Thursday, January 29, 2015


Yesterday, after the housekeeper left my aunt and uncle came for coffee.  We had such a wonderful visit as usual.  I just love them.  They are from Alberta and we got into some lovely heated conversation about pipe lines crossing through BC etc.  Awesome!  I learned lots. 

Today I packed and organized a bit more.  But I have to keep going into the garage and really, I think for the first time in my life I am totally at a loss on how to even start out there.  I keep going out there into the middle of all the bedlam and chaos and start looking and seriously? I just give up and go back into the house.

I remember doing the same thing with my walk in closet in our house on 12th street in 2003.  Over and over I did that.  It was so packed you couldn't get in.  Shameful and the last time I did that I cried.  And the next night the house burnt down and took care of that for me.  Just one of life's little gifts.  Now if the garage burns down in the next day or two, I am going on record here to say I am NOT planning for it to burn down.

I have mentioned Monte's awesome friend Pat in Port Alberni.  He lives across the street and has been such a reliable friend and helper for Monte.  And…he simply knows everybody in that town.  I sincerely want to get rid of that house.  It is costing way too much and when Monte moves the fire insurance will go up exponentially.

 So….I offered him five grand to find me someone.  And holy crap he has had a steady stream of potential peeps through!  Mind you I am selling for so cheap its going to upset the comp market!  And tonight we hit paydirt.  Someone has the downpmt all ready, a big one, and I don't mind holding the paper on it.  I will get a nice pmt each month and will not have to worry about taxes, utilities, insurance, etc…and paying Pat is way cheaper than paying a real estate guy.  So its a win win all the way around.  Now I just have to make it happen!  ARYN!!!!!!!!!!

Today, no matter what food I thought of it just didn't appeal to me.  Not even tomato soup or balogna.  I even have mushy white bread from Cobbs.  So all I ate was a jar of these awesome pickles from Germany and about five apples.  Sooo good!  I love apples.  And I love pickles.  Okay how can you tell its late.  I am rambling.  Love y'all and g'nite.  TTYL

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Parker is definitely fading.  He has so gone downhill in the last two months and I have no choice but to face the reality that he is not going to last much longer.  I was thinking.  I don't think I am up to watching another 'loved one' (yes I will admit I love that old dog…up to the sky) decline until dead. Its too soon since Spod.

That got me to thinking.  If I had a last six months before Spod died 'do over', exactly what would I do differently?  Lots.  I would change my tone of voice…less scathing and impatient and a lot more loving and patient.  I would get off my ass and go do the stuff he asked me to go with him and do…drives, Lee Valley Tools, downtown at night to see lights, dinners out, sit out front in the rocking chairs, run up the road in the evening to see the deer.  I did some of that but a lot of it I didn't, and not gracefully.  I wouldn't get mad at him when he was sneezing for the millionth time.  I wouldn't get mad at him for the millionth time we had to stop at the loo.  Don't get me wrong…we did so much together and we were happy.  But those other things stick in my mind. I know one can't live 100 percent super attentive and loving…would drive you crazy.  But I sure could have been a whole lot kinder and better.

So now I have a chance with Parker.  As you know I am NOT a dog person.  I never have been.  To me they are too dependant, too needy, stinky, hairy, always needing something.  It drives me nuts.  But be that as it may, this poor old dog has no choice but to depend on me to be his final buddy, so his last time on this earth is going to be awesome.  I don't want to be sitting here in this chair, after the fact,  posting on this blog about how I am feeling bad about not making his final days/months the best he's ever had.

So I already started and I gotta tell you..he's confused!!  It might take him a while to trust that I am going to be good to him ALL the time.  He is getting scraps off my plate, treats from beside my chair, extra time outside, runs at a leash free park, taken out in the car every time I go out, etc….and when his time comes there will be no regrets and he will be a happy dog taking the next natural step.  At least thats what I tell myself his passing will be like.  We will see.

I took him to the spa today for a much needed bath and brushing.  While he was there I made the mistake of going to Pier 1.  But I did find the small plates I have been keeping watch for.  Slowly my formal dinner ensemble is coming together.  Pics at the bottom.

