?"  From the investor she says.  And I said that the investors don't know the formulas for doing that, that that is what Aryn does!  Its like trying to make a recipe from the "Joy of Cooking".  It would depend on another recipe that needed the original recipe to make it.  Not possible.  Anyway I finally got it all signed and my bank account is considerably bigger at the moment.  Not for long I am afraid! 

I was done by eleven so I decided to go try to see the doctor, yet again.  It worked!  I got in.  And he freaked when he took my blood pressure.  This time it was 201 over 110 and my pulse was super fast (it always is, always has been).  Now he has put me on a different medication that came with so many dire warnings even the pharmacist was upset.  If my blood pressure doesn't kill me surely the meds will.

Last night I met with the grad class group for dinner and had absolutely the best time possible.  It was actually an amazing experience. 

 In the group were a couple from the 'it' group, a couple from the run of the mill bunch and a few from the not so cool group.  And it simply was not even a consideration.  Oh if only kids in school could see this.  There we were, all of us 62 years old, sitting in all our ugly/pretty, fat/skinny, double chinned, with/without makeup, old looking, young looking, having absolutely the time of our lives.  We laughed and laughed and laughed!  I can't wait for the next one!  I reconnected with a gal I was pretty good friends with in school.  We reminisced and told stories and laughed.  So much fun.

Today there was another visit from Shaw.  It just might never end.  I went to the drugstore and filled many prescriptions, went to the fat lady store for newer nicer summer tops and there weren't any, went to UPS and faxed a bunch of papers and came home.  Monte is so so sick right now.  He had better shape up before Maui.  And he had better not have given it to me.  I shall smack him.  

So tomorrow I meet the person at Lyons Garden Centre, the one whose goats got eaten by a cougar, to make my flower purchases.  I have my list ready.  And after we are through, I am going to hop over the road to Art Knapps.  I felt my mom's spirit there the other day and just maybe a little of Bill's to. I want to go back, have a coffee, waste a bunch of time in the gift shop and maybe even pick up a hanging basket or two.  I have to admit I am excited!  I have always just tagged along behind Bill, or Mom or someone that knows what they are doing.  This time its just me and I will probably come home with frigging mugs or something.  I have a sickness….mugs and purses.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I left early giving myself time to find the garden centre.  I accidentally ended up on the wrong side of the road at Art Knapps…which was busy and bustling, with gift shops, coffee shop and lots and lots of flowers and trees and plants etc…  I asked a very polite older employee where Lyons was and he indicated that I was definitely on the wrong side of the road.

So back to the highway and over to the other side, wended my way through gas stations and A&W's etc…and finally arrived at a garden centre that was pretty pitiful looking, compared to the other one.  I found my way into a rather sad little show room and went to the counter and asked for "Kim".  I was told she wasn't there and they didn't know when she was coming in.  I told them we had an appointment at 11 (now five after).  Shrug.  They said they would let me know when she arrived.  I waited.  And waited.  And waited.  There is a point in 'waiting', for whatever, that you go from annoyed to feeling stupid.  I allowed a half hour.  I went back to the counter and asked again.  "Yeah, I dunno."  No offer to call her or get me someone else.  I was NOT impressed! So I left.

I had not heard from her by late that night.  So I emailed her a pretty terse email and wondered if we could rebook.  I don't want to change companies as they have already been and they did my front lawns perfectly.  Yesterday (Tuesday) I finally got a phone call from her.  She was pretty apologetic but sounded very despondent.  She told me that she lives out past Rivershore (don't know where that is) and a cougar came down Mon. morning and ate one of her goats.  And later that day it came back and ate her other goat.  They were like kids to her (no pun intended) so I totally understood.  She was pretty devastated.  We rescheduled for Friday morning.

Yesterday was more cleaning and unpacking and getting Monte to take more of his unnecessary junk to the storage unit.  In the afternoon I took a break and hopped down to Kathy's place, met Jo and Ainsley there and had tea and a visit.  She really does have the best baby in the whole world.  Its so much fun to just watch her play and sit and gossip!  (nice gossip!)

