Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I have decided to pick one thing, just one to commit to on Jan 1st.  I really don't like new year's resolutions.  So much pressure and then inevitably failure.  Look at that stupid 52 little changes thing I was posting.  I couldn't even keep up the posting, let alone the doing.  

So this year I am looking for inspiration.  I know better than to do a dieting one.  I have done this before and sometimes I have been spectacularly successful and sometimes a spectacular failure…its a crap shoot and I want to at least start with reasonable hope of success…so no diet related resos.  Hmmmm….I don't think I will do an exercise one either.  I KNOW that one wouldn't last.

I think I will pick a more philosophical one.  Just a minute..I am going to go google it.  See if something resonates….Back in a mo….first suggestion:  take more bubble baths.  Hmm not doing that, I get stuck in my tub.  Next: Once a week I will write someone a letter…like who wants to hear from me…no one!!  Next:  I will love my imperfections…well jeez!!  I don't even want to think of them let alone dwell on it.  NOT.  Seriously, here is the next one…I will relish silence.  Hahahaha!!!  Another one:  I will join a group sports activity…sure…chair exercises for the elderly and infirm.  This is silly.  I am going to think about it for the next couple of days and on January first post I will present my resolution.

The last couple of days have been so good.  Yesterday Kevin and I went downtown to the record store and to the game cafe/store.  We also went out for sushi lunch.  I can't remember the last time I spent a day with Kevin and it was awesome.  He is such a wonderful guy…even if I do say so myself!

We are all battling the flu.  Mainly its a horrible cough.  I watched a show the other night about a guy who was coughing so hard one of his eyeballs popped out of its socket.  Its put the fear of cough into me but even so I cough til my brains rattle…but I hang onto my eyes whilst coughing.

Now it is late and tomorrow morning I am heading down to the butcher to get a prime rib roast.  Aunty Orma, Uncle Gordon, Dorothy and Dan are coming to dinner Jan. 1st.  I can't wait!!  TTYL

Sunday, December 28, 2014


The kids were amazing.  These kids don't have tv's in their lives.  Now and again, via computer, their mom and dad let them watch magic schoolbus or a couple of other kid shows.  As a result they totally know how to occupy themselves.  At breakfast they played I Spy (in a most interesting way I might add).  They played creatively with their toys and made up other games, never once even thinking about watching tv.  It was pretty amazing.  They are 4 and 7.

That being said, Aryn, April and I decided it was time they saw Finding Nemo.  And boy was that a fun adventure to share with them.  Fenton was totally okay with it but Bruce, the shark, scared the crap out of poor Elise.  But she survived and we all enjoyed the happy ending.  Then we watched Aryn and April's fave, Its a Bug's Life.  And that was totally enjoyed too.  Soo much fun.

We coloured, read books, played with playdough, made rice krispie squares, made banana bread, had looooong bubble baths, dug holes with a new shovel he got for xmas, danced with a giant doll she named Claire and on and on.   A great couple of days.

Now its getting late, my cough has become deeper and more annoying, and I am hungry.  Jeez!  Why?  This is Christmas…when you spend six days stuffed to the gills.  TTYL

Friday, December 26, 2014


I'm not sure if its because we are pretty aware that Spod isn't here, and so we are all pitching in even more, looking after each other but this Xmas was absolutely wonderful.  In fact we all feel that this was probably going to go down as the best xmas ever.  Spod was not a 'christmas person'.  He didn't like it and we were all a little tense with him at this time of the year.  So, even though we missed him, toasted him, and talked about him, we had to admit that this year was a little easier.

We had a wonderful xmas eve, opening each other's presents and playing games and eating lamb sliders and salmon and red snapper sliders.  I cut the fish to size for slider buns, coated them with mayo and dill, then coated them again with crunched up sour cream/vinegar and salt chips.  So unbelievably delicious.  Aryn made the lamb sliders and I made acres of potato salad.  Mmmmm.

This morning everyone was front and centre by nine o'clock and we spent the next two hours unwrapping presents…good presents!!  Man! it was so much fun.  Then April and I started the cooking.  Aryn pitched in and we made the most delicious dinner.  It was a lot of work, but because we were having soooo much fun it just didn't seem like it.  The chicken was delicious, the corn amazing, April's turnip poof was unbelievable and my stuffing the best I ever made.  The gravy was damned good too.  For dessert April made banoffee…and thats the best thing you ever ate!

Then tonight we played a drinking game that was similar to pictionary…only more crazy.  Jeez it was so funny!  Then we all played Heads Up!  What a great game that is and Tandy had us in stitches!!!  I don't think I have ever seen her so funny and cut loose like that.  And Monte…honestly I can't even begin to describe what he was doing.  There are no words.  Just suffice it to say we had an evening none of us will ever forget.

And now its one thirty in the morning on boxing day.  We have come through our first christmas without Spod very well.  Loud music and games was not his thing so it was probably better he wasn't here.  Although I really missed him this morning while we opened our santa presents.  He really really loved that part.

Kevin and Tandy are off tomorrow for a couple of days, leaving the little ones with us!!  We intend to find Finding Nemo and show it to them.  They have never seen it!  And Aryn and April and Myles and I are looking forward to sharing it with them!  And we are going to eat tons and tons of leftovers!  What more could one want I ask!!!!!  TTYL



Wednesday, December 24, 2014


You know in the last post I was reminded that for every single item you throw into the shopping cart, you have to handle over and over and then finally, put it away.  The same can be said about presents.