I went to pick up Parker.  I took him out to the car and bless me if he couldn't jump into the back. So finally he put his front legs in the back of the car and squatted his haunches right down on the pavement, sitting sort of.  Well I can't lift him when he does that.  I can only lift him when he stands on his hind legs but I think it hurts and he won't stand, only sit on his haunches. So I was trying and trying and simply couldn't get him picked up.  All of a sudden a car stopped (we were in a shopping centre parking lot) and a little older lady hopped out and came over to help.  Well Jeez!! neither of us could get him up.  AND he would yelp when we tried.  Soon another vehicle stopped and a lovely looking young man hopped out and came over.  Another guy, coming out of Petsmart, stopped and finally the two guys got him into the back.  God! it took a village!!!  Poor old thing.  I have put a pic at the bottom of him.

Now I have to go and I truly promise this won't turn into a 'dog blog'.  That just isn't me.  I will make sure! TTYL




Monday, January 26, 2015


The MOST awesomest thing happened today.  Truly the best thing ever.  The phone rang.  Not a number I know but I decided to answer anyway.
It was a friend of Joan's (Bill's brother Frank's wife…nicest person ever).  This friend lives here in Victoria and Joan had sent her last night's post.  She was calling to tell me she was interested in a whole lot of furniture I listed in that post.

Needless to say I leapt up and clicked my heels in the air and made arrangements for them to come over around supper time.  I couldn't believe it!!

So they arrived right on time and in they came and they agreed to take just about everything!!!  I couldn't believe it!  They have a pickup and they loaded up a bunch of it today.  After Monte and I are finished in the garage this week they will come back and take even more.  You have no idea how happy this makes me!!!!  And….the couple of things they are not interested in (a futon, sofa bed and storage leather trunk/coffee table) may be of interest to a friend of theirs!!!  This is going to save me so much time and work.  I am truly ecstatic!!!

A lovely day today….Em and I went to Walmart and attained everything we went in for.  We then went to Original Joe's for dunch (very late lunch almost dinner)  We then came home and watched two more episodes of Downton Abbey.  She helped me clear off the shelves downstairs, she packed the books and we cleaned them off, ready for the Simards.  My voice echoes downstairs now!  Wheee….so happy.  THANK YOU JOAN AND THANK YOU SHEILA AND MARCEL!!! TTYL

PS:  I just read the comment about someone wanting the trifle recipe.  

either a home baked or store bought lemon loaf or bundt type cake.

two boxes of lemon pie filling or a homemade batch…doubled.

two cans or 2 or 3 cups  fresh pineapple chunks.  If fresh sprinkle a little sugar on the chunks ahead of time.

In a glass bowl layer the ingredients.  Cut the cake in cubes and just plop the cake, pineapple, and spoons of lemon pie filling randomly into the bowl.  make some whipping cream and add sugar (as sweet as you prefer it) and zest of one lemon.  I make it in the morning and put it in the fridge all day to get it cold.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Wouldn't you know that the moment I decide to sell my house, about a thousand, just in this little area, get listed.  In fact I am sandwiched between two of them.  The one on the left is listed at 629 and the one on the right is 600.  They are both lovely houses, one is quite new.  But I will be listing mine for five hundred…might piss them off just a little.  Oh well.

I am not sure where I left off in my life.  Doing very little I imagine.  Like I have said before I lead a very mundane life and I am getting really impatient to move.  I think, because I am a huge procrastinator, I am going to sit down and make a timeline and stick to it.  I have an awful lot of furniture and bigger stuff to sell.  I would just donate it to charity but if I sell it, even for a buck, THEY have to take it away.

  Some stuff I am going to drag up to the top of the driveway and put a big free sign on it.  Spod bought a load of costco metal shelving on wheels.  I do not want them and they are just taking up way too much space in the garage.  So I think tomorrow I am going to stick them up there…someone is bound to take them.  They are in mint condition.  

And I think I am going to start taking pics of all the things I need to sell…cheap.  Fairly new futon, floral (pretty) sofa bed, butler table, dining room chairs (6), two natuzzi leather arm chairs, endless garden tools, big new black leather office arm chair, two tall wooden book shelves, a 300 pound (maybe a little less) gorgeous cut glass fire screen, two beautiful wooden two drawer filing cabinets. 

 Thats for starters.  If anyone here is reading this and wants any of that for free…let me know.  Come and get it…I would be so happy.  I can send pics.  But I know that it will all go…I am going to list it all on Used Victoria for extremely cheap.  Its sure a heck of a lot cheaper than hiring someone to haul it all away and pay them like five hundred bucks for the honour.

