Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Wow, what a day!!!  I bounced down to Dr. Pasula early this morning.  My bp was down quite a bit but not enough.  He doubled that scary medication.  He told me that only no life miserable people post things so not to believe what I read.  Hmmmm…okay then.  I know I feel way better.  I am kind of tired but jeez, my heart rate went from 115 to 62.  I am NOT used to that.

And that brings me to another thing.  This drug makes you gain weight.  It screws up your metabolism.  Yeah, wouldn't you know.  So now thats two drugs I take that cause weight gain.  So if I am looking like a puffer fish next time you see me, don't blame me.

From the docs I met Monte at BCAA to get medical travel insurance.  For 42 days mine was over 600 freaking bucks.  I HATE insurances.  They are such a rip.  And not only that it took almost an hour!  A whole freaking hour!!  Jeez!

Then I headed into the bank to wire money around the world, here there and everywhere.  I also needed to get american money etc….and I was in that bank for over an hour.  Seriously!  Everywhere I go and everything I do, it feels like I am the first person in the whole world that needs to do it.  And no one knows how.  Grrrrr….AND I have managed to lose the one original certified will of Bill's.  So I can't cancel the insurance on the house in Victoria.  I have no idea whatsoever what the hell happened to it.

After three more stops at places (shovel list) I finally got home.  Packing, cleaning, hunting for stuff, knocking off that LIST.  Now its late, I am tired, I just took my pulse and its down to forty.  But I think I missed a bunch when I was counting.  I was watching the Bachelorette and they made an important announcement and I forgot to count for a few seconds.  But my heart rate is definitely lower.  I bought a wrist bp cuff.  The pharmacist says its totally accurate.  I am now down to 162 over 75.  Its getting there!  If only my blood sugars were low.  I don't know why I am still alive. I shall post tomorrow or the next day from YVR Fairmont.  TTYL 


  1. FYI: travel insurance rates are different prices at different places so if you shop around, even by phone to different insurance and travel agencies the prices can be dramatically cheaper!

  2. Where all are you and Monte going? Can't wait for the pictures!