I get each of the kids a gift.  This gift is wrapped and opened on Christmas eve.  Our family tradition is presents on Christmas eve and turkey dinner on the day.  I still adhere to that, but the difference in my house now is I do up giant fun stockings (read garbage bags).  Christmas morning is a gong show of garbage bags, wrapping paper and fun.  And I wrap every single present in those bags.  Actually, I used to get Spod to wrap a lot of it.  After everyone was out or in bed I would bring out someone's pile of gifts and I would give him one role of paper for that person and he would sit there and patiently wrap every one.

Well this year there is no Spod.  The wrapping is now one of my jobs.  So yesterday, before everyone was here and while those that were, were out, and busy, I headed out to that garage.  I set up my boom box, organized my wrapping table and set to.  And its freezing out there!  But slowly but surely I worked my way through it all.  Each bag had about twelve gifts.  There were four bags. That is approximately forty eight gifts.

  The secret to easy good looking wrapping is GOOD wrapping paper.  Thick with a grid guideline on the back just makes it easier.  Also buy a heavy tape dispenser, one handed tape is invaluable.  Also I use big stickies to write their names on.  Too many of us are either half blind or very young and just learning to read!

Anyway I thought I would be cold and lonely and annoyed but you know what?  It was awesome!!!  I had JackFM on and they play such a great variety of music and because it was so organized the wrapping was easy.  And, finally, a workplace that was cold enough!

Last night Emily, Austin and Big Dorothy (such an awful name but with two Dorothy's in the family you gotta do what you gotta do), Monte's friend Jamie, Aryn and the Kevin crew were here for sushi dinner.  It was so tasty!  And then we played games and had a great time.

Today I was up early and made a massive potato salad for tonight.  I told every one that they had to vacate the main floor of the house between 12:30 and 2:30.  Housekeeper takes total precedence!  Especially today!  I can hear her out there swiffering the floor, but I can also hear a child.  Hmmmm…..

anywhoo….time to kick a couple of hung over boys out of bed downstairs.  Monte has laundry and a bedroom to clean.  I ain't doin' it for him.  

Merry Christmas to all of you that are reading this.  I love you all and I am eternally grateful for all the support and love sent our way this year.  With Mom's funeral on Oct 31st 2013 weekend, bookended by Spod's on Oct 31 2014, its been quite a year, made a whole lot easier by all of you.  Thank you.   TTYL

Monday, December 22, 2014


On the very very slim chance that a husband or teenagers are reading this, I want to explain something that they maybe just aren't aware of.  And I am certainly not talking to the husbands and teens out there that DO know.  I don't want to insult people but…

Shopping.  (SHOVEL LIST).  As I have said before I am not a happy shopper.  Gift shopping I don't mind.  Its fun and I find it fairly easy.  No, I am talking about groceries…big big grocery shopping trips.  These trips only happen before holidays or big events…which you are doing all the planning, shopping and cooking for.

First, you have to create the menu, keeping everyone's allergies, lifestyles and dislikes in mind.  Next you get a big spiral notebook and go through the menu and make a giant list of all the stuff you need that you either don't have or don't have enough of.  And the final pre shopping task is to then organize that list into dairy, produce, aisles and frozen, making sure the groups are in the order the store is laid out.

Keys, wallet, phone, loony and list…out you go.  Superstore is my only option.  At this time of the year you can't even get into the Costco parking lot, let alone the store.  Superstore isn't much better.  Today I got a pretty good parking spot.  But I had to walk all over the parking lot looking for a shopping cart.  And I mean everywhere!

So, being honest here, I spent 700 bucks on groceries today.  And my buggy was full, top and bottom to the point of stuff falling out.  That took two full hours, walking all over that massive store, carefully completing the list.  I got it all except for three things.  Whipping cream, eagle brand and frozen puff pastry.  WHAT THE HELL STUPIDSTORE!!!!  ITS FREAKING XMAS.  THE TIME OF YEAR WE BUY WHIPPING CREAM, EAGLE BRAND AND PUFF PASTRY!!!!!!  The same thing happened last year for heaven's sake!  Can't they predict? plan?  This just pisses me off and every year when this happens I swear to God I am never ever setting foot in that stupid store ever again.  Yet here I am.
I can hear some of you thinking "why not shop earlier?"  But I want to shop when the fresh stuff on the list will still be fresh on xmas day.

Now I find a cashier that only has five people in front of me.  I read trashy mags whilst I wait.  Bruce Jenner is making himself into a woman.  I could have told you that…he looks like a weird mix of man/woman anyway.  Finally there is space growing on the conveyer belt.  I start the looooong process of unloading the buggy onto the belt, even the very heavy stuff on the bottom.  I opt for no bags, its just faster.  So I go to the end and start reloading all that crap into the buggy.  It takes forever and its a good thing I was a tetris pro.

Now out to the car to unload that buggy load.  I say this so easily.  My fifteen pound bag of potatoes lost its tag and spilt potatoes all over.  My bag the onions were in busted…onions everywhere.  The lid came off a deli tray…cheese cubes and pepperoni all over the floor.  And as I was putting the groceries into the car, the lid came off the caesar salad. 'sigh'

Now I am putting it all into the car.  How many times is that so far? In to the buggy, out of the buggy, back in to the buggy and then out into the car.  So four times now.  And because the flipping store didn't have THREE items I have to stop at another store, an expensive one so it isn't too crowded.  I drag my ass on very sore knees and feet into that store and cover it back and forth looking for those three items.  Finally I get it all and drive home.