Last night (Thursday eve) Aunty Orma and Uncle Gordon and Emily and brother Stan came for dinner.  I roasted up a big prime rib with all the fixings.  For dessert I made a lemon pineapple trifle.  Mmmm so good.  Stan spent the night and this morning I fried up leftovers and made hash.  Yummy!  I don't know about the roast, I didn't eat any.  I just can't seem to eat meat any more.  Makes me pukey.

 Its really interesting to spend time with a couple of (favourite) older family members.  Aunty Orma and Uncle Gordon belong to the religion we grew up in and I have a thousand questions.  As an adult looking back I find I am very curious about a lot of things that happened and what that religion is all about.  Its very very different than any other I have ever heard of.  And in the process of drilling them (poor folks) I learned a lot about my own immediate family and history.  Absolutely fascinating and I want to hear more!  They will be back! 

 I am bribing them with a leg of lamb dinner. Now that Monte isn't here and I don't eat anything but tomato soup and baloney sandwiches with the odd salad thrown in, I can afford to feed company!  I have  decided not to pack the company dishes and serving bowls until the day before I am leaving!

I managed to practice piano and pack more of purple room today.  Slowly she goes!  Off to bed now.  TTYL

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


This weekend April and I were recounting to the girls how, when we were in Paris, we were looking for one particular macaron/bakery.  The name of the place is Laduree, pronounced 'Lawderay'.  We could NOT find it.

Finally, following online instructions, we went to the indicated corner of a fairly large shopping centre/building.  All along we asked shop keepers "do you know where Laduree is?"  The response invariably was, shoulder shrug, hands splayed out, and a shake of the head accompanied with a "non non (then gibberish)".  At the last shop kiosk we asked again and again got the usual response, when April suddenly noticed a Laduree kiosk/shop right behind the shopkeeper.  She pointed and said 'there it is!!!!'.  The shopkeeper turned around and goes "Accchhhh!  Laghchderrrrraaay!  Oui Oui!!" Okay, come on now.  Other than rude back of the throat noises added in she said it exactly the same way we did.  Obnoxious!  This happened everywhere that we asked for direction…words like hotel, or the name of the next town, restaurant… one understood…on purpose I am sure.

Anyway, I told the girls I would put some pics on here so you could see the place.  We walked a ways down the main street from that kiosky one to the actual big real one…which they were renovating.  Wouldn't you know!!  But we got a general idea.  I also saw one in Covent Garden on a later trip so I have included a couple of pics from there too.  So here they are.  TTYL





Tuesday, January 20, 2015


What a lovely weekend.  Friday night I did laundry, made some beds, did a little cleaning and stayed up waaay too late.  I am developing a bad habit of staying up til three in the morning but I tend to still wake up at seven.  Then I get too tired too soon in the day.

Saturday April was first to arrive.  She was meeting Andrew to take care of the car business.  Of course she was a tad worried.  She hadn't really seen Andrew since it all went down a year ago.  And the poor guy was  understandably pretty upset.  So off she trepidatiously went.  She returned home an hour later.  It went really really well.  He was a true gentleman.  I had a feeling he would be.  Andrew has a tremendous amount of integrity, and it certainly showed on Saturday.  They were able to visit a bit and forge into a new and better friendship.  They will never be besties but they for sure are not going to be enemies.  That is so much healthier and better for everyone and it took his integrity to make that happen.

Soon after Shannon and Amanda arrived.  What a truly wonderful pair of ladies they are.  I just love them.  They bring so much life and love and laughter to our lives.  I know that Bill was particularly fond of them.  They visited pretty frequently in his last couple of months and it meant the world to him.  He was so very proud of Mandy and her incredible accomplishments.  And he was so grateful to reconnect with Shannon.  Bill always had a soft spot for them, going right back to when the kids spent a good deal of time with us when they were little.  Shannon was very quiet and (I don't know if she would like this description LOL) very sweet.  Mandy and Aryn and Jennifer were spunky as hell.  But little Shannon seemed so vulnerable and shy.  You just wanted to pick her up and hug her.  They certainly added a lot to our lives back then and it seems they are going to add lots to our lives now!!!  I hope they come and visit as often as possible.  And when I move it will be a lot cheaper to visit up in Kamloops.

