Saturday, July 29, 2023


I can now let the identity of the buyer out of the bag.  Levi, Austin's brother, Monte's employer, from Victoria, bought Gladys and drove her away.  I didn't watch them leave.  I truly loved that truck.  It was by far the most unique looking vehicle I have ever driven.  But that being said, now driving the corolla, there is really no looking back.

Jeeps are routinely on the not so long list of worst vehicles on the road.   The only positive thing said about them is they hold their resale value better than any other vehicle.  But everything else is a fail.  And I have been driving jeeps now for a decade, long enough to forget what a dream it is to drive a well built the corolla.  I can drive it with only the tip of one finger on the steering wheel.  That sure ain't the case with the jeeps.

As I have said before jeeps need constant wrangling.  If you take your eyes off the road for one second those jeeps are heading gleefully for the rhubarb!  And you can't relax whilst you drive.  You gotta have both hands white knuckling it on that steering wheel.  And even then god help you if there is a little breeze blowing.   

You couldn't see out of the thing, especially the gladiator.  Blind spot was its middle name.  And it was a long vehicle with absolutely no turning ability.  That had me driving over curbs just to avoid going into oncoming traffic in the oncoming lane.  And just try parking it.  Back and forth, back and forth.  Thank god Ange was usually with me and co-piloted out of necessity!  Just to mention a few things.  But for me the cuteness factor was very high up on the positive list.

But now that I have a car that is a dream to drive, those negatives are a lot more evident.  The contrast makes those negatives a glaring drawback for jeeps.

  I love Smudge.  So easy to park.  So easy to drive.  Maybe not quite so easy to get into.  She is very very low and in the end no matter how you do it you have to fall the last foot into the seat.  Getting out is a piece of cake, as long as your knees hold up, which can be a concern at my age and size.  But so far so good!

There isn't much else to report right now.  I have spent the last two days in a true blue mental fog.  I don't sleep much.  I refuse to label it, I just wake up an hour or two after going to sleep and then at best I might have a short doze or two til I get up.  I read, watch tv, write or whatever.  No use fighting it and getting your druthers in a bunch.

But every month or so it catches up to me. (shovel list)  I get loopy and can't function properly.  Back a few months ago Monte had a medication that basically knocked you least it did me.  And every couple of months when I knew for sure I had nothing on the next day he would give me one.  And I would basically sleep for 24 hours with little food and loo breaks in there. It was awesome!  I would be good to go for another spell of time.

  His medication changed.  He no longer has those pills.  And I am having enough trouble that I just might, only might, I haven't made my mind up yet, mention it to the doctor.  That is a road I truly hesitate to go down, but this not sleeping isn't good either.  And that is what happened over the last couple of days.  I simply couldn't get moving or keep my eyes open.  Not sleeping mind you...just open.  So freaking annoying. 

Now, it is almost midnight.  I am trying to stay awake for another hour then go to bed.  If I go to bed too early I wake up before twelve midnight and then that is it.  Makes for a verrrrrry long night.

Now I am rambling.  Sorry folks.  I am loopy and I think I will skip the awake hour and just go to bed.  I am making a turkey dinner tomorrow and I need to be on my game.  The turkey is for no special reason.  I bought a smaller turkey, already stuffed and I have all the trimmings that go with a turkey dinner.  But as the turkey, still in the wrapping, sat on the counter to start the thawing process, I read the printing on that wrap.  I couldn't believe what I read!!!!  "WINGS, LEGS AND BACK REMOVED". What the hell???  Just the breast, that no one eats, is left?  How do they keep the stuffing in?  Jeez!!!!!  I will take pics and show you guys in the next post!  Til then....TTYL

'A two pound turkey and a fifty pound cranberry, thats Thanksgiving dinner at Three Mile Island.'  Johnny Carson. (and that sounds just like my fave turkey dinner.  Turkey, in my book, is just an excuse to eat cranberry sauce.)

Sunday, July 23, 2023


I was reading this awesome blog that Arnie turned me onto.  The fellow that writes it is hilarious!  I gather where he lives right now its hotter than hades and he wrote that all he wanted to do was go downstairs with his cats and get naked and lie on the cement floor.  Then he puts 'TMI?"  Hahahahaha!!!!