And yes, now for the fifth time.  No one was around to help, wouldn't you know it!  So I go find bags and start hauling crap into the garage, to the freezer, to the garage fridge, to the garage shelves, into the house, here there everywhere, going slower and slower and slower.    So whats that? Five times?  And then finally I go to all those spots and put 700 bucks worth of groceries away…number six.

Now I am so tired I can't function.  My brain is drained, my body is at the end of its rope and I head for my trusty chair and collapse.  Do they know this?  or even care?  and really why should they?  Someone's gotta do it.  I sit in my chair and be a hero in my own head…for five minutes anyway!


I have always said that the reason I don't want to own a dog is because of how dependent they are on you.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like cats or birds (big time shovel list for birds) or turtles or anything alive that doesn't talk and think, either.

That being said, if dogs could be like Willy it would be semi okay.  Willy, the rabbit, sits in his cage, doesn't make noise, doesn't stare mournfully at me, only needs feeding every other day, easy peasy.  But dogs?  Huh!!  They are always needing/wanting something.

This morning I slowly, pleasantly woke up, opened my gummy eyes and bam!! 2 inches from my face Parker is steadfastly staring at me.  As soon as he saw my eyes open he started to dance and wiggle and spin and whine and bash his head on me.  So, of course, I have to get right up and wobble to the door to let him out.

And….he didn't come back.  CRAP!!!  I had gone to the loo and made a coffee and then I noticed that the door hadn't been pushed open by a returning dog.  I go to the door and start yelling Parker Parker!!  No dog.  Well now I have to go get decent so I can find the stupid guy.

Outside, in the rain, hunt hunt hunt….no dog.  I went down the back, up on the road, all the way to the left to the cul de sac, all the way to the right to the next road.  No dog.  CRAPPITY CRAP!!!  I stomp back to the house, cursing all the way.  I went in and got the keys to the car.  He may have gone down to the playground below the house.

I decided to change my boots from my Uggs to waterproof ones.  I grab them out of the closet and head into the living room to sit down to put them on and….there's Parker, all cozy and snuggly on the couch sleeping.  What the Hell???  Somehow he must have pushed the door shut when he came in.  I didn't hear him.  When I saw the door not pushed open I presumed he hadn't come in and the jerk didn't come when I called him.  So now I am soaked and pissed off.  Dogs.

After all that the day went well.  I cleaned and organized and laundried and I heard from Kevin.  They were on the three ferry.  So I made a big batch of subjit and buns. Mmmmmm.  We ate soon after they arrived.  It was sooo good to see the kids.  The first thing I did was get them to put all the candy canes on the tree.  Then we sat down for dinner and I got to read stories to them after.  I LOVE doing that.

Tomorrow HAS to be a shopping day.  A final shopping day.  All the food for the dinners coming up is organized into lists that need to be executed.  This type of shopping I like!  TTYL

Jeez!  there is a moth flitting around here bugging me…don't they sleep in the winter or something.  If they don't then they SHOULD.

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Another very mundane day except for one thing…and that one was NOT cool.  I shall get to that in a moment.  This is going to be a short post.  Nothing much to report other than the NOT cool thing.

This morning I spent some serious time making a long list.  Superstore list, Canadian Tire list, Costco list and Millstream Market and Stokes.  And as you have probably already picked up on….shopping, especially multiple stops shopping, is very near the top of my shovel list.  Its a true procrastinator's nightmare.  

So I had a brilliant idea.  Send Monte!!!  He loves going all over creation and shopping and getting things and checking out stuff.  And thats exactly what happened.  He left around noon and got home around four!  And to top it off, it was a butt ugly day out there…wind, rain, PEOPLE…(shovel list).  And he got everything!  Exactly what I wrote down.  I was really happy!

Tonight, and this is the NOT cool part, I heard a noise down beside my chair, the shelf side.  Then I noticed Molly booking it out of my room here, with purpose.  This kind of caught my attention.  What the hell could she have found this time…she is such a grotty little dog.  So I looked and looked and couldn't figure out anything, I just cleaned down there yesterday.  But I did remember that when I dug out a pen from the back of the middle shelf, something fell.  Not a big something so I wasn't too concerned.  I couldn't immediately see anything down there.  But now I am wondering.  What could have fallen because whatever it was, she had it.  I just knew it.

I hoisted out of my chair, surreptitiously snuck over to where she was hunkered down licking and mouthing something.  Finally I simply went over and booted her aside and guess what fell out of her mouth?  My bottom plate (teeth).  I remembered putting them on the shelf because they were hurting my gums.  Its not something I ever do so I didn't immediately think 'teeth' when something fell and there she is, the grotty little cow, chewing on MY teeth!  Fortunately she didn't have them long enough to do damage.

Many years ago, Princess, our first little Pomeranian, did exactly the same thing.  What the hell!!!!  Stupid dogs.  TTYL

Friday, December 19, 2014


I went out into the garage and took stock of my gifts.  I got a bin for each stocking I am doing and divided the stuff up.  It was clearly evident at the end of this exercise which bins were sadly lacking.