We had so much fun and amazing visits.  On Sunday my Auntie Orma and Uncle Gordon came for coffee and we all had such an awesome time with them.  So much to say!!!!  And before they left Emily and Little Dorothy arrived.  And then, and this is the part I LOVE, after Orma and Gordon left, the six of us ladies sat in a circle in the  living room and we conversed…loudly and opinioned, forcefully and it was fantastic!!!  Fortunately we were all on the same side of the fence on the topics!!  Except for the sunscreen convo.  I hate sunscreen.  I would rather go in the house early than put on sunscreen and stay out longer.  Hahaha…and I was definitely the only one on the wrong side of that fence.  

Sadly Mandy and Shannon had to catch a ferry so had to leave.  They were sorely missed.  Later, after even more visiting Emily had to get home.  She has to get up so early to go to work and she has a heck of a lot on her plate right now.  Dorothy stayed overnight and April took her home on the nine ferry this morning.  What a wonderful weekend!

And today I didn't do much.  I practiced piano and did the first start on packing up my purple room.  And then I had the most exciting amazing surprise ever!!!  The phone rang, not a number I recognized.  And it turned out to be Austin!!!!  He is living with his Gramma in Kelowna and he is truly missed here.  Victoria feels a little empty without him here.  But he is doing exactly what he needs to do right now.  We had a great long talky call and then……..he invited me to join him in Vancouver on April 8, and he is taking me to the Vogue, for probably the only concert I would want to go to at this time in my life.  Sebastian and Belle and Perfume Genius!!!!!!!!  I know most of you won't know them but Perfume Genius is the most amazing music I have encountered ever.  I think I will faint when I see them.  So what a truly exciting gift!  And to go with Austin is so special. I can't wait!!!

Monte is coming home tomorrow.  We are going to pack up the garage.  With him here and so willing, he can run out to get more boxes and wrapping stuff etc…he doesn't mind doing stuff like that.  I will be so happy to have that garage all done.

Now here it is two thirty Tuesday morning.  Once again I have overstayed my Monday.  TTYL

Friday, January 16, 2015


Well I did it again.  I was flying around the house doing things.  I needed to go to the garage to put some vegetables that don't fit in the fridge ( you may remember we named that monstrous thing Bill).  You would think stuff would fit but guess what? IT DOESN'T!!!!  Its like a purse, no matter how big you go its always full to the top.

So arms loaded, I fling the front door open and fly out the door, totally forgetting that I had dragged the giant garden wagon down to the front door, full of everything that was in the car.  And dumb me, I had pulled it right across the doorway. (partly to keep the dogs from sneaking out)  And, of course, completely forgot.  And boy did I bail, hard.  This time I did go ass over teakettle.  As I was heading south at an alarming speed, I had a nano second to remember something Spod taught me.  If a fall is inevitable, curl up, land on your side and roll.  So thats exactly what I did.  I hit the cement on the other side of the wagon, basically in the fetal position, on my left side and immediately rolled….into the garden and onto a broken jagged glass non working solar lamp.  The vegetables ended up all over the place including on me.

  Parker, freaking out, leapt over the wagon and landed right on top of me!  That hurt more than the damn fall.  He got off me then started to lick my face and head bash me over and over until I had to yell at him to leave me alone.  And then…he proceeded to move one inch away from me, squat and take a long giant pee!  What the hell!!?? He was like two inches from my head!  So I decided to just lay there for a while and relax and think about the lovely weekend I am going to have.  You never know…I didn't want to go into that shock I talked about.  I think though that I have become kind of immune…this is happening way too often.  I honestly did not see that stupid wagon in time.  I don't see things below my chin(s) very well.  Sigh.

Today was kind of fun.  But there are too many things that I want to tell Spod about.  Its frustrating to get all excited about something on his behalf and then realize there will be no telling him.  Anyway you won't believe what I got for dinner.  A Swanson's Hungry Man salisbury steak dinner!!!  Hahaha!!  I LOVE tv dinners.  They are tasty, not overly huge and I love divided plates.  I keep them and use them for as long as is healthy.  Mmmmmm and for desert I had a baloney sandwich.  Best dinner ever.  TTYL

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I seriously don't know why but I have been particularly cranky and impatient lately.  The poor dogs are hiding from me and I am pretty sure a few inanimate objects would hide if they only could.  Everything is annoying me.  Especially the dogs.  Molly is basically okay but frigging Parker is driving me nuts.  He is constantly wanting out.  He disappears.  He pees for three solid minutes (I timed him).  Like right now.  Its one thirty in the morning and he comes and bashes and bashes me until I get up and let him out.  Then he is gone for at least twenty minutes.  And he will be doing it all over again in two hours and then two hours after that.  I    am    DONE!!!!!!!