Now, I don't think it is 'tmi' per se, but jeez the visual!  I was thinking that if I wrote that about myself it would be awful!  Back in the golden olden days when I was a 120 pounds skinnier, not bad looking, then okay.  People would automatically visualize me laying out, all skinny gorgeousness.  Now whilst that is still pretty horrifying to think of, if they visualized me now...oh God!  

I remember a predominantly British cruise Spod and I went on.  We were pretty much the only guests on that ship that weren't British.  

We were docked in an Athens port and while we were waiting to launch off, I decided to wander around the ship.  I wanted to go right to the top and get a pic of Athens.

I arrived up top and looked for the best spot along the railing to get the best picture.  In doing so I totally missed the fact that the very full deck had deck chairs laid out and every chair had a people on it, a naked people!  What the hell???  Now imagine if you can, a deck full of old wrinklies, because I was probably the youngest on that cruise, all naked, lying there with wobbly things all scrunchy looking and other wobbly things hanging in armpits....So I know what a visual I could conger up if I actually wrote what that blogger wrote! So I won't.

Well fiddlesticks!!!  I made baked beans yesterday.  I love making beans.  It is so easy and they are so damned tasty!  And I am not afraid to double all the tasty things you put in...bacon (tripled actually), brown sugar, molasses, ketchup.  I don't besmirch it with mustard or silly things.  I just double the amount in all the recipes for 900 grams of beans.  As a result they turn out the best beans you ever ate.  It's like cinnamon buns.  Make a caramel slurry for the bottom, lots of it, then double or triple the amount of sugar, butter and cinnamon to slather on the dough before rolling.  OMG!!!  Best ever!  Well it's the same with the beans.....except.....

One piece of advice...don't fall asleep whilst they bake in the oven.  I did.  They baked five and a half hours instead of four, a watched four.  Jeez!  you could stand a limp noodle straight up in them they were so thick. So now I have to heat up a litre of chicken broth, a big can of diced tomatoes, another bunch of brown sugar, ketchup and molasses and add it to a pot of fried bacon and another onion then try adding it to the beans.  You know, I should write a cookbook of 'How to Fix Your Mistakes'!  And I could add a wee chapter at the end on how not to fall down.  I have become exceedingly tippy these days.  Neighbours probably think I drink.

Speaking of food, like when do I not, I actually made the most delicious dinner last night.  I'm not kidding!  It was unbelievably tasty!  I could eat that every night and never get tired of it.  Unfortunately it isn't on anyone's diet!

I cooked an inside round roast in my awesome new crockpot, made gravy out of the juice, lots of gravy.  I bought ciabatta buns, cut them in half, made a salad and quickled onions and cucumbers.  So we piled meat on the buns, they did, slathered it with the gravy and piled quickles on top.  Oh my goodness!  I got full way too fast!  

I remember whenever we were travelling the canyon route, we would pass through a tiny place called Spuzzum. (Memories Cookie???) There was one gas station, store and restaurant.  My Dad would always stop there and get a hot roast beef sandwich.  His favourite and it wasn't something we ever had at home.  He loved it! And now I can see why!  Like I said, I could eat that every night!!!!  It isn't a fancy dinner, just dam tasty!!

Well it is a done deal.  The car is now ours!  She is more grey than light coloured.  A metallic sparkly bluey grey...very pretty, but darker.  Lucy was the name we picked but I have changed it to suits her.  Monte still has to pass approval so we shall see, but I like it.  And we went for a super long drive...half way to Tofino, as close as I ever want to willingly get to that place, then turned around.  He has gone for another spin.  I have not had a chance to drive it yet.  Her name is Smudge, Monte approved.

That's it for today.  Actually I wrote this over two days.  
Have a wonderful long week end!  We aren't doing much, just a little outside cleaning.  TTYL

And I find chopsticks frankly distressing. Am I alone in thinking it odd that a people ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites and any number of other useful objects, and who have a noble history extending back 3,000 years haven't yet worked out that a pair of knitting needles is no way to capture food?Bill Bryson - the funniest author I have ever read






Wednesday, July 19, 2023


 I have been trying to remember the name of my calf I raised when I was a kid.  Each one of us kids had a calf and we got to name them.  I called mine Cocoa, for the obvious reason, her colour.  Kathy called hers Buttercup, not sure why and I am pretty sure my brother's was Shorty but don't quote me on that one.