I decided to head down to Millstream right here.  Its an outlet mall amongst regular stores.  And there is a Pet Smart.  I wanted to pick up a sweater for Molly.  Ever since we shaved her off she shivers and shakes.

When we arrived I grabbed a metal shopping cart. There was only one amongst the red plastic ones.  I plopped her down into the buggy and headed straight into the store and over to the dog clothes (shovel list shovel list shovel list).  On my way over, wending my way through a plethora of people with their dogs (a huge number of them today), I noticed something odd about Molly.

She was picking her leg up, way up in the air, slowly.  First one then another. It looked so odd.  Then I noticed her feet were going right through the holes of the buggy bottom.  OMG!!  It was the funniest thing.  It didn't hurt, it was just impossible for her to walk.  Up would come a leg then another and now and then she would balance on a rung then her foot would fall through.  It was so freaking funny.

So as I stood there laughing and watching her, a fat miserable woman pushed up beside me with a plastic buggy, proceeded to remove Molly from mine and put her in the plastic one, all the while giving me a lecture about why the store used the plastic ones and not the metal.  What the hell?!!  Its my freaking dog, she wasn't in pain, and I can laugh at her if I want to.  She wasn't unhappy either.  Her tongue was hanging out, big smile on her face and acted like she was playing a game.

  But this lady wouldn't stop with the lecture.  So I grabbed Molly and put her up in the kid seat part and told the lady she was fine.  Then she told me that Molly wasn't safe in that part of the buggy.  I got pretty contemptuous, made a not nice comment, something about how she should go and chew on a dog bone somewhere, and moved on.

I noticed that all the people in there with their dogs are an ilk all their own.  Which is perfectly fine..I understand that their dogs are people to them.  But they have to understand that we are not ALL in that frame of mind.  A dog is a freaking dog.  Love them all you want but at the end of the day they sleep on the floor, they eat on the floor and all too often they crap on the floor.  Now unless you live with a senile old human, or a brand new learning one, you only run into these scenarios living with a DOG!

I managed to make a pretty big dent in my purchases.  I still have to get a few more tomorrow.  Anywhoo, its now past, waaay past my bedtime.  Off I go.  TTYL


Wednesday, December 17, 2014


A wee note here.  I have a counter on my blog.  It tells me how many people approximately are reading my posts.  And it truly amazes me just how many actually are.  I feel I lead the most mundane boring life and the fact that so many still read my posts every day is incredible, and I am also grateful.  Thank you.

I had a most embarrassing moment tonight…again.  I tell ya, I have zero pride left.

I put the dogs out the front door for a pee.  It was around nine tonight.  Whilst they were out, I figured I would get ready for my shower.  I aways leave the front door open a wee bit so they can come back in.

So, I am innocently in the loo, stripped down, teeth out, hair all over the place and about to put my giant outsized wildly pink polka dot duster/housecoat on when I hear a viscous barrage of terrible Parker barking.  Oh shit!  He has taken exception to someone walking by!  I grab my giant housecoat and get it on but not done up.  So clenching the overlapping front I fly out the door and holler PARKER PARKER!  To no avail.  Stupid fricking loser dog!  (SHOVEL LIST). 

 I dash as fast as I can up to the road, in my bare feet I might add, hollering all the way.  And up there is the old dude that walks his poofy snotty poodle (giant one) on OUR street now and again.  And is he one pissed off man!  He is yelling like a banshee, holding his precious by the collar and Parker is about five feet away barking ferociously.  So I reach out and grab Parker and yank him back and he stops barking.  Meanwhile old dude screams at me "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING LETTING A VISCOUS DOG LIKE THAT OUT UNSUPERVISED!!!!!!"  So I yelled right back, "WELL LOOK AT ME!!!  DO I LOOK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON WHO WOULD CONTROL HER DOG?  CLEARLY NOT!!"  Meanwhile my housecoat is gaping open and I'm trying to get the stupid dog to go back to the house.  The guy finally took his poofy poodle and walked away still yelling threats.  

Upon retrospect I can't really blame him.  I kicked Parker's ass all the way back to the house.  Seriously!  I can't figure out what bee gets up his butt about certain dogs.  I don't get it.  Meanwhile another neighbour now thinks there's a crazy fat broad with no pride living at my house.

I have had a couple of really good days.  I think.  I have been sitting here trying to remember what I did yesterday.  And I can't.  In fact I just asked Monte and he can't either.  I know I got the place cleaned up for the housekeeper.  And….Monte brought back six huge full garbage bags of clothes from his house last time he came back.  They were still in his car.  So one by one he brought them in and we sorted them out and packed, and garbaged and donated.  Jeez!  Quite the job.

Today was another writing day.  And bill paying.  A laptop day!  The housekeeper came in.  Its truly amazing to me how sparkling she can get this place in two hours.  Frankly its beyond me!

Tonight I had Asian Cuisine with Andrew!!!  We had a fabulous visit.  Caught up on all the news and I filled him in on Bill's passing.  It is always good to see him.  It was a bit sad without Bill.  Bill always was so interested in Andrew's job.  He could never hear enough.  It was just so good to see how healthy and happy he seems to be.