I have been practising.  But I am afraid my piano music ended up all over the living room in a childish fit of rage.  I started to pack out in the garage but things, a lot of things, were being flung into a garbage can to be taken to the dump.  Its dangerous…I had best just sit in a chair and not move or think.

And that brings me to another annoyance.  I got a fine from the District today.  Unbeknownst to me as of Jan 1st we were not allowed to put scraps and compost in the garbage.  I did not know.  I understand metro Van. has done that but I had no idea stupid Alpine started to do this.  You see, the mayor of Langford owns everything.  He owns the umbrella company called Alpine…you know,  Alpine Credits and Alpine everything else.  So this guy owns the only garbage pickup in Langford and isn't really allowing anything else to develop.  So for a hundred bucks a month I get a garbage can and weekly pickup.  And now I am informed I have to spend another five bucks to rent a compost can.  Jeez!  And the pages of rules on what goes where that came with the fine is ridiculous.  Oh well at least we don't have bears.

Actually I think I know whats wrong.  My house is waaaay too clean.  Every corner except the garage is organized and clean.  And it stays that way with just me in it.  The kitchen doesn't even get dirty.  And with the housekeeper coming every week its squeaky clean.  And that makes me nervous.  I am used to battling mess.  It used to be a full time job.  Now I look around and literally there is nothing to do.  But…there is always the garage.  That keeps  me grounded  somewhat!

I have very special company coming this weekend.  I am so excited!  I shall reveal who this weekend…just in case things fall through.  So I am going to make some plans, do a little baking and dust off the wine bottles in the corner.  Plus I need to go down and make some beds.

So I am signing off here.  Cranky pants needs to go to sleep.  Its just too easy to stay up all night…especially when you know a certain animal is going to bash you awake in a couple of hours.  TTYL  (random pics today)






Monday, January 12, 2015


Awesome day again today.  I slept in a little and watched Downton and put stuff away.  In other words, did nothing.

Emily came over around twoish and we had a lovely chat, listening to records and catching up on all things Christmas and family.  She did some laundry and around four we headed over to Dorothy's.

It was so wonderful to see Auntie Orma and Uncle Gordon.  Its comforting to see the old guard and we sat around the dining room table and had a wonderful supper and reminisced.  I heard stories of things from when I was teeny tiny and I remembered a lot of stories when I was older.  Our lives have always been very very intertwined.  I loved it.  All of it.

We left at nine…Em has to work tomorrow.  In the morning I have Beakins coming to give me a moving estimate and Em is coming back out tomorrow night for dinner and we need to finish our conversation.  Tuesday Dane, my awesome handsome real estate dude is coming out in the afternoon.  I feel good about all this.  Its moving forward, slowly but surely.  TTYL

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I was at Cookie's yesterday for a while before heading to the ferry.  And as usual had a really good unwinding time.  Brian came home and it was so good to see them both.  But…Brian might have regretted it, in fact he took off before I left…back to the golf course.  Cook and I were visiting and the topic of the Fat Lady Store and bras came up.

I was telling her how I had had a lovely conversation with Myle's mom Helen and that part of the convo was about the fact that bras at the Fat Lady Store were buy one get one free.  Now when bras are between forty and fifty bucks, thats a deal you don't want to overlook.  So I unthinkingly launched into my bra rant, poor Brian.

  And if anyone who is reading this is uncomfortable with the topic, please stop reading here.  I have decided that I am going to post even those posts that may not be appropriate for everyone…but I promise I will warn you so the choice to have your mind besmirched can be your own.  So, be warned!

 I went to the Victoria store here before going over to Vancouver and before I knew I was broke for the next couple of months.  I think I have mentioned this before but when you go to Europe and Britain, women's breasts over there are real.  Their shape is the shape the woman is born with.  They are soft and real and swingy.  But here, in North America, there is a very noticeable difference…at least out there in skinny broad land.

  I noticed about a decade ago the cloth bras disappeared and along with it the real breast shape.  In its place the padded foam bra.  This foam bra makes your breast its shape, not yours.  It makes sure there are no perkies (accidental nippleage…which is pretty natural now and then). Every skinny broad in north america ended up with identical unnatural unmoving breasts.