Naming things is fun.  My most recent naming fun was the first Jeep, Tank.  Then the second Jeep, Gladys.  Now for my new car.

Monte and I zoomed up to Toyota (yes, we actually have a Toyota dealership in town here...can't buy chilli paste or basil, but we can buy a Toyota), where they have all of two new cars and a couple of trucks on the lot.  Jeez!  And they don't make colourful brochures anymore where you can see what you might buy in place of the actual car.  This town is ridiculous in some ways.  When we asked why this emptiness was happening, they had the usual excuse...pandemic.  Supply train.  Lack of employees.  Blah blah blah.  Dodge next door had lots and lots of cars on their lot.

Anyway, I was actually only interested in a corolla.  We needed to see if Monte fit in one.  They had an owned by someone 2022 corolla there and Monte tried it out and whilst it is a bit small, he fit well enough.  And frankly I am a huge fan of Toyotas and was willing to wait  months for one, just like I did with the jeep.

We spent a great deal of time going over the ins and outs and all the crap that goes with buying a car with the sales guy when all of a sudden he says 'would you by chance be interested in a 2022, identical to the 2023 but a more luxurious one?  We use a 2022 Corolla Se, more bells and whistles than the 2023 Corolla, as a loaner car.  It has less than 20,000 miles on it and we would sell it to you with a discount, would be less than a new one.  Plus it has four years left on its tip to tail warranty!"  Well, yes please!  And it is the beautiful colour celestite.  Celestite is a lovely crystal, bluish white, metallic.  And I can have it Saturday!!!! Photos below!!!

Just a couple of the bells and whistles includes all the safety features, blind spot warnings if a car is there, built in dash cam, a really good one, heated leather steering wheel, heated seats, remote start, wifi bluetooth, phone charging cradle etc....way more than the basic corolla.

Oh and I should mention that Monte is buying one third of it.  His name will be on it as well.  I am hoping that this will keep him from making a mess out of it!  And when the sale of Gladys goes through I shall reveal who bought it.  If it doesn't sell to that person I will sell it myself.  I have had a couple of people interested in buying it or I can take it to a second hand place.

Bryce, Monte's friend, smokes briskets.  He got hold of me a couple of days ago and asked if I would like the tallow.  Well yes I would, makes the best gravy on the planet!  So he sent it over with Monte and there was a huge amount!  I rendered it out and got almost three cups of beautiful clear fat.  I am freezing it so I am all set with that for a while.  Normally I render out marrow bones but this is much cleaner and has a bit different flavour...a better one than the marrow one in my opinion.  Very beefy.

And today it is bean day.  I soaked two pounds of white navy beans overnight and they are all ready to be turned into baked beans.  I am going to try to get at least some of them frozen before they get eaten.  If anybody has any ideas for casseroley things I can freeze for easy quick meals please do send me your recipes or ideas. I already do chilli and Ange's cabbage roll casserole, and soups like pea and hamburger.  I really need some new ideas badly.  My email is  I would love it!!!!

Well I best get the day started.  Today is shopping day.  Groan.  Not my fave day by all means.  But I need vegetables and chicken broth.  I do not make broths.  They always end up tasting shitty and Campbells does a so much better job.  In fact I buy a case of the concentrated beef one from Amazon.  There must be forty of them in that box and they are cheap on Amazon.  Maybe the only thing thats cheap on Amazon.  We go through them really quickly.

Okay this isn't getting the day started.  Have a lovely day!  TTYL

'I've always been asked, 'what is my favourite car?' and I have always said, 'the next one!'  Carroll Shelby



Monday, July 17, 2023


I am writing this update for those that wish to come to our neck of the woods.  Don't.  Just don't take the chance.  Once again hundreds of people got caught. 

Monte and his friend (why did this go dark?) decided to go to Duncan yesterday to pick up a ton of reels of old film.  Bryce is a self proclaimed nerd about that sort of thing.  He has projectors for all kinds of film.  So off they happily went, in Monte's van.