And now another mundane day (other than an awesome dinner with Andrew) lived to the fullest.  TTYL

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Every night when I am still sitting here blogging or watching tv or reading and it is getting very late, I get that creeping feeling that sometime here its slipped from 'all is permissible and fine' to 'clandestine sneaky, I am up way past my preferred bedtime."  I know when Spod would come out to get some water or something or other, he would peer into my purple room and ask "You still awake?  What the hell are you doing?"  Keep in mind he went to bed hours before like around 8 or 8:30.  Now its only 11:30!  

I remember years ago my dad worked at the Kamloops city jail.  He had to drive past my apartment to go to his midnight shift.  He would see my window lit up and would phone from work and suggest I get to bed.  Jeez!!

Tonight it has occurred to me that I am now completely and totally without any authority or perceived authority over my life and how I live it. My dad is gone.  My mom is gone.  My husband is gone.  Its just me.  I like this and I aint changing it….ever.

Today was a Costco day.  I still feel funny going by myself without Spod.  I don't think I ever went on my own without him.  He loved it so much.  It wasn't too busy in there either.  I had to stock up on my tomatoes and feta cheese.  The tomatoes aren't tasting as good anymore as they did through the summer.

With Monte's help I set up a wrapping station in the garage again.  A couple of high tables from Costco, scissors, tape and all the trimmings and I need to find me an old office chair.  Its downstairs.  I love it out there.  I bring out my laptop, play some tunes and its freezing cold…which suits me to a T!  I love hot coffee in my travel mug in the freezing cold.  It tastes good.  I used to like to smoke in the cold too but that boat's done floated a long time ago.  This year is even better because the 'beer' fridge is out there.  I can just saunter over now and then and take a swig out of the egg nog liqueur bottle.

I was totally enjoying my picture today, up over the piano, when Monte suddenly noticed it was upside down..according to all the signatures and labelling.  So we flipped it over and I didn't like it anymore.  The right way makes the blue a finite body of water.  The upside down way makes the blue an endless, lost in space sky,  such a different feeling!  And I shall be hanging it upside down when I hang it permanently.

I put a picture of it below so you can check it out for yourself.  I have also put a picture of the xmas tree…its so awful this year.  Nothing I do helps it. And the stupid thing doesn't have a stick to put a tree top on.  All for now.  TTYL





Sunday, December 14, 2014


Don't get me wrong…I love xmas present shopping.  I am not one of those that has trouble figuring out what to buy for people and I love it.  And whether I have money or don't (I've done plenty in both camps) I don't care.  I love it.

Today I set off to do some of that.  I hit a mall that I would start at one end, ending at the other where a winners/home sense was.  I felt like success was going to be had.

And I was successful.  Along the way I managed to pick up a good lot of what I needed.  And not only that, I walked right into the wrapping place.  Most the presents I bought today are wrapped!

But then I ended up in Winners.  I walked towards the back and what should I spy but the most gorgeous painting.  Its long and narrow.  Length is taller than Monte (6'7") and about two feet wide.  It hangs horizontally.  I walked away from it several times but it kept drawing me back.  Then I saw someone get her husband to hold it awkwardly up so she could step back and see it.  I panicked!!!  I rushed over and frantically said how sorry I was but I was buying it and it wasn't for sale.  They sort of looked at me strangely and the husband silently handed it over.  I managed to struggle it into the buggy…which put that sucker twelve feet into the air and leaning over so far we were in danger of decapitating someone.  I got it up to the register and they got me one of those buggies that gets through their door without freezing to the spot.

I wended my way all the way back through that packed and busy mall, narrowly missing people and posts.  And when I stopped in at the wrapping place they all had kind of horrified looks on their faces until I set them at ease that they wouldn't be wrapping it.

I did okay until I got to the automatic door leading out of the mall.  It was single door size.  As I got the nose of the buggy through, it became obvious that I was going to have to take that picture out of the buggy to get it through.  So I pulled it up up up and then backed up and then had to hold it horizontally smacking a stupid lady behind me.  She could have moved.  After whacking the door, the railing, more people I managed to get outside.  I put the damned thing back in the buggy and the woman I smacked says, as she walks by, "All that work for that ugly thing?"  Cow!

And then….at the car which, by the way, had Parker in it, it wouldn't fit.  Not with a giant dog there.  What the hell?  This is the second time in my life I have done this…bought a painting so big it won't fit in the vehicle.  I parked the buggy beside the car nosing into the empty neighbouring spot.  Of course a giant diesel truck tried to park there and just sat idling and waited.  GO PARK SOMEWHERE ELSE BOZO!  But he didn't.

  Meanwhile I have this giant painting half in and half out of the back of the car.  The car is a little scion station wagon and the back seats were flat but with the dog in there it wouldn't work lying over top of the passenger front seat.  It took me forever but I used to be a tretris whiz so I did figure it out.  I stood it on its side and slid it from the back up between the passenger seat and the passenger door.  Fit perfectly.  Mr giant truck waited that whole time.

I went back to winners and bought a buggy load more, half of which was for me.  Platters, bowls, pitchers…I just can't resist.  And, I know Spod was there in spirit shaking me and yelling no the whole time, but I bought another awesome purse.  I took one look at it and walked away.  Then came back and walked away and came back and finally bought it.  I am weak.