A friend from the past whom I have seen periodically over the years has invited me to join a group for dinner tonight at Montana's.  They are from my grad class.  I talked to Brenda last night and there are usually around twelve or so people that show up each month for this dinner.  She told me who is going tonight and I am so excited!  One of them is Kathy McGregor…I was pretty good friends with her through high school, sleep overs etc…and I haven't seen her since school!  Can't wait!

I don't remember if I mentioned this or not but I hired a real estate fellow in Port Alberni to sell that place.  I called Joe Van Bergan, the fellow we have always used there.  He told me that he was basically retired, health issues etc…I asked him when he was coming back and he said "Well you know Helen, I am 92 now so I think I am going to just keep my toe in the door but stay retired."  What???!!!  He is 92?  I couldn't believe it!!!  He put me onto his much younger partner and the house sold before he even got it listed properly.  I got what I asked, have signed all the necessary papers and I am happy as a pig in a poke!!!

Today I have an appointment with a notary to sign all the papers for the Victoria sale. The fifteenth is the final possession date.  I was looking at some pics of the place last night and I must admit I did feel a twinge or two.  The place was really a beautiful place in an incredible setting.  But…..I am so happy here in Kamloops, it matters not!!!

Night before last, around one in the morning, I rolled over, looked out my window and saw the most amazing display of northern lights!  They were green and spiking and streaking way up into the sky all across the city.  It was so ethereal.  I called down to Monte, I could hear him down there still awake and he dashed out to the downstairs patio and sat and watched them too.  One never ever gets tired



of seeing northern lights and I could swear you can hear them!!!  But I know they don't make noise.

Marisa, the gal that is going to housesit for me while we are in Maui is coming by this afternoon.  I am going to go and get the bedroom spruced up and the family room downstairs looking homey for her.  I was going to go on a rant in my head about having a stupid dog so I have to hire someone and spend all that money etc…but a number of times now I have felt relief when thinking about leaving the house unattended that long, the mailbox getting too full, parcels arriving on the doorstep etc….so I shant be cross about Molly!  LOL!!

Gotta run.  Start this day.  Beds to make.  Yippeee!!  TTYL    ps:  By the way…thanks Dana for your comment.  You are right…its possible that it will be even/odd days for watering.  When I phoned Kevin to let him know that the water DID come on, he told me he had set it for even days, my house is an even number, just in case.  Smart kid!!!

Monday, May 11, 2015


The dumbest thing happened the other morning.  I got up around six thirty in the morning.  The very first thing I do is let Molly out the front door and she goes down a couple of steps to the lawn that is right there beside my walk way.  Its a small patch of grass that is on the left side of the house, facing the neighbour's right side of his house. 

Well, this particular morning, it just happened that the gardening company the neighbour hires was there.  Two guys, mowing and clipping and weeding etc.  I step out onto the little landing and lean on the wall to keep an eye on Molly.  She will wander off given the chance.

Then I noticed the two guys had spotted me and then they were making somewhat shouty jokey comments to each other about how it was a good thing they weren't there at FIVE thirty in the morning and other stuff I didn't pay attention to.  Finally Molly was done and we went inside.

Around ten in the morning there was a knock at my door.  A nice looking but unfriendly lady stood there and she literally, defensively, started to talk to me…no introduction, no nothing.  I quickly figured out who she was and from where.  And…she is explaining to me how six thirty in the morning is the only time those guys can come and she had checked the by laws and legally they can run their moweres…yaddy yadda.  Again…it took my brain a minute to figure out what was happening.  Ahh..this was the neighbour and they thought I was out there because of the guys noise.

I interrupted her, introduced myself and then asked, "Did they think I was out there because of the noise?"  "Well weren't you?" So I started to laugh and I said that they, being on lower property than ours, clearly did not see that I had let a little dog out to pee.  I didn't even know they were there until I let my dog out.  And they were thinking that I was standing there judging the noise they were making.  At this point Molly came bouncing out of the house, past my legs and onto the lawn for a pee.  Well she started to laugh.  She was so relieved that there wasn't going to be a problem with a neighbour! I asked her to make sure she told the guys!  I had stood out there for quite a while as Molly turned in endless circles before picking the perfect spot to take a dump.  (shovel list)  They must have thought I was really annoyed!

Today I have a brand new experience for me, not one I have ever done before.  I have six varying sized raised flower beds plus some small ones out front.  All of this has to be taken care before I head off to Maui for six weeks in about ten days.