And of course whilst they were gone two things happened, and this isn't the first time, the road was unexpectedly closed indefinitely for unexpected happenings.  There was a wind storm come up and there was a rock fall.  And the boys were on the wrong side.  They both need medication, like NEED it, and they can't sleep without their cpaps, or gaspers as we call them.  At first they were all excited and kind of giddy, but that wore off as sleep eluded them in the van and personal ablutions with nowhere to go cropped up.

  And a decision in this house has been made, there will be no more going to the other side until the road is completely open.  It is just too unpredictable.  I feel like I am in a post apocalyptic situation with 'the other side' are where the savages are and they aren't allowed to come over to this side.  I do not recommend anyone come over unless they are prepared to stay beyond their plans.

I have kind of decided, after much research, that the car for us will probably be a corolla.  It's a Toyota, it has enough horsepower, unlike the compacts, to get us two fatties up a hill,  the price is only a little over my preferred price and it gets 100 K's with 6 litres.  The only drawback is I will feel grannyish in it.  And even though the stats state a good head room, Monte will have to test drive it to make sure it fits.  I am tired of researching cars.  I know more about Yarises and Kias and Hyundais than I ever wanted to know to begin with.  Maybe I will put straight noisy exhaust pipes on it to soup it up a little.  Not!!!

Ange bought a bag of six beautiful colourful peppers yesterday.  I am going to be making stuffed peppers today for the first time ever.  So yesterday I read a million recipes just to get the gist of the method etc...a far more interesting research than cars!

I have decided to make curried beef stuffed peppers. It doesn't look too difficult and I would really like to try a different flavour.  The classic recipe just looks like putting meat spaghetti sauce into a pepper and baking it.  I am going to use rice and hamburger meat and onions and spices and stuff them with that. I will make a curry sauce on the side and maybe some extra rice with peas, mutter as it is called in Indian, and maybe other veg I can find.  I will take pics, if I remember, and post them here next post.

The trip home on Saturday was kind of trippy.  I haven't driven in the dark for yonks and my eyes are different than the last time.  Not worse, just different.  I will be glad when I get a smaller vehicle that I can see out of better.  My biggest and only real complaint about Gladys was the difficulty in seeing everything. I need a smaller car with fewer blind spots!  I was white knuckling it a lot of the way.  Thank goodness by the time I got to the loooong stretch past the road work which was a narrow single lane I was relaxed and used to the drive.  I got held up there for just under an hour. But I got through eventually and walked in the door at home after midnight.  I miss LL.
Thats it for today.  And if you are coming to visit this side bring your meds and extra undies!!!!  TTYL

'Apocalypse is the eye of the needle, through which we pass into a different world.' George Zebrowski




Saturday, July 15, 2023


 What is it about forbidden food, and if you are diabetic there's a whole lot of that floating around the universe, that tastes better in your head, the memory part, than when it reaches your head physically, the mouth part.  I had a sammich from Tim Hortons (no freaking way am I going to call it timmies) once a long time ago.  It was super delicious.  It was a miracle they had all the parts to make it.  I have yet to go to a TH when they aren't out of something I order.  Like how White Spot is famous for taking sooooo long to get their food to you, TH is famous for being out of stuff.  But I digress.

Based on that one sammich a long time ago I had some time to kill yesterday waiting for the ferry so I stopped at a TH drive through and got a forbidden beef and cheese sandwich.  I shared it with LL.  And whilst the bun was good, the sandwich just didn't taste as good as my memory of sandwiches remembered.  I haven't had a full on sandwich for a very long time and I think as time slipped by my longing for one made my memory of the taste grow along with it.  It was good, but it was a disappointment.

The highlight yesterday was arriving here at April and Myles's place.  As soon as I turned into their complex LL went nuts!!!  She started crying and shaking and vibrating and jumping around.  And holy hell when they showed up at the truck she went totally crazy!!!!  And they were so worried she wouldn't remember them!!!!  And she is now completely ignoring me.  Sigh.  All that love and care for a whole month, sleeping with her, walks and poo trips to the back yard and she now ignores me.  Sigh.