The last couple of days have been full and busy.  I had lunch on Fri. with a friend that ended up taking up a fascinating three hours.  He had the most fantastical story to tell.  I then spent two and half hours in telus buying my iphone 6plus.  I LOVE it.  But it tends to fall out of my bra.  I have to be careful.  Its pretty big.  Yesterday Emily came out for some Indian cooking lessons and we made an Indian feast to die for.  Then last night we sat around playing word games and  listened to records.  Exactly what we used to do when I was their age.  Throwback evening.  TTYL

Friday, December 12, 2014


I will get to the gummy grainy thing in a minute.  I finally got a fair amount done.  The tree is up, sort of.  It keeps tipping backwards but its so little it doesn't really matter.  We just push it back up straight.  We put a humungous amount of coloured lights all over it.  Its one very pimped up little tree!  Tomorrow I am going to finish it and I shall take a pic and post it here.

I got the laundry almost completed.  I hate doing laundry.  I mean I REALLY hate.  That is one chore I put off and put off until  I have nothing left to wear.  You know when you don't get to go shopping for groceries or you are out of money or you are going away so you are trying to get rid of food?  You end up eating all that crap thats been in the cupboard forever.  Suddenly rice cracker encrusted sardines sprinkled with deep fried onions shows up on your plate for dinner.

  Well, its the same with clothes.  Being a lady of a certain size (read: fat broad) I have a lot of 'fails' in my closet.  And when I am beginning to trot them out, seeing again how hideous they are, I know its time to go down those stairs and gitter done.  And today I finally did!  Back to smoothing, smallerizing black tomorrow!

I also made a proper dinner.  Well, part of it was.  Steak, onions and mushrooms, broccoli and cauliflower in cheese and the best part of all…tater tots.  And that brings me to the grainy and gummy.

I did some research.  There was a rumour about for years that every seven years your body takes a change and your likes and dislikes change right along with it.  And I am in the seventh year…change time.  Believing that to be a myth I researched it.  And really its just about an aging process.  As you get older more and more of your taste buds die and your sense of taste changes.

I do believe that has or is happening to me right now.  Over the last few months food has started to taste awful.  And I have never ever been adverse to textures of any sort but now?  I can't believe how much food mushes and turns grainy and that just turns my stomach.  Bread, the tater tots, meat, cottage cheese, baloney (shovel list), cheese, etc…I am so sad about this.  I mean its good for losing weight and all but I spend a lot of time feeling pukey (big time shovel list).  About the only thing I can predictably eat with no problem is what I have every morning for breakfast.  I eat a bowl of three tomatoes cut up small, a load of sweet onion shredded, feta cheese (but only the crumbled kind you get at Costco…none of the others) and olive oil.  Thats it.  I always can eat that and not get sick after.  Its so good and I don't get tired of it.  Oh, I eat other stuff, I just don't enjoy it, quit half way through and then feel pukey.  So annoying.

The only reason I mention this is if anyone out there has heard of this please feel free to educate me!  Thanks.  Pics tomorrow!  TTYL

Thursday, December 11, 2014


How is it I can do nothing for so long.  Seriously.  I have had yet another day of doing nothing.  Oh, I did do one thing.  Sat in my chair while the housekeeper did all my fine tuning out there.  I regulate.  She fine tunes.  I think housekeeper is another word for guilt.

Lets see:  Monte and I screwed the little tree into the stand.  I got up this morning and washed the dishes.  Tonight I moved the furniture in the front room around to make room for the old ratty rocking chair from downstairs.  Listened to music music music.  Ate sushi.  Drank a ton of water.  Means my sugars must be high.  Listened to the rain when the music wasn't on.  Threw two pieces of laundry down the stairs.  Fed Willy  (rabbit).  Yelled at the dogs.  And thats about it.  And really?  There is no point in saying what I am going to be doing tomorrow!  It probably won't happen.  TTYL

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I was not meant to be a woman…I am pretty sure. I have mentioned before that when we cruised, the women would turn themselves out every single perfectly coiffed, full expert makeup, chunky charming jewelry, matching shoes and handbags, beautiful tasteful slacks outfits. yes Cookie…slacks  (shovel list).  I hate to think what I must have looked like.  I don't look in the mirror and even if I did I can't see very well.

So with that in mind last night I leaned into the mirror and lifted my glasses so I was looking through the bifocal part. And I gotta say…I was shocked!  My nose is full of giant pores that are black, the skin around my mouth, lower cheeks and chin is super wrinkled and saggy, my eyelids are droopy, I have fairly smooth upper cheeks but they have blackheads.  AND there are sprouty hairs all over my chin and fuzzy hair on my cheeks.  Oh Lordy.

With this awful image in mind I decided to wash my face with an exfoliating goop I have.  Its full of millions of little weeny teeny beads of some sort.  I haven't purposely washed my face since about 1997.  I get it wet in the shower and swimming.  Thats it.  No face creams, no scrubbing.  I just leave it alone. So exfoliating would be a start at the least.

So, leaning over the sink, water running, I got a goodly handful of the stuff and started scrubbing.  I scrubbed every inch of my face, over and over.  Finally I figured I had probably sluffed off most the unwanted dna and, hopefully, some of the dirt in the various holes.  I cupped my hands, scooped water and splashed.  Nothing.  My face was just as slimy as before the water hit it.  I continued.  Scoop. Splash. Scoop. Splash.  Over and over and over.  Seriously!!!  That crap wouldn't move!  I swear it was insoluble.  So I started to scrub my face each time I splashed.  Scoop splash scrub scoop splash scrub.  I finally had to get the cloth I had put there for drying my face after and seriously scrub my face.  Long ridiculous story short, I ended up with a soaked shirt, soaked counter and soaked floor.  Took me half an hour to clean the bathroom and this was after the half hour in the garage picking up stupid marbles.