Note…skinny broads, not us big and curvy ones.  We, fortunately, still had real cloth options, allowing our 'girls' to fill them out and look natural.  That is until the other day.  I sashayed confidently into the store with renewing my bra stash in mind.  The back wall is covered with every imaginable colour and size.  And guess what?  Every single one was a foamy firm shaped bra…not one cloth one to be seen.  I was horrified!  I cannot wear one of those!  I panicked!!! 

 The lady that works there saw my distress and dashed over (rather she waddled over) and asked if she could help.  Yes, I answered, get me a real bra.  She was convinced that she would find one that was just right.  I was convinced I would not.  So I challenged her.  I told her that as the bra gets bigger around, the cup gets bigger in size.  Just because I am a 46 incher around doesn't mean that I will fit in the cup that comes with that circumference.  You have to understand here that when the foam bra is laying on the table the cups stand up firmly like there is a person in it.  The bras I wear don't, they lay flat until something fills it out.

So she found my colour and she found my 46 inch circumference and she picked the smallest cup size they had.  Off I went and after a ten minute struggle putting it on (new bras are hard cuz you have to keep changing the length of the straps til its right) I finally got it properly on.  And, just as I had predicted, I DO NOT fill the cup.  My chest just pooled in the bottom of the cups leaving the top part empty.  Ridiculous!!!  The cups could totally dint in and stay dinted in.  When I put my tshirt on it looked like someone had taken a giant icecream scoop and scooped out my chests.  I showed the clerk and no matter what she brought they didn't work.  She finally admitted defeat. 

 I would go braless but I need somewhere to put my phone, I don't carry a purse. Mind you, now that I think of it, my giant iphone 6 plus would fit better in a two thirds empty bra cup.  Sorry Brian. I didn't mean to rant on such a personal subject.

I got home last night to a very cold house and a very lonely bunny.  He thumped and thumped for a long time.  Parker isn't doing so well.  I have had to help him walk and go outside.  Tonight though he seems to be doing a little better with his hind end.  Damn inbreeding!  Poor guy's hips are giving out.

Today was my fave day.  Didn't get dressed, stayed on my laptop too long, played my piano, played with my doggies and watched crap tv.  A good day was had by all.  TTYL

Friday, January 9, 2015


Well the last couple of days have flown by so quickly.  Dinner with the kids at On Lok was great.  Caught up on all the news and had us some fine Asian Cuisine!  Nothing beats beef black bean crispy noodles!

The next morning April and I went up to the bank to finally take care of Bill's death and the obvious changes that needed to happen.  We were in there 2 and 1/2 hours!!!  I couldn't believe how long it took and how complicated.  But there was one consequence that happened that we didn't fore see. The LOC.  The moment the bank knew of Bill's death, that LOC was completely shut down.  It means that I would have to reapply, right from scratch.  And due to some other circumstances, I am pretty sure that until I get the Victoria house sold I would not qualify.

And, that, for the next three months was where my income was coming from.  But not anymore!  So whilst my net asset balance is more than adequate for years to come, until Victoria sells, I am totally cash poor…in fact I have basically barely enough for the basics.  Back to poorsville.  This will mean no more dinners out, no more ferry trips and, as I told my brother tonight, (and I need to tell my sister but couldn't get hold of her) no trip to Maui. I now need to spend the next six weeks getting the house ready to list.  Fortunately I have the money I designated for the kitchen and bathroom set aside. But its going to be a very tight month or two.  

And that brings me to another point….I spent over half of my adult life being very very poor.  I picked up skills…I know how to steal rolls of toilet paper out of people's (ones I know of course)cars.  I know how to make tasty meals out of all those strange tin cans in the back of the cupboard.  And maybe I will craigslist and sell all those pieces of furniture I was going to donate to the sally ann.  Being poor just means you work a little more and I am definitely up for that!

Today I had lunch with Clare.  Unfortunately Tish couldn't make it.  It was so good to see Clare and April joined us and we had such a lovely visiting time.  We so strongly associate Bill with Clare and its so comforting to see him and spend some time. I wish I was here more often.

Tonight I met Aryn for dinner at a greek place.  Mmmmmm food was so good.  And she and I put our heads together and crunched numbers.  She came up with a few creative ideas that we will put in place as the next little while goes by.  She is truly my whiz financial planner.