I found a company that will take care of my front yard every week for 42 bucks a week.  And for 125 an hour (and the woman I am dealing with figures about two hours..they have a team of four)they can plant all the flower beds.  But, and this is where I come in, all those flowers have to be chosen, by me.  I know geraniums and petunias are a good bet, but thats all I know.  I did message a friend, who happens to be a master gardner, and she sent me a list of possibles too.  I shall take that with me today.

I am meeting Kim, the head lady, at their garden centre, and she will walk me through and explain colour height etc and I shall say yay or nay and then pay.  I am going to take notes and maybe do this myself next year.  Cookie told me that gardening is an old lady activity!  Good thing I don't mind being labelled an old lady!!!  When I come back the end of June I should have wonderful flowers filling the beds.  

The only worry I have at this point is the irrigation system.  Myles checked all the zones etc.  and got them all up and running and ran the tests.  Yesterday Kevin set the timers for me.  I am not sure which day he set it to start but so far they aren't going.  Tomorrow morning if they don't run I will know I have a problem.  They have been set to run every other day.  I am on a water metre so it doesn't matter which days I pick.  Its times like this I miss my Spod.  He would have done the buying and planting of flowers and he would have fixed any problem with the irrigation.

Well I best get at it.  Shaw is coming back AGAIN today.  This will be the fourth visit.  Sigh.  TTYL

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Well the last few days have been amazing.  On the sixth right after I posted here, the door bell rang.  I, in a most annoyed manner, hoisted out of my chair and sluffed to the door.  And…It was my Arnie!!!!  She has always been the one to remind Bill and I that it was our anniversary on the sixth.  We never remembered.

I almost didn't recognize her at first, it was such a shock!  She said she couldn't let me go through the first alone anniversary by myself and not only that, she could only stay one hour!  Just think, she took time out of her insanely busy life to drive up here, make me feel amazing, and then drive all the way back.  I couldn't believe it.  So we made coffee and power talked, she had to stop to email business occasionally, and power talked some more until she had to leave.  Best anniversary gift ever!

The next few days were spent trying to see a doctor.  The one I want to see wasn't available and each time I went back he was booked.  And looking at my calendar for next week, the earliest I can get in there is Thursday.

I got a lot more unpacking done but not enough.  Its down to a few last boxes for the kitchen.  I got the bedrooms and family room all ready for company.  And Friday afternoon Jo and Ainsley came for a visit then Kevin et al arrived.  It was so good to see them!  I made a bunch of black bean quesadillas and we went downstairs to the only table in the house to eat.  

Yesterday we sat out on the deck for ages and visited and drank coffee and laughed.  The sunshine feels so good.  The family went to Paul Lake and had a trip around and got back in time for a salmon dinner.  We ate out on the deck and I have a feeling I will be spending lots of time out on that deck!  Gorgeous view and not too much sun.

Now today I shall be taking advantage of having the truck near.  Off to Mission Flat dump and down to Value Village.  They have to leave this afternoon, dinner with her Mom tonight.  I am taking pics and will post tomorrow.  Right now I just looked at my calendar and shaw is coming in again today.  Trouble with the pvr…surprise surprise.  Monday I have to find the gardeners I hired and go pick out a million plants.  That should be interesting!  So off to a banana pancake breakfast Kevin is making and then the day.  TTYL

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I think I have taken up sneezing where Bill left off.  I don't think its necessarily awful allergies but man I just keep on sneezing.  

Well I ordered my jeep.  My facebook friends will know all about this already.  Sorry for the repetition.

I took Monte along to make sure he fit in the vehicle and he did!  I have arranged for my Scion to be a trade in.  I tried really hard to get April to take the scion…its practically new and her tiny echo hardly goes up hills.  The scion would be so much safer to drive up here from Vancouver.  But there is no way..she says its because she loves her car, but I know its because she thinks it looks like a hearse.  She knicknamed it Hersey Squirt.  

Her loss.  They gave me ten grand for it so that makes me happy.  That is half what I would have made if I had sold it privately.  I ordered exactly what I want and it will be here when we get back from Maui at the end of june.  I will put a picture of what I ordered at the bottom.