Well today is Wednesday.  And it was a lovely one.  Last night Aryn called me and told me to look at North Van restaurant menus and pick one for lunch today.  I don't know if I have mentioned this before but one of Monte and my fave past times is reading menus.  Usually it's me reading them out loud to him.

And so I spent much time last night reading all the menus I could find!  I finally landed on a Vietnamese place where they made pho with fave!  And it isn't something I can get at home easily.

She picked me up and off we went.  We had a wonderful lunch, which neither of us could finish.  And then she took me to a grocery store, Stongs, an unusual interesting grocery store.  I felt like I had gone to heaven.  People here in the city just don't know how extremely fortunate they are to just be able to go and get what they need and want.  Hells bells, I can't even get sambal oleek (sp?) in Port.  And it's like thirty bucks on Amazon.  Six dollars in Nanaimo.  It was so much fun tooting around the store and looking longingly at lovely things.

It was announced today that due to unexpected troubles on the road between Port and freedom, they have to extend their closed times.  The fire was June 4th.  The road was closed for two and a half weeks.  That road is our only road out except for a six hour hellish trip on logging roads.  Then they opened it for single lane traffic alternating every half hour or more.  It was a slow process getting out of Port the other day.  Today they have announced that the road will be closed every week day from nine am to five pm.  and alternating on Sat. and Sun.  Til freaking middle of August.

This totally affects my visit with Brody.  Jen was bringing him up on the 22, a Sat. and leaving the next day.  So other than looooong waits she would get through.  But there is no way I can get him back to Victoria on the 27th, a Thursday.  What a huge disappointment.  Other than that though I am quite okay with road issues if it keeps people out of town.

The person who bought my truck phoned today to get the VIN.  He was arranging things to go ahead with the purchase so it is closer to reality.  As soon as I get home I have to arrange to get the windshield changed and have it detailed and all ready.  I am kind of sad at losing her but excited to find a new one.  I look forward to 6 litres to 100 K's rather than the 22 litres to 100 k's.  The car will pay for itself...maybe before I get older and die.  hahahaha!!!!!  I remember my Gramma always figuring out if something she was buying was going to last longer than her!

Today is Friday.  April took the day off and we have had an awesome day so far!  We took off early this morning to Whycliff Park out near Horseshoe Bay.  It was astoundingly beautiful!!  I will post some pics at the bottom (or at least what blogspot considers the bottom).  It's just plain healing for the soul going to someplace like that that is so peaceful and glorious.

We then went to Opus, an art store. She had to pick a few things up and I had a good look around.  Next stop was a bakery/lunchy type place that sold the most delicious amazing almond croissants!  Unbelievably good!  Next was a stop at the dog park down on the ocean.  That was fun!  LL ran around and barked at dogs and lay in the shade.

Now April has run to Safeway nearby to pick a few things up.  I am sitting here yelling at LL who is out on the deck barking.  For such a little dog she is so damned noisy!

So it's off home tomorrow.  My ferry isn't until 8:30 pm so I won't get home til past midnight.  I don't mind.  It probably won't take too long to get through the intermittent part of the road at that time of night. Til next post....TTYL

'Without my morning coffee, I am just like a piece of dried up goat.'  Johann Sebastian Bach








Monday, July 10, 2023


 I was cruising around the cruise workers sites just to see what they think of us.  And they were saying that there are three types of guests.  'Newlywed, overfed and nearly-dead.'  Hahahahaha!!

The conundrum for me is which category, if I could only be one category, would I fall into?  Clearly overfed would work.  I mean I am a size 4x, that isn't the size of a tiny person.  But I am also almost 71 and that ain't no spring chicken.  Thank god I am not in the first one.  Like kill me now.

It was interesting to read about the crew's number one beefs.  One of them is being called workers.  They seem to have joined the growing list of groups of like people that want to control what the world calls them.  They want to be referred to as crew and employee only.  Workers is 'demeaning'.  So it is crew or employee.  These people work their asses off for at least twelve hours a day.  Work.  Workers seems a natural progression. 