Now I am in bed in the hotel.  Monte is out with friends and I am planning on getting up and going to get the dogs at nine in the morning.  Then I shall go out to Cookie's for a visit before hitting the ferry home.  I don't want to go home.  TTYL

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


So far I have only had moments of intensely missing Spod which after a little while passes.  Something will have triggered finding his old sweater.  But right now I am checked into our usual hotel here in Vancouver and its kind of awful.  I have been here since he died but Monte was with me and that made it easier.  But now I feel really by myself.  I feel kind of bad, no, I feel really bad that I was so annoyed with him so much of the time.  By now if he were with me today, I would be pissed off because he stunk up the bathroom, or that he lay down and started snoring, or spread his potions and ointments all over the bathroom space or……I was so busy being annoyed that I didn't realize how much his company was so needed.  Hotel rooms simply suck when you are by yourself.  I really really miss him and would give anything to do that part over.  I want him back.

I left the house this morning around 8:30.  Yesterday I spent the entire day re watching Downton Abbey.  It had been a long time since watching it.  In between episodes I would pause it for an hour and speed clean and do chores.  I got a huge amount done!  I had to leave the house ready for the housekeeper, put out all the recycling, put out the garbage, do the dishes, blah blah blah.  Last week the housekeeper arrived fifteen minutes late and left fifteen minutes early.  So I left a pretty stringent note with a list of extra stuff she can do to fill in the two hours.  I pay her twenty bucks an hour (two over her asking) and I expect to get two hours.  We will see.

I am meeting Aryn and Myles and April tonight for dinner.  There is a special Chinese food place Myles and his father like so we are going to go there.  I am not hungry yet.  On the ferry I actually went to the buffet and paid the twenty bucks.  The food was okay, I wasn't really hungry, but the peace and quiet was worth every dime.  I spent the whole time up there with my laptop and phone, reading my sci fi books I have downloaded.  Very peaceful.  And being alone on the ferry I am used to.  Spod just slept in the vehicle when we were on the ferry.  But this staying in the hotel alone is going to get some getting used to.

Well I shall report back tomorrow.  Claire, if you are reading this, I shall call you tomorrow afternoon about lunch on Thursday!  You can always call me too on that number you have.  If one doesn't work the other one will.  I can't wait to see you two!  TTYL

Monday, January 5, 2015


I was appreciating the comments on the previous post.  My conclusion?  A brainless asshole dog is a total waste of space.  The owners are humans, dumb thoughtless ones for sure but still human.  A dog, on the other hand, is totally expendable.  And if dog lovers are offended by this thought…well you don't need to read my blog.  LOL!!!  I will never ever change my mind.  And if I run into any other endless brainless barking jerks, I shall be feeling the same way about them.

  But, that being said, I seem to really like 'other people's' dogs. (the not barking ones)   I was looking through my pics the other day and I seem to have an awful lot of pictures of dogs I have encountered around the world.  And I must admit that I have grown pretty attached to the two critters in my house.  Sigh.  And now that I have capitulated and started to love them, they are getting really really old and won't be around for much longer.  You can't win.

I had the most ridiculous thing happen tonight.  Thank god there are no cameras around.  I had a large laundry basket of clothes to go down stairs.  I scooped it up and started down the stairs and my slippered foot totally slipped off the edge of the second or third stair.  To compensate for the very sudden unexpected lack of ground purchase,  I threw my arms straight up in the air and quickly sat down on the top stair (as opposed to going ass over tea kettle…and at my size and age that wouldn't have been pretty) The very packed laundry basket exploded clothing everywhere and the basket flipped upside down and landed on my head.  And then…I slid, rather rapidly, right to the bottom.   It happened so damned fast I didn't have time to even think!  I sat crumpled on the bottom stair, basket on head in a heap of dirty rank shock.  But then, after tossing the stupid basket off my head, I started to laugh, which after a minute or two turned to crying then back to laughing.

Now I did take industrial first aid once and I never forgot the story about the guy who had something very shocking happen to him and he seemed fine but when he didn't show up at his house next door they found him dead, half way home…from shock.  I do believe that was kind of what I was feeling right then…supreme shock.  Then…right in the middle of all this stupid silly drama I had a uncontrollable coughing spasm.  So holding my eyeballs so they wouldn't pop out, coughing so hard I got a terrible charlie horse in my right rib cage, I managed to stand up and dash to the nearest chair to sit…the only way I can get rid of a charlie horse.  It took a full five minutes for me to get my sh-t together enough to get the laundry going.  I would sincerely like just one drama free day.