Shaw came in yesterday and hooked up two tvs for me.  I have one in Purple Room and one downstairs in the family room.  Its odd though.  I have been without tv for so long now that I lost touch with all the shows I used to watch.  I have been using netflix or just reading books.  And I have become quite addicted to silence.  What I have missed is the news.  The internet does not keep up with the current issues.

Well today is doctor day.  I was to the dentist the other day and they took my blood pressure.  It was 216 over 135.  Why I haven't had a stroke is beyond me.  Its been high like this forever and no matter what pills they give me it doesn't come down.  Even when I lost all that weight a while back it made no difference.  It runs in my dad's side of the family.  So again today I am going to go in and try to get something done about it.  If I get in.  Trying to see a doctor in this town is a joke.  There are like maybe two small walk in clinics I have discovered and no doctors are taking new patients.  The guy that sold me my jeep was limping around, has been for three years, waiting for a hip replacement.  Nuts.

So now I shall go start my day.  Monte is super sick at the moment but I shall be booting him up here shortly anyway.  A lot of stuff needs to be done before May 20th.  And I can't start til his part is finished.  TTYL






Monday, May 4, 2015


I didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted.  Been super busy and having fun.  I don't remember where I left off.

Kathy is the president of the Kinsmen Club here.  And they do a lot of charity events, fund raising and stuff.  She convinced (it wasn't hard!) Monte and me to form part of a team for a trivia night.  When I put this to Monte his immediate response was (in a whiny voice) "but but…I'm a recluse"  Haha….there will be no reclusing for either of us here in Kamloops methinks!!

So we went and we had so much fun it was crazy.  Jo made up the balance of our team and we did pretty badly I must say, for three intelligent people.  There one hundred questions and I think our score was in the thirties somewhere.  The one I remember most was 'what two animals created the hybrid mammal "wolphin'?  I will tell you in the next post or you can google it!!!  Kathy made up the questions and they were so good…well balanced and touching on many subjects so everybody had a chance to feel smart.

On the way home after Monte was so hyper and couldn't quit talking.  Really, he must get out more!  I won one of the silent auctions…a night at the holiday inn with some perks thrown in!

April and Myles were up for the week end.  I miss April so much some times.  She brought up the two paintings she did for me and they are amazing.  She is so talented.  Plus she helped me..or rather I helped her unpack and organize the family room downstairs.  I have a feeling we will be using that room a lot.  We even had the stove in the corner going to warm it up.  And its so good to see all my books again up on those built in shelves.

Before they arrived I got the guest room set up for them.  The rooms are small.  Which is good…less stuff to ram in them.  I don't have dining room or living room furniture yet.  So those two rooms will have to wait.

I have been down to Kathy's a few times for visits and dinners.  It is so awesome to have her right near.  Today they leave for a road trip down to Phoenix and back…starting with a wander down the Olympic coast.  I really envy them!  Thats what Bill and I used to do.  They will visit our Auntie Dorothy and Uncle Dave in Phoenix.

  Thats who we visited that time my brother and Bill and I went down for the Nascar race weekend.  The time Bill got stopped on a California highway in our Infinity, doing over a hundred miles an hour.  We didn't know at the time but you can go to jail for that.  And the ticket wasn't just a ticket, it was basically bail money.  A thousand US dollars.  Jeesh!

Well, today I am off to order my new jeep!  I kinda know what I want thanks to April and Myles coming with me yesterday.  So this morning I am going to go back with Monte, make the decisions, pay the deposit (it won't arrive til July) and make sure Monte fits.  I am so excited!

And another thing they totally helped me with was making a decision and ordering the two love seats I am buying from lazy boy.  They helped me make the right choice of fabric etc…and they arrive in July as well.  I am just used to having someone back up my big purchases.  I miss Bill.  He used to do that for me.  My moderator.  

Next week end Kevin and crew are coming!  I am so excited!  I am glad I have the family room ready.  Its the only room where we can all sit.  Plus its the only room with a table.  But then I don't have chairs to sit at that table!  Haha…I foresee a trip to costco!  They have really good folding chairs that I can store in the storage room when I am not using them.

So now I am off.  Busy busy day today!  I will post about it all later tonight and post.  I will include some pics too.  TTYL