Sitting in my chair when I was done, I noticed a thousand little tiny beads still clinging to the outskirts of my face.  All along the hair line and in the hair were all these little beads.  It took me an hour to pick them out.  It was way too late to wash my hair…plus it wasn't Sunday.

This morning I excitedly looked in the mirror to see the lovely transformation.  Ha!  My face is all blotchy and red and now its itchy and feels like there is goop on it still.  I should have just left it alone.  (my neck is still all sticky even after my shower)

Today I ran the last cheque over to the notary, stopped at superstore and picked up a tree and headed home.  I made a roast pork dinner for Em, Austin, Austin's brother Levi (Monte picked him up in Nanaimo on his way back from Port) Monte and I.  Such a lovely perfect evening…listening to vinyl…old and new, visiting, laughing.  They left around eleven.  Poor Em was soooo tired!  And now so am I!  Bed time!  I have to get up early to clean the house before the housekeeper gets here!  TTYL!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Holy cats!!!  Its crazy out there!!!  The wind is screaming, the trees are kissing the earth in a most unnatural way and the rain is coming down so hard I feel like we are going to float away!  I think this is a good time to go look and see if my roof has any leaks in it!

I just spent the last half hour out in the garage…not by choice I might add.  I wanted to see what was in a particular box up high on a shelf out there.  Monte is in Port right now so I had to get it myself.  Both stools are in the house so using my tippy fingertips I inched it over the edge and the damned thing was way heavier than I expected.  It literally tipped right upside down, came crashing down and before I could even react it plopped on my head and forty five thousand marbles (the flat kind) rained down over me, the surrounding bags and boxes, down my bra, down my boots, in my hair, into the dog food bag I had just opened.  Holy Crap!!!  What a colossal mess.  And after I spent the next half hour finding them, I managed to only get about two thirds back into the vase they had been in.  When I dished up Parker's dish of food I found three more.  I am pretty sure there are some still in my hair.

I had an appointment with the notary today.  I got there about 2:15 and I didn't leave til 4:45.  Martin Farley is his name and we were in the boardroom and we got talking.  He is almost exactly the same age as me, six days older, and he had a very similar work life to what Bill had.  Appraiser, realtor, mortgage broker and eventually notary.  Jeez we got talking and we kept talking and talked some more until its was so late it was dark out!  I have always found that people that are born in the same year as you have lots in common with yourself…politics, music, significant milestones etc.  Very enjoyable.  One more visit and the kamloops house is mine!!!  Tomorrow I shall be going to the bank then to the notary and it will be a done deed.  (no pun intended!)

I then hit Superstore and four hundred dollars later…xmas presents, my buggy was so full stuff was falling off.  One thing I loaded up on (Costco has put a fear in me that when I become dependent on something…they will suddenly stop stocking it…so I stock up while I can) was bags and bags, I think 12, of frozen yorkshire puddings.  They are unbelievably delicious and three bucks a bag of twelve.  I shall never make them again.  They really are amazing.  I also bought a big bag of four uncut loaves of their white in store baked bread.  I use it for stuffing and last year at Christmas, they didn't have any.  Not taking any chances this year! And I bought an easy bake oven!!!  Plus a bunch of the easy bake mixes.  Oh yeah!  Gma is gonna tie a baking session on with Elise!!! 

 I was going to buy a tree but I got too much stuff and there was no room.  And, because I spent so much I got a free BIG box of Lindt chocolates!  And the best part of all is that because of the storm the store was almost empty!

So now its bedtime and my dogs are tucked under me.  Tomorrow is another busy day.  I am determined to get that stupid tree!  Oh and money to the notary.  And maybe to the counter place and oder counters.  AND go get my iphone 6 ..the big one!  I want it for the camera.


 Yay!!  TTYL

Monday, December 8, 2014


Super duper day today!  Lazed around this morning on my laptop watching crap tv.  Then I took off over to Dorothy's.  Her house is astoundingly beautiful!  She redid the whole thing herself and it is beyond beautiful.  I picked up some good tips.

We drove way out into the nethers and we stopped and saw her son Kal.  They have the most wonderful place on a lake.  We didn't stay too long.  Headed off to her daughter Kim's place.  What a neat person she is!  Full of stories and anecdotes,  two wonderful little kids and a husband and three dogs.  Boxer and two pugs.  The littlest one was hilarious!  She made me a couple of delicious coffees and we had a piece of cream cheese iced carrot cake, still warm from the oven.  Mmmmmm!!!  I could have stayed there for hours visiting.  She reminds me of me a lot in so many ways, thoroughly enjoyed the visit!

Later Dorothy and I went to Original Joe's for supper.  I have read really good reviews about this place, like their menu and Dorothy has been several times and really enjoys the food.

That being said, we ordered lettuce wraps to share and we each ordered a bowl of miso noodle soup.  The lettuce wrap filling was good but they served it with romaine.  Romaine was not made for lettuce wraps.  And the soup, for 12 bucks was pretty small.  It certainly didn't look like the picture.  There were hardly any noodles, a lot of brown broth and meat slices.  We started to eat it and realized it was like licking a salt lick.  And it had that burnt fishy taste that those fish flakes taste like.  We actually couldn't eat it.  So we sent it back and asked for the menu.