I practised the piano.  Its hard.  The way my piano is made, the music sits up very high.  And I have to read the music through the lower part of my bi focal glasses.  AND I have to shut my right eye.  Any close work, like right now typing this, I have to shut my right eye or everything is double.  So when I am sitting there playing, my head is cricked way back most uncomfortably, head cocked to one side, one eye shut.  Seriously…its hard enough playing under normal circumstances, but head contortions and double vision are going to make this a true challenge.  And I know I look ridiculous whilst playing…so maybe no concerts for people after all.  You lucky folks that may come to visit!

Tomorrow I must go to Home Depot and pick up the tile I bought for the bathroom.  They have been phoning me for two weeks now…the calls getting increasingly insistent.  They probably don't want to store them there anymore.  And I do believe its time to go to the counter place and get that ball rolling.  I miss Spod.  I didn't realize how much I depended on his nagging me into action.  He would be horrified at how long it has taken me to go get the tile and order the counter.  All I ever did was complain about his nagging, I didn't realize how much I actually needed it.

Well I think I shall put a comma in it here (as my mom always said)  I have a headache…I spent a great portion of today reading, thus one eye shut, and that is getting sore and tired.  TTYL

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I am.  The neighbour's dog.  I am going to kill him.  I just know its a him.  I freaking hate that dog.  Now the owners just throw him out in the morning and don't take him back him til nine at night.  And he barks the whole twelve hours.  I was going to keep a barking log to take to court but I don't need to..he barks twelve hours a day, non stop.  It takes so long to do things legally.  And I can think of lots of illegal things to do.  But first I do believe that when I get back from Vancouver, if he is still barking all day I am going to go down to their house and pound on their door. It's just not healthy to constantly have visions of gruesome ways to slowly kill him dancing in my head all the time.

So if anyone out there in blogland is reading this, and you own a freak head non stop barking dog, and you leave him outside all day, let me educate you on this.  Everybody within earshot of your house HATES YOU AND YOUR DOG.  We are puzzled out here on why you think WE WANT TO HEAR YOUR FREAK HEAD DOG ALL DAY LONG.  If your dog suddenly dies, please know it will be me that has caused it.

This negativity is probably not the best way to start the new year.  Aside from asshat dog, we had a really relaxing day at home.  No one was feeling all that great so we just played music, read books and played with kids.  Tonight after kids were in bed Tandy, Kevin and I played one of his board games.  Fun!  

Now its time to go forage for a snack.  I am hungry and I do believe there is a left over veggie sammich with my name on it.  TTYL

ps  Hey Shannon I don't have your email. email it to me!!!!  (and anyone else that feels like it!)



Tandy and I spent the evening having a lovely visit.  Her poor voice is all croaky and she is coughing too.  But we were so immersed in our conversation we didn't even know that twelve o'clock came and went.  Kevin is downtown with friends at the game cafe.  He will be in heaven…playing the new year in with board games.

I went out this morning to do the shopping for dinner tonight.  Half way through Costco I thought I had best get hold of Dorothy to let her know that we are all coughing our lungs up and they just may want to steer clear of us right now.  And they did just that.  We will post pone our dinner to a healthier date.

So, now for the resolution.  After perusing a jillion more suggestions, I finally figured out one of my own.  Piano.  I am going to spend a half hour minimum on the piano every day I am at home and no company.  I am going to sort out all the old pieces I need to practise, one at a time, and pick a new one to work on at the same time.  That way I can work on two pieces everyday.  I am looking forward to it.  I love playing the piano and I have lots of new stuff to go through.  And when you finish (whatever that means) a piece, you have to play it at least once everyday to keep it up.  So my half hour might become longer.  Now when people come to visit they will have to sit through a mini concert!

I have made the reservations for my trip to Vancouver next week.  I went to the bank the other day to deposit a cheque from the government for 'the Estate of William Heyman'  They said it couldn't go into his normal account and when they found out he had died and I hadn't been in to tell them yet they got really mad.  Threatened to freeze all the accounts.  Jeez!  then I got mad.  So I went out to the car and phoned the lady who signed us all up at Edgemont in North Van.  And I couldn't believe it but she answered the phone!  She calmed it all down and I am going in to see her next week.

And that means, hopefully, a lunch with Claire and Tish!!!!  So Claire if you are reading this, I shall be calling and setting up a lunch date!  I would love to see you two again.  Probably on Thursday if possible.  I will call.

Now its time for bed.  My coughing is getting stupid.  My ribs and stomach hurt from it.  TTYL