Another beef is one I will have to be careful about, put in a filter or two.  They don't like personal questions.  How many kids do you have, how old are they, how much money do you make, do you get time off etc...I do hope they understand that we, the passengers, are being friendly and we care.  I think we feel that they are being royally taken advantage of, that they HAVE to do this horrible job to feed a family back home.

In actual fact they say they get paid reasonably well, the daily tips we pay help tremendously and the job is amazing.  They get to see the world and they have a huge amount of fun downstairs.  I was glad to read that.

Today I am going to go cruising, the BC Ferry type.  Time to take little bossy pants home.  Boy am I ever going to miss her.  I have had her for over a month now.  We have a routine down pat and she understands my words.  It will be interesting to see if she will be as clingy at her home with her mom and dad, not Gma.  Mind you April will be working from 7-3 each day so she will have no choice but to turn to me!  We will see.

Well it looks like the truck is sold.  Money and truck will change hands on the 27th of July.  My grandson Brody (Jennifer's youngest (16) is coming to visit for a few days.  I will be taking him down to Kim, his other Grandma on the 27th in Victoria.  I shall be delivering the truck, eating a Chinese dinner, then getting driven home by Monte, who will follow me down.  I have truly loved that truck but the gas is killing me.  The van has the same size engine but at least one of our vehicles won't be a gas guzzler.  Now to find a wee car that Monte fits into comfortably.  We will start with a Kia or Hyundai.

Gotta bounce.  I have packed but I need to take care of the garbage, have a bite to eat, collect Miss Bossy's stuff and the biggest job of my hair.  I washed it yesterday so now I have to get it into the poof that will last a couple of weeks.  So have a lovely day people, I shall be blogging from April and Myles's.  TTYL

'The lovely thing about cruising is that planning usually turns out to be of little use.'  Dom Degnom



Wednesday, July 5, 2023



I think I mentioned that I despise the term 'fur baby'. It's a dog, or cat, not a baby.  But I don't object to furbuddy.  Leeloo is definitely my furbuddy while she is here.  She sits on my lap the whole time she is awake and sleeps with me on my bed.  Talks to me, barks, dances on the side of the chair to get up, has a fit if her bowls are empty, jumps up and down on me in bed as soon as it gets light out, needs to go out etc... I am going to miss her but I am ready to take little miss needy home.

I am heading over on Monday.  I have made the reservations.  I will be coming home the next Saturday.  The hardest part will be making sure I take some of the food things I eat because of my blood sugar.  I don't expect her to supply me or even know what I need.  I am being as strict as possible.  The doctor did say that if my blood sugar is where it should be again the beginning of September she will give me a six month prescription instead of three.  That would be awesome!!!  So I am sticking to my eating plan which is pretty simple. 

 I have been doing this long enough to know I simply cannot eat more than forty to sixty carbs per day.  Doesn't take much to reach that magic number if you are not eating meat.  Last night I had a, small for me, helping of low carb meatloaf and a good size tossed salad.  My blood sugar at three hours after was 7.4, too high.  At noon today it is still 7.4.  So smaller salad I guess. 

We did absolutely nothing for Canada Day.  All the celebrations were Indigenous.  I was pleased to see in Vancouver they made a point of including some of the history of the Chinese and Japanese and Indian.  This country is certainly a big melting pot!

Speaking of Indian, April is part of an Indian wedding party!  She is so excited!   She ordered a beautiful Indian outfit from a place that her Indian friends recommended.  She sent the exact measurements they requested.  When it arrived, it was laughable!!!  The skirt was ten inches too big and the top didn't even come down far enough to cover her tatas all the way.  OMG!!!!

She took the outfit to her friends and bless them, they fixed it for her.  They had a completely new top made.  There was no fixing that one!  I will put a pic of her below.  I won't be including a before pic!!!!  hahahahaha!!!!!

That's all I have right now.  It is very very hot out.  People do not realize how hot it gets here in Port.  I remember an ex member of our extended family wouldn't move to Kamloops because it was 'too hot'. But then she moved to Port Alberni.  The heat here is humid, much more difficult than the dry heat of Kamloops.  Rather ironic I feel.

Take care people, enjoy the beautiful weather.  TTYL

'You don't get to tell me what to do, you're not my dog.'  Anon