We then ordered a hot dog….two european wieners fried, mustard sauce, banana peppers, cheese, caramelized onions.  It was delicious but the bun had been microwaved.  Now if you have false teeth uppers like I do you will  know how significant microwaved bread is.  You can't bite through it.  It flattens out and gets super chewy and leathery.  I tried!  But I ended up wrapping it up and bringing it home.  I figured Monte would eat it…he eats everything.  But when I was telling him and Emily what I had ordered the moment 'european wiener' was out of my mouth he goes "ewwwww!!  I don't like european wieners."  Like seriously?  Since frigging when?  The damn thing is still sitting in my purse.

So now here I is…in my chair, dogs surrounding me.  I have to plan my tomorrow and get ready to execute.  TTYL

Sunday, December 7, 2014


I had such a good day today.  The house was pretty clean so I didn't have to do much before Jeff arrived.  I did bring in the Native art for Jeff to have a look at.

We had such a great visit!  I had totally forgotten, and I don't know how I could possibly have forgotten this, that when Jeff worked with us he became like the resident councillor!  We all unloaded on the poor guy.  He was so easy to talk with and so very understanding of pretty much anything we told him.  Not often people come along that are so easy and good to visit with.  We had a fabulous visit!  And next time he and Kate come over (she visits her mom who lives in assisted living here in Victoria) they will visit her mom and then come out to visit and have dinner.

And, he took a lot of native art with him.  I felt that it would be in the right hands with him…and he can disperse it amongst Bill's family as he sees fit.  He watched Bill wheel and deal with the Natives that came to the office to sell their wares.  In fact Jeff bought some himself.  He has a true appreciation for the art.

After he left, Monte and I went to the Salvation Army thrift store.  God, what a place.  It is huge and full of crap and some pretty sad looking patrons.  Monte played the rickety old piano there for a while.  I sifted through a jillian loser records and I also sifted through tons of loser cd's.  What is with the Cranberries?  Clearly someone in 'donationland' had a thing for them cuz I found about a hundred of them.  Who would have that many Cranberries cd's?  And Queen.  (shovel list). They are a band that's just about great …..  but not. 

  I was looking for some cd's for my car…which has no other way of playing music.  I bought the bare bones car so no hole for that special cord that plugs into your phone or ipod or whatever.  So I am reduced to cd's.  Now I am armed with Cranberries, CCR, Lorena Mackenna (ya I know) and I stopped short at a cd with a picture of an impossibly young Anne Murray on it.

Further down the aisles I found an awesome Nativity Scene in a box, all together, made of paper mache.  Now I am not a nativity scene type of person but I am a sucker for paper mache.  I love it.  It wasn't cheap either by thrift shop standards.  But it was all there so I bought it.  When I got home I immediately set it up and it was in mint condition except for one little detail…half of Jesus's left foot was snapped off.  Oh well I love it.

We then headed down town to the record store.  I won't even tell you how much I spent there.  But I now have Bob Seiger, Abba, Boney m, The Feelies, and a bunch more.  I have got to stay out of that place.






All in all a great day.  Tomorrow is going to be even more fun…going to visit rellies that live here in town.  Love it.  TTYL

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I truly have the best support in the whole world.  I get phone calls, and messages and visits and comments on the blog here.  It would be a pretty sad world if all of you weren't so caring and awesome.

Today I got a call from Bill's nephew, Jeff.  He is coming over for coffee tomorrow!!  I am really looking forward to his visit.  Bill loved his family to pieces but he just wasn't a good 'visitor'.  With anybody.  I tried many times to get him to arrange visits with his family and friends but he just wouldn't.  I thought about this a lot and never really figured it out.  He always enjoyed his visits with people but he just wouldn't initiate any of it.  And I wouldn't force him.  I watched my mom insist that her husband Bob do all sorts of things he just didn't want to and I made the decision to never do that to Bill.  But I feel he missed out on a lot.  So I am truly appreciative that Jeff is making the effort to come all the way out here to see us.

The last couple of days have been pretty low key and uneventful.  I am slowly working through boxes and piles of stuff, sorting and throwing and packing.  My goal is March.  By March I will have regulated my house to the point where it will be easy to move.  hahahaha…I made a funny.

My cousin Dorothy phoned today and invited me out to her daughter's place on Sunday.  Its weird being able to just get up and go somewhere.  Bill just simply wasn't social and I can count on one hand the number of times we simply got invited somewhere and actually went.  I am kind of excited!  Its been a long long time since I was able to just go socialize!  

Anyway, I am off to bed now.  But first I think I shall have me a baloney sammich.  Mmmm….mushy white bread and mystery meat.  TTYL

Thursday, December 4, 2014


AUGUST 20 2014


OCTOBER 18 2014
I finally got all my pictures from Bill's last two months together.  I am posting them here and I will completely understand if some of you may have trouble getting to the end.  It was so fast and devastating.  The first picture was at Goldstream park with the grandchildren on August 20.  The last picture was taken moments after he passed on Oct 18.
 I didn't plan this picture procession..I just noticed that the pics on my phone had become something of a timeline. Now that he is home here and I am posting these, I feel like the first of many emotional hurdles is over.